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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Temperatures in the 80's for much of the week*

Paul Dorian

A stalled-out frontal system remains near the east coast as we begin a new work week and this will keep it somewhat unsettled around here with a continuing chance of showers and thunderstorms. Another frontal system is likely to arrive later in the week and it could usher in a more pleasant air mass for the upcoming weekend. Temperatures over the next few days will generally be confined to the mid or upper 80’s for afternoon highs, a little bit below-normal for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | *Stalled-out front likely to result in numerous showers and storms next few days*

Paul Dorian

The unsettled, very warm and humid weather pattern of the past few days will continue right into early next week. A slow-moving frontal system to our northwest will inch its way in the eastern US this weekend and, as low pressure forms along the nearly stationary boundary zone, the chance of showers and thunderstorms around here will be on the rise. Some of the rain this weekend can be heavy at times and this threat will continue right into the new work week.

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7:00 AM | *Showers and storms are likely this weekend across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

High pressure off the east coast that has been in control of the overall weather pattern in the eastern US will begin to break down as we head to the end of the work week. In addition, a slow-moving frontal system to our northwest will approach the area and the chance of showers and thunderstorms will continue into the weekend. In fact, as low pressure forms along the stalled-out frontal boundary zone, there is the chance for some heavy rainfall from this weekend into the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend could turn out to be quite wet*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the western Atlantic continues to be an important player for the eastern states as it pumps in very warm and humid air from the Gulf of Mexico to the northeast. Once again we’ll have the chance for late day and evening showers and storms across northern Alabama and this pattern will continue through the week. The weekend could actually feature an enhanced chance for rain as a stalled out frontal system acts as a focus area for showers and storms.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure over the western Atlantic continues to feed us warm, humid air*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the western Atlantic will be a main player this week and will pump warm, humid air into the eastern states on a continuous basis. Locally, temperatures will generally be confined to the mid and upper 80’s given the expected abundance of clouds and moisture. The unsettled pattern will result in a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms for the northern part of Alabama. Elsewhere, the tropical scene is quiet in the Atlantic Basin and likely will remain so for at least the next several days.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled week with a daily shot of showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the western Atlantic will be a main player this week and will pump warm, humid air into the eastern states for much of the week. Locally, temperatures will generally be confined to the 80’s given the expected abundance of clouds and moisture. The unsettled pattern will result in a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms for the northern part of Alabama.

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7:00 AM | **Tropical Storm Elsa to push northeastward today up along the eastern seaboard**

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Elsa made landfall yesterday in the northern Gulf coastal region of Florida and will push northeastward today through the Carolinas. This tropical system will then reach the Delmarva Peninsula region of the Mid-Atlantic by late tonight/early Friday and bring with it some heavy rainfall for the I-95 corridor. By later Friday, the remains of Elsa will head to the eastern part of New England and then ultimately to near Nova Scotia Canada by the early part of the upcoming weekend. Around here, very unsettled conditions will lead to the chance of showers and storms on a daily basis right into the early part of next week.

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9:50 AM (Wednesday) | ***Tropical Storm Elsa reaches the northern Gulf coast of Florida…to head up along the eastern seaboard with heavy rainfall and a severe weather threat***

Paul Dorian

“Elsa” is a strong tropical storm this morning and has reached Florida’s northern Gulf coast. The tropical storm actually reached hurricane status late yesterday, but has since dropped just below that level with maximum sustained winds at 65 mph as it heads northward at 14 mph. Tropical Storm Elsa will cross the northern part of Florida later today and then take a turn more to the northeast by early Thursday as it moves over the southeastern states. Tropical Storm Elsa will then likely reach the Delmarva Peninsula region of the Mid-Atlantic by early Friday and bring with it an enhanced chance of heavy rainfall to the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor from late Thursday into early Friday. By later Friday, the remains of Elsa will likely reach the eastern part of New England and then ultimately to near Nova Scotia Canada by early Saturday.

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7:00 AM | **"Elsa" to make landfall along the northern Gulf coast of Florida and then cross the northern part of the state later today on its way to the eastern seaboard**

Paul Dorian

“Elsa” is now a tropical storm with maximum sustained winds of 65 mph and will make landfall later this morning on the northern Gulf coast of Florida. It will then cross the northern part of the Sunshine State and reach the Georgia/South Carolina border region by early tomorrow. After that, “Elsa” will turn to the northeast and through the eastern states likely reaching the Delmarva Peninsula region by early Friday enhancing the chance for showers/storms and heavy rainfall in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. From there, the remains of “Elsa” could move to eastern New England by later Friday and then to near Nova Scotia (Canada) by early Saturday.

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2:40 PM | ***"Elsa" near hurricane strength just off Florida's west coast…an impact in the Mid-Atl./NE US later in the week…in the short-term, severe thunderstorms for parts of the Mid-Atlantic***

Paul Dorian

“Elsa” is a strong tropical storm that is on the verge of reaching hurricane status as it pushes slowly northward just off Florida’s southwest coastline. It is having significant impact in the state of Florida and is likely to have an impact later in the week all the way up into the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. In the short-term, a very unstable atmosphere could bring severe thunderstorms to the northern Mid-Atlantic later today and tonight in this hot and humid air mass.

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