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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Back to 80 degrees by the latter part of the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The base of a broad trough of low pressure will push away from the area today and we’ll experience mainly sunny skies and mild temperatures. High pressure will build into the region for the end of the week and weekend and temperatures will edge higher. Temperatures today will likely be confined to the 60’s, but likely reach the 80 degree mark by late weekend/early next week.

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7:00 AM | *A bit cooler today with a continued risk of showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern remains on the unsettled side today across the Tennessee Valley with a continuation of the risk of showers and thunderstorms and slightly cooler conditions given the low-level flow of air from the northeast. Temperatures will be confined to the mid 60’s for highs and should drop to near 50 degrees for late night lows. High pressure should push in later in the week and the weather settles down and looks warmer and quite decent for the Friday/Saturday/Sunday time period.

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7:00 AM | *Still unsettled here with a chance of showers/storms*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern remains on the unsettled side today across the Tennessee Valley with a continuation of the risk of showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will be able to climb into the lower 70’s despite a plethora of clouds across the region that will limit sunshine. An additional area of moisture will push in to the area on Wednesday from our southwest and there will be a chance of rain and slightly cooler conditions with clouds and a low-level northeasterly flow of air.

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2:50 PM (Thursday) | *Just can’t seem to shake off the cold*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern that is unfolding is going to disappoint those in the eastern 2/3rds of the nation who are looking for sustained warmth as we progress through the month of May. In fact, signs point to a continuation of colder-than-normal outbreak into this large stretch of the nation well into the second half of May. In some cases, these cold air outbreaks will result in low temperatures near or below freezing which is a threat to growers from the Rockies-to-Northern Plains-to-Upper Midwest and in some cases this pattern will result in significant accumulating snow (e.g., higher elevations in the Rockies).

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7:00 AM | *A couple of pleasant days coming to northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

After any early morning fog, today will turn out to be pretty nice with plenty of sunshine and the continuation of comfortably warm conditions. The comfortable weather conditions will, in fact, continue into the early part of the weekend with high pressure in control. It’ll turn more humid and warmer late in the upcoming weekend and the chance of showers and storms will likely increase by Sunday and Monday.

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9:50 AM (Wednesday) | *Cool, unsettled weather pattern for much of the nation into mid-May*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern continues today in the Mid-Atlantic region with numerous showers ahead of a cold frontal system that will usher in a much cooler air mass for later tonight and Thursday. After a dry day on Thursday, unsettled and cool conditions will prevail on Friday, Saturday and Sunday as an upper-level trough of low pressure moves overhead. In fact, much of the northern US will experience unsettled and cooler-than-normal conditions for the next ten days or so and this will result in more accumulating snow in such places as the Rocky Mountain States.

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7:00 AM | *More comfortable air pushes into the Tennessee Valley today following frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

After any early morning clouds, today will turn out to be a more comfortable and rain-free day following the passage of a cold front on Tuesday. The comfortable weather conditions will, in fact, continue through the remainder of the week with plenty of sunshine and highs generally near the 70 degree mark. It’ll turn more humid and warmer over the upcoming weekend and the chance of showers and storms will likely return by early next week.

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