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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Showers and thunderstorms today and some of the rain can be heavy at times**

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will push across the area today and generate showers and possible thunderstorms into the evening hours and some of the rain can be heavy at times. The weather settles down this weekend and both days should feature some sunshine and relatively mild conditions. It turns noticeably cooler for the first half of next week following the passage of a cold frontal system.

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10:30 AM | ***A Denver snowstorm…severe weather threat Mississippi Valley…spring fever alert for the Mid-Atlantic region***

Paul Dorian

From a climatological point of view, March is a favorable time of year for accumulating snow in the Rocky Mountain States and it looks like “climatology” will come through this year. March is also quite an active month on average in terms of severe weather and indeed, an outbreak is possible later tomorrow and tomorrow night across the Mississippi Valley. Meanwhile, the Mid-Atlantic region will enjoy back-to-back-to-back unseasonably warm days featuring temperatures in the 70’s in many spots and spring fever may spread rapidly.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of very nice days coming to the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be quite nice across the Tennessee Valley with high pressure in control. Temperatures this afternoon should reach the low-to-mid 70’s and the upper 70’s are likely on Thursday. The weather pattern becomes more unsettled later in the week with the chance of showers and thunderstorms on Thursday night and Friday…some of that rain can be heavy at times.

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7:00 AM | *A dry and mild day for the Tennessee Valley...threat of showers returns on Friday*

Paul Dorian

Today should feature dry and mild conditions in the Tennessee Valley and then low pressure to our west will renew the chance of showers and thunderstorms on Friday. Showers are likely to come to an end on Saturday with the departure of low pressure to our east and temperatures will remain quite mild through Saturday. It does turn slightly cooler by Sunday following the passage of a cool frontal system.

One final note, this is the weekend in which we turn the clocks ahead as we switch back to Daylight Savings Time.

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7:00 AM | *70 degree highs both today and on Thursday as mild pattern continues*

Paul Dorian

The reminder of the week looks quite mild in the Tennessee Valley, but it will be unsettled as well. There will be the chance of showers and thunderstorms later today and additional chances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Temperatures will peak near the 70 degree mark this afternoon and again on Thursday and will trend lower this weekend following the passage of a cool front.

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7:00 AM | *Mild pattern continues with highs next few days within a few degrees of 70*

Paul Dorian

The reminder of the week looks quite mild in the Tennessee Valley, but it will be unsettled as well. There will be multiple chances for rain including later today and thunderstorms can mix into the picture as well. Temperatures will peak near the 70 degrees mark on Wednesday and Thursday and will trend lower this weekend following the passage of a cool front.

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7:00 AM | *A warm week for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A warm week is coming to the Tennessee Valley, but it will be quite unsettled as well. There will be multiple chances for rain including later today and tonight and thunderstorms can mix into the picture as well. Low pressure will push from Texas to the Tennessee Valley region later tonight bringing this initial chance for rain which will extend into Tuesday as a cool front slides through the area.

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7:00 Am | *A climb back to 70 degrees for highs by Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

It stays chilly today; however, a warming trend will begin in earnest on Saturday with high temperatures in the middle 60’s. By Sunday, temperatures will likely peak near the 70 degree mark for highs and the mild weather continues during the first half of next week. It does become unsettled by Monday and there will be a threat of showers on each day from Monday through mid-week.

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