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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Middle 90's next few days...upper 90's likely this weekend**

Paul Dorian

The weather turns quite hot today in the Tennessee Valley and it looks like it will stay that way for the next several days. In addition to the heat, overall humidity levels will be in the uncomfortable range and there will be a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures are likely to reach the middle 90’s for the next few days and could climb to near the 100 degree mark over the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Thunderstorms roll through the region this morning...excessive heat on the table for the second half of the work week and weekend**

Paul Dorian

Thunderstorms will roll through the region this morning containing some heavy rainfall and there can be a PM shower or thunderstorm as well. Hot weather makes a comeback on Wednesday and it looks like it will stick around for the next several days. In addition to the heat, humidity will be in the uncomfortable range and there will continue to be a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. High temperatures are likely to fall in the middle 90’s for the mid and late week time periods and could even climb to the upper 90’s over the upcoming weekend.

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10:00 AM | *Below-normal tropical activity so far this season in the Atlantic Basin (and across the northern hemisphere)…a ramp up in action is quite likely during the next several weeks*

Paul Dorian

We have now reached the mid-point of the month of July and, so far, tropical activity has been below-normal in the Atlantic Basin. In fact, activity across the northern hemisphere as a whole has been below-normal as measured by a metric known as the “accumulated cyclone energy” or ACE. There are signs, however, that at least the Atlantic Basin will see a ramp up in action during the next several weeks.

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7:00 AM | *Mid 90's makes a return to northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

Hot weather makes a comeback today across northern Alabama and it looks like it will stick around for the next several days.  In addition to the heat, humidity will be in the uncomfortable range and there will be an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms as we go through the weekend and into the first half of next week. 

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7:00 AM | *Week starts off pretty well...approaching front can spark a few strong thunderstorms later tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

The new work week starts off rather hot and humid with plenty of sunshine expected and high pressure in control. An approaching cold front on Tuesday could set off some strong thunderstorm activity across the Tennessee Valley during the PM hours and then the front should stall out nearby. As a result, it’ll remain fairly hot and humid across the region during the second half of the week with a continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms mainly during the PM hours.

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7:00 AM | **Excessive heat and humidity into the weekend...some relief by early next week**

Paul Dorian

Not much change in the forecast around here for the next few days with strong upper-level ridging locked in place across the southern tier of states. As a result, temperatures will soar again today across northern Alabama with 100 degrees on the table for afternoon highs. Scattered thunderstorms are possible each of the next few days to go along with the heat and they will tend to be focused on the afternoon and evening hours. The high pressure ridge begins to retrograde to the west later this weekend and it’ll likely become less hot with afternoon temperatures closer to 90 degrees rather than the century mark.

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