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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Strong-to-severe thunderstorm threat on Friday night*

Paul Dorian

A warm frontal system has passed to the north of the region and temperatures both today and Friday will climb into the upper 70’s for afternoon highs.  As strong upper-level troughing reaches the middle of the country on Friday, it will help to intensify surface low pressure and to draw moist air from the Gulf into the Tennessee Valley. As a result, the chance of shower and thunderstorm activity will increase here on Friday night and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels.

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9:30 AM | *Cold air outbreaks to last into the first week of April from the Northern Plains to the Mid-Atlantic/NE US…pattern to produce snow threats in some areas, severe weather in others*

Paul Dorian

Spring has officially sprung and there is some quite mild weather expected during the next couple of days in much of the eastern half of the nation. There are signs, however, that point to additional cold air outbreaks into at least the first week of April from the Northern Plains to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. The overall weather pattern across North America still features some high-latitude blocking over northern Canada and Greenland and this, in turn, is allowing for the transport of colder-than-normal air masses on occasion into the northern US from Canada. One of the consequences of additional cold air outbreaks is the high likelihood for additional accumulating snow events across the northern states and also the threat for severe weather outbreaks in the southern US. This pattern of normal to below-normal temperatures has been pretty commonplace during the last ten years in the months of March and April in the region from the Northern Plains to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | *80 degrees a possibility for afternoon highs on Thursday and Friday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has pushed off the east coast and much milder air will push into the Tennessee Valley for tomorrow and Friday. After highs in the 60’s this afternoon, temperatures should soar to near 80 degrees on Thursday and Friday afternoons though there is the threat for some shower and thunderstorm activity. High pressure should dominate the scene as we begin the weekend and temperatures should be quite pleasant for this time of year on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Milder today and downright warm later in the week with highs not far from 80 degrees*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the Mid-Atlantic region will push offshore during the next 24 hours and this will open the door for much milder to push into the area from the southern states.  As with most recent warm-ups, the milder weather in coming days will be accompanied by an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms.  Following the passage of a warm front, temperatures should surge to near 70 degrees on Wednesday afternoon and close to the 80 degree mark for highs on both Thursday and Friday. 

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7:00 AM | *Chilly to start the week, but 80's coming during the second half*

Paul Dorian

High pressure builds into the eastern states on Monday and then will shift offshore by mid-week.  As a result, temperatures here will be on the chilly side as we start the new work week, but then climb towards the 70 degree mark by Wednesday afternoon for highs.  A frontal system could bring some shower and thunderstorm activity here later in the week with even warmer conditions.

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7:00 AM | *A nice afternoon on tap with highs well up in the 60's*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn much milder today under mainly sunny skies with afternoon highs well up in the 60’s. The weather becomes unsettled later tonight and on Friday as a cold frontal system approaches the region with showers a threat. Following the frontal passage, it turns colder here for the weekend, but milder air returns during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | **After a couple of mild days to end the work week, the passage of a strong cold front will usher in much cooler air for the weekend**

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn milder today under mainly sunny skies with afternoon highs well up in the 50’s, but late night lows in the mid 30’s can result in more patchy frost for the region.  After a couple of mild days, a cold front will usher in colder air for the weekend and there can even be some snow shower activity on Friday night and Saturday.  Preceding the frontal passage, showers and thunderstorms will be a threat on Thursday night and Friday.

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