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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Highs generally near the 90 degree mark around here this weekend and early next week...cooler weather possible at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will undergo some changes over the next several days with the main features being strong upper-level ridging over the western states and a vigorous upper-level trough over the Northeast US. Temperatures here will climb toward the 90 degree mark each day through the weekend and early part of next week, but likely drop some at mid-week as the upper-level low intensifies to our north. Looking ahead, there are increasing signs for the first tropical activity of the Atlantic Basin season with potential activity over the Gulf of Mexico by the third week of June.

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7:00 AM | *Additional showers and storms possible today, but likely not as widespread as recent days*

Paul Dorian

The unsettled weather pattern continues today with additional showers and thunderstorms possible across the Tennessee Valley though likely not as widespread as yesterday. There will be a frontal boundary zone draped across the northern part of Alabama over the next 24 hours or so helping to keep the atmosphere unstable and continuing our chance for rain. Precipitation chances may be somewhat limited on Saturday and then a drier and warmer pattern is likely to set in early next week.

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7:00 AM | *It remains quite unsettled right into the upcoming weekend*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will shift into the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys today and the end result will be a continuation of scattered showers and thunderstorms across northern Alabama. The threat for rain will be highest during the PM hours and any shower or storm can produce some heavy rainfall. The active weather pattern will continue late this week with a stalled out frontal boundary zone acting as a conduit for moisture to ride along across the southeastern states.

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7:00 AM | *An upper-level trough edges away from here today, but leaves lots of moisture behind*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will slowly edge away from the region today and it’ll become mainly sunny though quite warm and humid. High pressure begins to build into the eastern states later in the day and .this system will push off the east coast later this weekend and generate a very warm and humid flow of air into the eastern US from the south-central states and Gulf of Mexico. Temperatures this weekend and early next week will reach well into the 80’s and the humid air mass will likely support scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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11:50 AM (Thursday) | *Downpours/strong-to-severe thunderstorms on the table for later today/tonight…hot, increasingly humid weather for Sunday-to-Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

The combination of a moist air mass, surface frontal systems, and a slow-moving upper-level trough is bringing more rainfall to the Mid-Atlantic region and there can be downpours later in the day and again tonight which could result in some localized flash flooding. In addition, there is the potential for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity ahead of an advancing cold frontal system. The upper-level trough will still be to the west of the I-95 corridor on Friday leading to an unsettled day and the possibility of additional showers and thunderstorms. High pressure builds across the eastern states this weekend and a classic summertime “Bermuda high” setup is likely to result in hot, increasingly humid and summer-like weather for the period from Sunday-to-Wednesday with daily high temperatures at or above the 90 degree mark in the I-95 corridor.

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7:00 AM | *Upper-level trough swings by today...high pressure builds this weekend*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will slowly edge eastward today across the eastern third of the nation and it’ll combine with a moist air mass to produce showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley through tonight. There still can be some lingering shower activity on Friday as high pressure begins to build into the eastern states. This system will push offshore this weekend and generate a very warm and humid flow of air into the eastern US from the south-central states and Gulf of Mexico. Temperatures this weekend and early next week will reach well into the 80’s and the humid air mass will likely support scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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10:50 AM (Wednesday) | *Downpours/strong-to-severe thunderstorms on the table for Thursday/Thursday night in the Mid-Atlantic region…hot, humid weather for Sunday/Monday/Tuesday*

Paul Dorian

The combination of an increasingly moist flow of air, two surface frontal systems, and a slow-moving upper-level trough will raise the prospects for downpours in the Mid-Atlantic region on Thursday and Thursday night and also the chance for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity. The rain may actually come in two different waves – one late tonight/early Thursday associated with a warm frontal system and a second late tomorrow and tomorrow night associated with a cold front. High pressure builds across the eastern states this weekend and a classic summertime “Bermuda high” setup is likely to result in hot, humid and summer-like weather for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with high temperatures at or above the 90 degree mark in the I-95 corridor.

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7:00 AM | *Some heavy rainfall and strong storms on the table for tonight and Thursday*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will kick out of the central US and only slowly push through the eastern states over the next couple of days. At the same time, an increasingly moist flow of air will develop on the backside of high pressure off the eastern seaboard. This combination will keep it warm and increasingly humid around here with a good chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms can be strong both tonight and on Thursday and some of the rain is liable to be on the heavy side.

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