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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:45 PM | ***Another threat of heavy rain and severe thunderstorms for the Mid-Atlantic region***

Paul Dorian

Heavy rain and severe thunderstorms rocked the Mid-Atlantic region last Monday and a somewhat similar overall weather pattern can bring a repeat performance from late today into Tuesday. In a situation like a week ago, several ingredients will come together in the atmosphere that will raise the chance for heavy downpours and severe thunderstorms which can produce damaging wind gusts, hail and even isolated tornadoes. These ingredients include a vigorous upper-level low that is currently pushing eastward across the Upper Mississippi Valley, copious amounts of available moisture, strong jet streaks at multiple levels of the atmosphere, and a strong surface cool front that ultimately crosses the Mid-Atlantic region late Tuesday. The time period for the potential heavy downpours and severe thunderstorms will be from late today into Tuesday night.

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7:00 AM | *A strong cold front drops southeast from the Great Lakes...brings relief here in the heat for Tuesday and Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

A potent upper-level low drops from the Northern Plains into the Great Lakes as we begin the new work week. This trough of low pressure and its associated strong cold front will arrive here tonight and the result will be an increasing chances of showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will drop noticeably on Tuesday following a hot day on Monday with highs this afternoon well up in the 90’s.

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7:00 AM | *Rather typical summertime weather pattern next few days...Perseid meteor shower peaks late tomorrow night/early Sunday morning*

Paul Dorian

Rather typical summertime weather across the region for the next few days with mainly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms and temperatures peaking in the upper 80’s or lower 90’s. Rain chances should be somewhat lower this weekend as disturbances generally stay well to the north of the region.

Note - Perseid meteor shower peaks late Saturday night into early Sunday morning

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7:00 AM | *Still the chance of showers and storms, but not as active as yesterday*

Paul Dorian

The active weather of Wednesday will calm down some today as a cool front slowly sags to the south of here. Some drier air will push southward into the Tennessee valley as the day progresses reducing the chances for any rainfall. An upper-level ridge of high pressure will then take control on Friday and temperatures will climb back to the 90 degree mark for highs and likely reach it each day this weekend.

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10:15 AM | *Another potent system to monitor for the early part of next week…could threaten the Mid-Atlantic region with another round of severe weather by late Monday/Monday night*

Paul Dorian

A widespread severe wind event rocked the Mid-Atlantic region this past Monday and a key ingredient was a vigorous wave of low pressure aloft that crossed the Great Lakes on a path towards the northern Mid-Atlantic. Other ingredients included multiple jet streaks in the atmosphere, a strong surface cool front, and an influx of very moist air from the southeastern states on the front side of the front. A similar overall weather pattern may repeat itself from later Monday into Monday night. While still several days away, many of these same factors may indeed come together early next week and the result can be another round of heavy showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms for the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | ***Multiple rounds of showers and storms likely later today and tonight...some of the storms can be strong-to-severe***

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue through the week in the Tennessee Valley as a frontal system just to the south of here helps to keep the atmosphere somewhat unstable.  Temperatures will generally peak in the mid and upper 80’s over the next couple of days and then climb towards the 90 degree mark for highs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled pattern through the week*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern remains intact across the Tennessee Valley as a strong cool front stalls out in the nearby vicinity. At the same time, another upper-level low will head in this direction and the chance for showers and storms will ramp up again later today and stick with us for much of the reminder of the week.

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7:00 AM | ***An unsettled weather pattern has returned to the Tennessee Valley...heavy rain threat for later today***

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern has returned to the Tennessee Valley and one disturbance will give us a good chance of afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms.  Some of the rain can be heavy and some of the storms can be strong. Temperatures will be held down some by the copious amounts of clouds around peaking this afternoon - and during much of the next several days - in the mid or upper 80’s.

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