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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Headed for the middle 90's later this week...the hottest stretch so far this season**

Paul Dorian

The weather remains rain-free today in the northern part of Alabama, but given the copious amounts of sunshine expected, temperatures will likely peak near 90 degrees this afternoon. It turns even warmer on Wednesday with highs in the lower 90’s and the middle 90’s are likely on Thursday, Friday and Saturday along with a renewed chance of showers and thunderstorms later this week.

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12:45 PM (Monday) | ****Severe thunderstorms with hail, damaging wind gusts and even isolated tornadoes…all on the table in the Mid-Atlantic…watch for torrential downpours and flash flooding****

Paul Dorian

The atmosphere will quickly destabilize today in the Mid-Atlantic region raising the chance for severe thunderstorm activity later today and early tonight. Any thunderstorm can produce large hail, damaging wind gusts and even isolated tornadoes.  Torrential rainfall can lead to flash flooding conditions in the Mid-Atlantic region; especially, in those areas hit hard by downpours this past weekend.  The threat for strong-to-severe thunderstorms will continue on Tuesday and the overall wet weather pattern looks like it’ll resume at week’s end after a short-break and continue into the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Unsettled again stretch coming later in the week**

Paul Dorian

The weather remains unsettled today as a cool front settles into the region raising the chances for showers and thunderstorms…some of the storms may be on the strong side.  After the passage of the front, high pressure will push in on Tuesday bringing a couple of more benign days to the Tennessee Valley. With increasing amounts of sunshine, the rest of the week will feature temperatures that climb well up into the 90’s…the hottest stretch of weather so far this season.

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7:00 AM | *Back to 90 degree high temperatures this weekend*

Paul Dorian

After an unseasonably couple of days, it does turn warmer today in the Tennessee Valley region with highs back into the 80’s. The normal high this time of year in Huntsville is right around the 90 degree mark. It does turn even warmer this weekend and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark are likely on Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another unseasonably cool day in northern Alabama and unsettled as well with the chance of showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

Today will be another unsettled and unseasonably cool day in the northern part of Alabama with afternoon high temperatures likely in the upper 70’s and the chance of showers and thunderstorms. The normal high this time of year in Huntsville is right around the 90 degree mark. It does turn noticeably warmer this weekend and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark are likely on Saturday and Sunday after the low-to-mid 80’s on Friday.

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12:00 PM (Wed.) | *Wet weather pattern just getting underway in the Mid-Atlantic region…it’ll be a far cry from earlier this month and May when dry weather dominated*

Paul Dorian

Lawns were turning brown and soil moisture was at very low levels earlier this month and during the month of May in much of the Mid-Atlantic region.  There have been a couple of rain events in the past couple of weeks that have alleviated the dry conditions; especially, in areas to the north of the PA/MD border.  The overall weather pattern is now evolving into one that will bring copious amounts of rainfall to the Mid-Atlantic region in coming days and it may get to the point in which many will say “we’re now getting too much of a good thing”.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures some ten degrees below-normal next couple of days in this unsettled weather pattern*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue through the remainder of the week with a very moist air mass parked over the southeastern states and a daily threat of showers and thunderstorms. An upper-level trough over the Tennessee valley will keep plenty of clouds in the area limiting our temperatures which will peak some ten degrees below the normal high for this time of year.  It does turn noticeably warmer this weekend and high temperatures near the 90 degree mark are likely on Sunday and Monday.

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10:15 AM (Tuesday) | *Tropical Storm Bret can intensify into hurricane status in the near-term, but some weakening is likely thereafter*

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin tropical scene has come to life in recent days with two systems located in the tropical Atlantic. The front running system has reached named tropical storm status (“Bret”) and it could very well intensify into a hurricane during the next couple of days as it heads towards the eastern Caribbean Sea.  Later in the week, however, a few factors are likely to come together to cause a weakening of this initial tropical system. A second system following closely behind Bret could reach named tropical storm status as well in coming days (would become “Cindy”) as it heads on a general westward track.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled weather pattern through the week...watching the tropics*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue through the remainder of the week with a very moist air mass parked over the southeastern states. A cutoff low pressure system will sink southward to a position over the Deep South during the next couple of days enhancing chances here for showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will be held down some for the remainder of the week with copious amounts of clouds expected across northern Alabama.

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7:00 AM | *Scattered showers and storms today and Saturday...more numerous showers and storms likely on Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

Weak high pressure will take over for today and Saturday and with low-level moisture levels quite high, there can be a couple of showers and thunderstorms on either day.  An even better chance for rain - and possible strong-to-severe thunderstorms - comes on Sunday and Monday as another strong shortwave crosses the Mid-South and Tennessee Valley.

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