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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **The heat continues next few days, but there is some relief in sight for the early part of next week**

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging aloft will dominate the scene over the next several days leading to persistent heat across the northern Alabama. Highs over the next few days will generally fall in the 95-99 degree range with little chance of rainfall. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will indeed increase later in the weekend with the approach of a front system. The passage of that late weekend front will result in more moderate warmth by the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | ***Excessive heat right into the weekend with a daily run at the 100 degree mark***

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging aloft will dominate the scene over the next several days leading to persistent intense heat across the northern Alabama. Highs later today will make a run towards the 100 degree mark and there will be a repeat performance on Wednesday and right into the upcoming weekend. In terms of rainfall, it is likely to remain rain-free during the next several days to go along with the excessive heat with the next shot at showers and thunderstorms perhaps waiting until the latter part of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | ***Intense heat this week with a run at 100 degrees on a daily basis following the low-to-middle 90's today***

Paul Dorian

There was be a reprieve in the heat this past weekend with highs much closer to the 90 degree mark on both days compared to the latter half of last week. Unfortunately, the intense heat will reassert itself around here over the next few days with middle 90’s this afternoon and then a flirtation with the 100 degree mark on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The intense heat of the next few days will extend from the south-central states all the way to the Southeast US coastline with northern Alabama right in the heart of this hot zone.

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7:00 AM | ***Watch for strong-to-severe storms this afternoon...a reprieve this weekend, but excessive heat returns with triple digit highs possible on Tuesday and Wednesday***

Paul Dorian

Hot weather will continue in the area for another day with highs well up in the 90’s this afternoon and there can be PM showers and thunderstorms…some of the storms can be strong-to-severe. There will be a reprieve in the heat this weekend with highs closer to the 90 degree mark on both days and there will be quite a breeze helping out with the more comfortable conditions. Unfortunately, it turns hotter again early next week and by the time we get to next Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, we could be flirting with the 100 degree mark for afternoon highs.

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7:00 AM | *A slight reprieve in the heat this weekend...bounces right back early next week with a flirtation of the 100 degree mark*

Paul Dorian

Very hot weather will continue in the area for the next couple of days with afternoon highs in the middle 90’s and then there will be a bit of a reprieve this weekend with highs closer to the 90 degree mark. Unfortunately, it turns hotter again early next week and by the time we get to next Tuesday and Wednesday, we could be flirting with the 100 degree mark in northern Alabama.

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11:30 AM | *A fall-like weekend in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US/Great Lakes…some active weather before we get there…stays very hot south-central US/Midwest/Southeast US*

Paul Dorian

A couple of cold fronts will usher in a spectacular air mass for this time of year to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US/Great Lakes just in time for the upcoming Father’s Day weekend. There will be some active weather, however, before we get to that point with the threat of showers and strong thunderstorms from late tonight into early tomorrow morning and then again on Thursday evening in association with an initial cold frontal system. In addition, there can be another shower or thunderstorm on Friday as a secondary cold front arrives in the Mid-Atlantic region. Strong high pressure will then take control of the weather for the weekend…a system that had its origins up in northern Canada. Elsewhere, intense heat will continue to affect the region from the south-central states-to-the Midwest-to-the Southeast US over the next several days and some of this hot air will try to make an advance into the Mid-Atlantic region by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Remains hot through the remainder of the work week...even hotter conditions on the table for first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

The hottest weather of the season will continue today in the Tennessee Valley and for the next few days as well. Strong high pressure ridging remains in place centered over the central US and has expanded into the southeastern states. The mid 90’s are likely here through Friday as high temperatures, but they won’t be quite as high on Saturday and Sunday. However, the heat will intensify early next week and it could actually turn out to become even hotter than the current hot spell that we are experiencing in the Southeast US.

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1:00 PM | *Father’s Day weekend shaping up to be quite nice in the Mid-Atlantic region…likely to get quite a bit warmer by the middle of next week*

Paul Dorian

Today has been an active weather day in the Mid-Atlantic region and there will be more shower and thunderstorm activity later in the week with the arrival of the next cold front. The timing of the next cold front could turn out to be perfect as it likely clears the way for a very nice June weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region with very comfortable temperatures for this time of year. Looking ahead, an intense heat wave is likely to develop during the first half of next week from the nation’s mid-section to the southeastern states and some of this heat may expand to the Mid-Atlantic region by mid-week.

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7:00 AM | ***Hottest weather of the season so far to continue in the Tennessee Valley and Southeast US***

Paul Dorian

The hottest weather of the season will continue today in the Tennessee Valley and for the next few days as well. Strong high pressure ridging remains in place centered over the central US and has expanded into the southeastern states. The mid 90’s are likely here as high temperatures during each of the next few days. The chance for showers and thunderstorms will slowly increase as we progress through the week.

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7:00 AM | ***Hottest weather so far this season across the Tennessee Valley and Southeast US...mid 90's for highs here next few days***

Paul Dorian

The hottest weather of the season will develop in the Tennessee Valley today as strong high pressure ridging forms in the upper part of the atmosphere. In fact, this sprawling high pressure system aloft will dominate the scene from the middle of the country to the east coast and the mid 90’s are likely here as high temperatures each of the next few days. Today is likely to be rain-free, but the chances for a shower or thunderstorm will tend to increase each day through the remainder of the week.

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