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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Noticeably colder air mass arrives in the overnight hours*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will move today from the central Gulf coastal region toward the Mid-Atlantic and the result here will be clouds and possible showers, Shower activity should end this evening as drier and noticeably colder air arrives from our northwest. In fact, low temperatures late tonight are likely to be in the 20’s and it’ll only warm to the lower or middle 40’s on Thursday. A warming trend will begin at week’s end and we should climb back towards 60 degrees for afternoon highs on Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another cold night coming with overnight lows near the 30 degree for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

A warm front pushed northward through the region on Thursday and this boundary zone will drop back to our south later today and it’ll result in some drying across the Tennessee Valley. It’ll stay quite cool on the north side of this front for the next few days with late night lows not far from 30 degrees. On Monday, milder air will push into the region and we’ll get back to the middle 60’s for highs, but with the warmup will come a chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 20's for lows tomorrow night following passage of next cold front*

Paul Dorian

A warm front pushes northward today into the region and this system will generate some shower activity as it slows down to a crawl. As a result of its stalling, the chance of showers will continue into early Friday, but the chances will decrease later in the day as the frontal boundary zone shifts back to the south as a cool front. Temperatures will dip into the 20’s on Friday night and will remain on the cool side as we begin the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Sunny and cool today...increased chance of showers later in the week*

Paul Dorian

After the passage of a cold front, northwest flow will take over today and high pressure will shift into the lower Mississippi Valley region. A slightly cooler air mass arrives on the heels of the front and high temperatures will likely be confined to the 50 degree mark. A warm front pushes northward into the area later in the week and it’ll bring us an increased chance of showers.

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7:00 AM | *Breezy, chilly conditions to start the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over Texas will shift eastward today to a position over the Gulf of Mexico generating chilly, dry and breezy conditions in the Tennessee Valley. A weak cold front will push into the region later Tuesday and it’ll turn a bit milder ahead of it. High pressure will build back into the Southeast US at mid-week resulting in more dry, chilly weather for the region.

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7:00 AM | *Low-to-mid 40's for afternoon highs on both weekend days*

Paul Dorian

After the passage of a cold front, it’ll turn colder for the next few days and the breeze will become quite noticeable as well. Temperatures today will struggle to reach the 50 degree mark and then will be confined to the low and middle 40’s for highs this weekend. Another front will cross the region by Monday keeping us on the cool side as we begin the new work week.

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1:30 PM (Thursday) | *Cold front arrives tomorrow night with strong upper-level support…rain and a possible thunderstorm in the Mid-Atlantic…breezy and cold for the weekend with possible snow showers*

Paul Dorian

An energetic stretch of weather is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region with the arrival of a strong cold front on Friday night that will lead to periods of rain and a possible thunderstorm or two. On Saturday, deepening low pressure in the upper atmosphere will pass overhead leading to somewhat unsettled conditions with increasing winds and a possible snow shower or two. The air turns colder on Saturday and the wind will become noticeable out of the northwest and snow showers will be possible at any time. While there will be some sunshine on Sunday, winds will remain quite noticeable and it’ll remain on the chilly side in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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