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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **It'll turn much colder around here by the latter stages of the upcoming weekend**

Paul Dorian

A battle in the atmosphere continues this week with Arctic air to the north and west and a warmer air mass to our south and southeast. The Arctic air to the north is associated with a deep upper-level low over the northern US and southern Canada and the warmth to the southeast of here is associated with an expanding ridge of high pressure. Milder air wins out it in the Tennessee Valley for the next couple of days, but it turns much colder by the latter stages of the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Mild for the next couple of days, but the colder air wins out this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A battle in the atmosphere will take place this week with Arctic air to the north and a warmer air mass to our south and southeast. The Arctic air to the north is associated with a deep upper-level low over the northern US and southern Canada and the warmth to the southeast of here is associated with a ridge of high pressure. Milder air wins out it appears for the Tennessee Valley for the next couple of days, but then it turns noticeably colder this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A flirtation with the 60 degree mark today, but much colder air is on the horizon*

Paul Dorian

A battle in the atmosphere will take place this week with Arctic air to our north and a warmer air mass to our south and southeast. After a chilly end to the weekend, it’ll turn out milder today and temperatures should climb all the way into the upper 50’s. It should be rain-free as we begin the new week, but the chance of showers will increase on Tuesday as a system to our west slides into the Tennessee Valley. Much colder weather is likely to arrive by week’s end in the Tennessee Valley following the passage of a strong cold front.

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12:15 PM (Friday) | ****Accumulating snow on the way for the Mid-Atlantic with several inches on the table…active, cold pattern to continue well into Feb. with additional snow threats****

Paul Dorian

Moderate cold air will follow the passage of a cold front for the upcoming weekend and attention will turn to the Gulf of Mexico and the southeastern states where a lot of moisture will be gathering. A storm will develop near the South Carolina coastline by early Saturday night and move to a position off the New Jersey coastline by mid-day Sunday. This system is likely to bring another round of accumulating snow to the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor from later Saturday night into Sunday morning with several inches on the table. Looking ahead, very cold air will pour into the interior Northwest, Northern Plains, Upper Midwest and Great Lakes next week and the overall active weather pattern will bring additional snow threats to the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Turns colder again as we close out the work week...lows near 30 degrees in the overnight*

Paul Dorian

A chilly air mass has moved into the region as we close out the work week and despite plenty of sunshine, it’ll be a struggle to make it to the 50 degree mark for afternoon highs. It’ll turn a bit milder this weekend, but a disturbance dropping into the Arklatex region will bring back the chance of showers of rain on Saturday and rain and/or snow showers on Saturday night. It does look milder early next week as zonal flow takes over in the upper part of the atmosphere. The overall pattern turns colder again by mid-week and it could be a period of sustained below-normal conditions for the Tennessee Valley

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12:20 PM (Thursday) | ***A wintry mess possible late tonight/early Friday...late weekend storm threat for the Mid-Atlantic region…cold pattern locks in for much of the nation by later next week***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is impacting the Upper Midwest today with accumulating snow from Iowa to Wisconsin and it’ll push into the southeastern part of Canada by later tomorrow. A trailing strong cold front will slide into the eastern US on Friday and there can be a wintry mess of snow, sleet and/or freezing rain ahead of it in some suburban locations of the I-95 corridor from late tonight into early Friday. By later Friday, it’ll turn mild enough for just plain rain showers in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and temperatures will likely climb into the 40’s.

Moderate cold air will follow the cold frontal passage for the upcoming weekend and attention will turn to the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast US where a lot of moisture will be gathering. A storm will develop in the southeastern states by early Saturday night and - depending on the interaction of two separate waves of energy aloft - it could end up pushing far enough to the north and east to have an impact the Mid-Atlantic region with accumulating snow - perhaps mixed with rain at times - from late Saturday night into mid-day Sunday. Looking ahead, very cold air will pour into the interior Northwest, Northern Plains, Upper Midwest and Great Lakes early next week and it looks like it will then spread to the Mid-Atlantic region at mid-week - potentially setting us up for an extended period of colder-than-normal conditions…and likely additional snow threats.

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7:00 AM | *Milder today with a chance of showers...turns colder tonight and Friday following frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn milder today ahead of the next frontal system, but there will also be an increased chance of showers. That threat for showers will continue tonight and on Friday, but with colder air moving in, there can be a mix of rain and snow showers in the Tennessee Valley. After a bit of a warm up on Saturday, there will be a glancing blow of cold air by the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *On the chilly side for another 24 hours, but it turns milder on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure controls the weather for another day, but it’ll remain on the chilly side despite some sunshine. “Radiational cooling” conditions will quite favorable tonight with clear skies, calm winds, and cold air in place and late night lows will drop to near 30 degrees. It’ll turn milder on Thursday ahead of the next frontal system, but there will also be an increased chance of showers.

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7:00 AM | **A very chilly 48-hour stretch for northern Alabama**

Paul Dorian

High pressure is building into the region today, but it’ll remain on the chilly side with a noticeable breeze. Strong low pressure meandering off the Mid-Atlantic coastline is resulting in a strong pressure gradient in the area between it and the incoming high pressure system. It won’t be quite as harsh on Wednesday with high pressure in place, but temperatures tomorrow night will drop noticeably as there will be favorable “radiational cooling” conditions with clear skies and calmer winds.

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7:00 AM | *A chilly day following cold frontal passage...lows late tonight way down in the middle 20's*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will intensify today near the Carolina coastline and will keep us on the chilly side as low-level northerly winds continue in the area. High temperatures later today will be confined to the 40’s and they’ll drop back to the middle 20’s in the overnight hours. A warming trend will begin at week’s end and we should climb back towards 60 degrees for afternoon highs on Sunday.

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