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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***Looks like excessive heat and humidity right into the weekend***

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the work week will feature excessive heat and humidity in the Tennessee Valley as strong high pressure ridging remains stationary over the southern states. Temperatures each of the next few afternoons will likely flirt with the century mark and there won’t be a lot of relief at night. In addition to the high heat and humidity, there will be a daily chance of afternoon/evening showers and thunderstorms - any one of which can produce some heavy rainfall in the area. It turns less hot later in the weekend and early next week as the high pressure aloft tends to retrograde to the west.

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7:00 AM | ***Excessive heat and humidity through the remainder of the work week with a daily shot at showers and storms***

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week will feature excessive heat and humidity in the Tennessee Valley as strong high pressure ridging remains stuck over the region. In addition to the excessive heat and humidity, there will be a daily chance of afternoon/evening showers and thunderstorms any one of which can produce some brief downpours in the area.

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7:00 AM | *Rather hot and humid through the 4th of July weekend with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The last day of the work week and the first day of July will be much like prior days with highs near 90 degrees and the chance of showers and thunderstorms. This kind of weather pattern will continue through the 4th of July weekend and then the early part of next week will feature afternoon high temperatures back up in the lower or middle 90’s.

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7:00 AM | *Rather typical summertime pattern...90+ degree highs, quite humid, and a daily shot of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week and the upcoming weekend will be quite unsettled across the Tennessee Valley with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures are likely to climb to 90 degrees during the next few days and then into the lower 90’s early next week and the humidity will be on the uncomfortable side right through the 4th of July weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Persistent weather pattern with highs near 90 degrees and a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week and the upcoming weekend will be unsettled across the Tennessee Valley with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. There will be no excessive heat as was the case last week; however, temperatures will persistently climb to the 90 degree mark each coming day for highs and humidity will be rather noticeable in the area.

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7:00 AM | *Less humid today and unsettled conditions for the remainder of the week with a daily shot at showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

A cool front push through the region yesterday and today will be less humid with afternoon highs likely in the upper 80’s, but an isolated PM shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out. The remainder of the week will be unsettled with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms, but the excessive heat of last week will not re-appear. After the upper 80’s for highs later today, temperatures should climb to around the 90 degree mark for the rest of the week and even into the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled next several days, but not the excessive heat of last week*

Paul Dorian

A cool front will push into the region today and generate a chance of showers and thunderstorms as we begin a new work week. More importantly, this system will help to keep temperatures at reasonable levels with highs likely in the upper 80’s later this afternoon. High pressure builds back into the area through the remainder of the week and this will allow for a warming trend and highs climbing back to 90 degrees.

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7:00 AM | *Still hot, but there is some relief on the way for early next week*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain hot for the next few days across northern Alabama and the weekend will see an increase in the chance of showers and thunderstorms. In fact, the highest chance is likely to be in the Sunday night/Monday time frame as a frontal system approaches the region. Following the passage of the front, temperatures will be more seasonal for the first half of next week with highs close to the 90 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | **Another few days with highs in the middle 90's...some relief by early next week**

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging centered over the nation’s mid-section continues to control the weather around here and the persistent heat will continue for another few days. High temperatures will generally fall in the middle 90’s with little chance of rainfall today, but the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase this weekend. In fact, there is a pretty good shot at showers and thunderstorms by the time we get to Sunday night and Monday with the arrival of a cool front. Temperatures following the passage of that front will be more seasonal during the first half of next week.

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10:50 AM | *Cool blasts likely to continue in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US right into the early part of July*

Paul Dorian

This past Father’s Day weekend featured spectacular weather conditions in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US with comfortable temperatures for the middle of June and low humidity values. Indeed, the spring season as a whole has seen numerous cool air masses push into this part of the nation from Canada moving along in a general northwest-to-southeast fashion. In fact, almost all areas across the northern US have experienced near normal to below-normal temperatures back to the beginning of 2022. It appears that these cool blasts from Canada will continue across the northern states next week and beyond into at least the first part of the month of July.

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