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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

6:00 AM | ****Severe weather a big threat today and tonight in northern Alabama/southern Tennessee...severe thunderstorms can come in 3 different rounds from this morning through the evening hours****

Paul Dorian

A very active day and night is coming to the Tennessee Valley with the chance of numerous severe thunderstorms containing damaging wind gusts and heavy rain. In addition to the threat of damaging winds and heavy rain, hail and even isolated tornadoes are on the table from later this morning through the evening hours. The unsettled weather is being caused in part by a very strong upper-level low pressure system that is now moving east from the middle of the country. Strong surface low pressure will develop over the OK/TX Panhandles later today as this upper-level feature passes overhead. Southwesterly flow aloft in this area will increase moisture levels and - as a warm front pushes to the north - showers and thunderstorms are likely to break out in the Tennessee Valley and they may come in three different waves.

Round 1 may take place in the morning hours as a warm front pushes northward through the region. Later today and following the passage of the warm front, round 2 will take place with scattered convection in a warm and humid air mass. Finally, another line of storms can develop tonight ahead of an advancing cold frontal system. The bottom line…all of northern Alabama and southern Tennessee needs to prepare for the potential of numerous severe storms through the day and evening hours.

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7:00 AM | ***Severe weather a big threat on Wednesday and Wednesday night***

Paul Dorian

Showers and thunderstorms will remain a threat in the area for the next couple of days and there can be some severe weather on Wednesday and Wednesday night. The combination of strong surface low pressure to our west on Wednesday, a northward advancing warm front and a deep upper-level will bring the chance for numerous severe storms on Wednesday into Wednesday night across northern Alabama and southern Tennessee. The passage of a cool front later in the week will bring us some drying and it’ll turn noticeably cooler by Friday afternoon with highs likely confined to the upper 50’s.

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7:00 AM | *A wet start to the new with scattered showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The new work week will get off to a wet start as a cold front pushes through the Tennessee Valley and likely generates showers and thunderstorms. This frontal system is associated with the deep upper-level trough that contributed to the big snowstorm this weekend across the central/northern Rockies. Another trough will follow on its heels tracking from west-to-east and keep us unsettled into mid-week with additional showers and thunderstorms possible and some of the rain can be heavy at times. The passage of a cool front will bring us some drying by the end of the week and it’ll turn noticeably cooler with highs by Friday afternoon likely confined to the middle 50’s.

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7:00 AM | *It stays unseasonably mild here right into early next week*

Paul Dorian

Unseasonably warm weather will continue in the Tennessee Valley for the next several days. Strong high pressure remains stationed over the western Atlantic Ocean and it has promoted this warm up across the eastern states by producing a broad southwesterly flow of air on its backside. Temperatures over the next several days are likely to climb into the 70’s across northern Alabama and this is above the norm for the middle of March which is right around 63 degrees for the Huntsville area. One final note, this weekend is the time once again to turn the clocks ahead by one hour as we switch back to daylight savings time.

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7:00 AM | *Unseasonably warm weather pattern continues across the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

An unseasonably warm weather pattern will continue here for the next several days. Strong high pressure is drifting over the western Atlantic Ocean and it has promoted this warm up across the eastern states by producing a broad southwesterly flow of air on its backside. Temperatures over the next several days are likely to peak at 70 degrees or above across northern Alabama and this is well above the norm for this time of year which is right around 63 degrees for the Huntsville area.

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7:00 AM | *Warmer weather pattern across northern Alabama to continue into the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure that first formed over central Canada last week has drifted southeastward over the past few days to a position over the western Atlantic Ocean. As a result, clockwise winds on the back side of the high have produced a broad southwesterly flow of air and temperatures have responded here in a noticeably higher manner. This warm up will continue around here right into the upcoming weekend with daily highs mainly at or above 70 degrees. One final note about the weekend, we turn the clocks ahead early Sunday morning.

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7:00 AM | *Upper 70's possible here by the end of the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure that first formed over central Canada last week has drifted southeastward over the past few days to a position over the western Atlantic Ocean. As a result, clockwise winds on the back side of the high have produced a broad flow of air from the southwest-to-the northeast and temperatures have responded noticeably higher across the eastern half of the nation. This warm up will intensity around here over the next few days with temperatures likely climbing to the upper 70’s by week’s end.

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7:00 AM | *Big warm up this week could bring temperatures to 75 degrees*

Paul Dorian

High pressure that first formed over central Canada has drifted southeastward over the past few days and it will emerge out over the western Atlantic Ocean by tomorrow. As a result, clockwise winds on the back side of the high have produced a broad flow of air from the southwest-to-the northeast and temperatures have responded noticeably higher across the central Plains and Midwest. This warm up will expand into the eastern states by tomorrow afternoon and it’ll stay on the warm side of normal for much of the remainder of the week. In fact, 70 degrees is possible for highs here by Wednesday afternoon and temperatures should be able to climb well up into the 70’s on Thursday and Friday.

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7:00 AM | *Warm up next week brings temperatures back to the 70's*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure across southern Canada will shift eastward this weekend to a position over the western Atlantic Ocean by early next week. As a result, southwest winds on the back side of the high will promote a major warming trend in much of the eastern half of the nation during the first half of next week. The warm up will first begin on Sunday/Monday in the central states and then shift to the eastern US by Tuesday/Wednesday. Temperatures here in northern Alabama will climb to 60 degrees by later this weekend and then likely into the lower 70’s by the time we reach the middle of next week.

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3:00 PM (Thursday) | *Big warm up next week for the eastern half of the nation…first begins in the central US and then expands into the eastern states by Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday*

Paul Dorian

A strong and cold Canadian high pressure system will dominate the weather scene over the next few days in much of the northeastern quadrant of the nation including the Mid-Atlantic region. The days will feature colder-than-normal temperatures for early March and persistent NW winds will make it feel even colder than the actual ambient air temperature. Once this high pressure system shifts off the east coast early next week, a strong southwesterly flow of air will set up on its backside and begin a significant warm up in the central US on Sunday/Monday which will then expand into the eastern states on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.

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