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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

10:40 AM | *Strong cold front arrives this afternoon with showers…possible strong-to-severe storm…near freezing by early tomorrow across much of the Mid-Atlantic…big time warm up later next week*

Paul Dorian

A much colder air mass is closing in on the eastern seaboard at this hour and its arrival this afternoon could spark a strong-to-severe thunderstorm in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor with the highest chances along coastal sections of New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula. Strong NW winds will usher in the unseasonably cold air mass later today and tonight and temperatures are likely to bottom out near the freezing mark early Thursday – even in the immediate I-95 corridor. Numerous records or near records low temperatures were experienced earlier today across the central US and Midwest and this pattern will shift to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US early Thursday. Looking ahead, a big time warm up is likely in the eastern US later next week which could result in 80+ degrees for the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | **Much cooler air mass pushing into the Tennessee Valley**

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front passed through the region in the overnight hours and has ushered in much cooler air for the Tennessee Valley. In fact, high temperatures this afternoon are likely to be some 15-20 degrees cooler than yesterday and overnight lows will be in the middle 30’s with possible patchy frost in some spots. Temperatures will moderate by Thursday afternoon with sunshine boosting afternoon temperatures to the low-to-mid 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *Patchy frost possible in some spots by late tomorrow night/early Thursday with next cold air outbreak*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will provide us with plenty of sunshine today and warmer conditions with afternoon temperatures likely nearing the 75 degree mark. A strong cold front will pass through the region in the overnight hours, however, and usher in much cooler air for the mid-week across the Tennessee Valley. In fact, temperatures late tomorrow night are likely to drop well down into the 30’s and Thursday could start off with some patchy frost in the area. Temperatures will moderate by later Thursday with sunshine boosting afternoon temperatures to the middle 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *Dry, comfortable days next couple of days with chilly nights*

Paul Dorian

A dry and cool air mass for this time of year will dominate the region during the next couple of days with high pressure in place. This kind of pattern in late April typically leads to comfortable afternoon temperatures, but the late nights can be quite chilly. A strong cold frontal passage will usher in colder air at mid-week and overnight lows are likely to be way down in the 30’s on Wednesday night.

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7:00 AM | *Some clearing takes place this finish to the work week on Friday*

Paul Dorian

There can be a few showers this morning in the Tennessee Valley as an upper-level trough intensifies to our northeast, but clearing is likely this afternoon. In fact, NW winds will bring a drier and cool air mass into the region and the end of the week will be rather decent. The weekend will start off somewhat unsettled with the chance for scattered showers, but the overall weather is looking pretty nice for the early part of next week.

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11:55 AM (Tuesday) | *Winter is not going away without a fight…nor’easter can bring accumulating snow to portions of the Northeast US…additional cold air outbreaks to follow through April*

Paul Dorian

Just when most people desire the sustained warmth that spring can offer this time of year, the unfolding weather pattern says not quite yet – at least not for much of the central and eastern US. Not only is a chilly air mass coming for later this week, it appears there may be multiple cold air outbreaks for the central and eastern US as we progress through the remainder of the month of April. In addition to the chill, a late week nor’easter can bring accumulating snow to interior, higher elevations of the Northeast US as winter is simply not going away without a fight.

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7:00 AM | *Near 80 degrees again today, but rest of the week likely on the cooler side*

Paul Dorian

Low-level southwesterly flow will boost temperatures today to near the 80 degree mark as a cold front drifts towards our area and there can be enough of a lift in the atmosphere for the development of strong thunderstorms. This will actually turn out to be the warmest day of the week as cooler air makes it into the Tennessee Valley for the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *A near 80 degree day to start the new work week*

Paul Dorian

Low-level southwesterly flow will boost temperatures today to near the 80 degree mark as high pressure drifts to our southeast. This may actually turn out to be the warmest day of the week as chillier air makes a move from Canada and towards the eastern US. A cold front will approach on Tuesday and increase the chance of showers and storms and nice weather will likely follow for Thursday and Friday.

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