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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:00 PM (Thursday) | *Severe weather/tornado threat next few days to be focused on the Plains*

Paul Dorian

A spurt of tornadoes since late April has put levels well above normal as we reach the end of May and the overall active weather pattern of recent weeks looks like it’ll continue into the month of June. One of the key ingredients to this on-going active weather pattern has been the steady influx of colder-than-normal air masses from Canada into the US at the same time increasingly warm and humid air has been flowing northward from the Gulf of Mexico. The main area of concern for severe weather and tornadoes over the next few days will be across the Plains states all the way from Texas (today/tonight/tomorrow) to the Dakotas/Minnesota (on Sunday).

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7:00 AM | *A warm and unsettled stretch of weather*

Paul Dorian

A warm and unsettled weather pattern will continue across the Tennessee Valley right through the upcoming weekend as an upper-level trough hangs nearby. After a rain-free day at mid-week, the chance for showers and thunderstorms will return later today and likely continue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | **A very warm weather pattern continues across the TN Valley right through the upcoming weekend...increasingly unsettled as well**

Paul Dorian

A very warm weather pattern will continue across the Tennessee Valley right through the upcoming weekend as upper-level high pressure ridging strengthens nearby. After a rain-free day here at mid-week, the chance for showers and thunderstorms will return later tomorrow and likely continue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *A flirtation this afternoon with 90 degrees in some of the week looks quite warm as well*

Paul Dorian

A warmer weather pattern began yesterday across northern Alabama as upper-level high pressure ridging expanded into the. As the high aloft continues to strengthen, the warming trend here will intensify today with afternoon temperatures likely to flirt with the 90 degree mark in some sections. After a rain-free mid-week, the chance for showers and thunderstorms will return later on Thursday and continue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

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