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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***An active weather event on the way to the Tennessee Valley with strong-to-severe thunderstorms possible on Thursday***

Paul Dorian

An active weather event is on the way for the Tennessee Valley. Strong low pressure and its associated strong cold frontal system will bring a big warm up here on Thursday, but also the chance for strong-to-severe thunderstorms. Winds will also become an increasing concern as they will be powerful with potentially damaging gusts with the arrival of the frontal system. It turns colder again on Friday following the passage of the strong front.

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10:45 AM | ***Threat for powerful and potentially damaging winds later Thursday night into early Friday in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US***

Paul Dorian

It looks like there will be a very active frontal passage in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US from later Thursday night into early Friday. Temperatures will surge on Thursday ahead of the strong cold front and showers will become numerous by Thursday night. In fact, some of the rain can briefly fall on the heavy side later Thursday night into early Friday and there can be a thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture. Of more concern, however, is the likelihood for powerful winds from later Thursday night into early Friday and there can be potentially damaging wind gusts (i.e., power outages are on the table); especially, near and along the eastern seaboard from Virginia-to-Maine.

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7:00 AM | **Weather gets quite active around here on Wednesday night and Thursday with approach of next strong cold front**

Paul Dorian

It turns milder today as high pressure pushes to the east of here and low-level winds shift to a south-to-southeast direction. It stays quite mild on Wednesday and Thursday ahead of the next strong cold front and conditions will become more active with increasing winds and the high chance of showers and thunderstorms. Following the passage of the cold front, the work week will end with the return of some moderately chilly air into the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Chilly today, but much milder next couple of days*

Paul Dorian

The work week starts off on the chilly side, but it turns much milder on Tuesday and Wednesday. The next strong cold front approaches the region later in the week and it is likely to result in showers and thunderstorms from late Wednesday night into Thursday. Colder air will follow for Friday and the beginning of the weekend to follow.

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7:00 AM | *Squeezing out one more very mild day in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

We’ll squeeze out another very mild day in the northern part of Alabama with afternoon highs likely to reach the middle 60’s. The next cold front of significance looks will arrive on Saturday and a down trend in temperatures will commence and there can be some rain shower activity later tonight and on Saturday. By tomorrow night, it could turn cold enough for snow showers and Sunday will likely feature highs confined to the upper 30’s. Much milder weather will return here by the middle part of next week.

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7:00 AM | **60+ degrees next couple of days...much colder air mass arrives this weekend**

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control around here for the next few days resulting in generally mild weather conditions in the northern part of Alabama. In fact, temperatures will climb to or slightly above the 60 degree mark through tomorrow with some sunshine on both of these days. The next cold front of significance looks like it’ll arrive this weekend with noticeably colder conditions in the Tennessee Valley by Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | *60+ degrees on the table each day through Saturday...turns colder again for Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control around here for the next few days resulting in generally mild weather conditions in the northern part of Alabama. In fact, temperatures will climb to or slightly above the 60 degree mark through Saturday with some sunshine on all of these days. The next cold front of significance looks like it’ll arrive this weekend with noticeably colder conditions in the Tennessee Valley by Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | *On the doorstep of some 60 degree weather*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control around here for the next few days with seasonably cool conditions today and milder weather on Wednesday and Thursday. In fact, temperatures will climb towards the 60 degree mark on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and there should be some sunshine on both days. The next cold front of significance looks like it’ll arrive this weekend with noticeably colder conditions in the Tennessee Valley by Sunday.

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7:00 AM | **An Arctic air mass pushes into the region on stiff NW winds**

Paul Dorian

After yesterday’s mild and very wet conditions, it’ll turn much colder today across northern Alabama following the passage of a slow-moving Arctic cold frontal system. Winds will be quite noticeable today, tonight and on Saturday from a northwesterly direction as Arctic air floods the region. Winds will die down on Saturday night and it’ll turn slightly milder on Sunday and there should be plenty of sun on both weekend days.

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