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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Chance of showers later today/tonight, maybe a thunderstorm, as cold front moves into the region*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will push into the region later today possibly resulting in some shower activity during the PM hours, maybe even an isolated thunderstorm. It’ll turn cooler on Friday with the front working its way through the region and there still can be a shower or thunderstorm in some spots. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely with some sunshine likely on both days and high temperatures not far from the 80-degree mark. On another note, it is time once again to turn the clocks back an hour as of 2AM Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another day with afternoon high temperatures near the 80-degree mark*

Paul Dorian

High pressure remains in control of the weather for another day that will feature plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. A cold front will arrive on Thursday leading to the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms and the threat of rain will likely continue into Friday as well though it’ll turn cooler. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely with some sunshine likely on both days and high temperatures not far from the 80-degree mark.

One final note, it is time once again to turn the clocks back an hour as of 2AM Sunday...a sure sign that winter is on the way.

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7:00 AM | *Quite warm for the next couple of days with highs near 80 degrees*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will continue to be in control around here for the next couple of days that should feature plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. A cold front arrives later in the week bringing with it the chance of showers and thunderstorms from later Halloween Day (Thursday) into the day on Friday. High pressure should follow the frontal passage resulting in nice weather around here for the first weekend of November.

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"2024-2025 Winter Outlook" by Arcfield Weather

Paul Dorian

Last winter was generally warmer-than-normal in the Mid-Atlantic region with below-normal snowfall and 2024 began with a rather strong El Nino event in the tropical Pacific Ocean. However, those warmer-than-normal water temperatures have since flipped to below-normal and this upcoming winter season is quite likely to feature weak La Nina (colder-than-normal) conditions. Typically, La Nina winters feature a more active polar jet stream that helps to transport cold air masses from northwestern Canada into the Northern Plains while, at the same time, much of the southern US often experiences warmer and drier conditions. La Nina winters are somewhat random in the Mid-Atlantic region with respect to temperatures and precipitation with some years featuring more snow than normal and others less.

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7:00 AM | *High temperatures generally in the low-to-mid 80's next few days*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week and upcoming weekend will feature dry and quite warm conditions across the Tennessee Valley with afternoon highs generally in the low-to-mid 80’s. In terms of the prospects for rain, they look to be quite small with the overall dry pattern likely continuing right through the upcoming weekend thanks to strong high pressure centered over the eastern states.

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7:00 AM | *The remainder of the week and upcoming weekend will feature dry and warm conditions across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week and upcoming weekend will feature dry and warm conditions across the Tennessee Valley with afternoon highs generally close to the 80-degree mark. In terms of the prospects for rain, they look to be quite small with the overall dry pattern likely continuing right through the upcoming weekend thanks to strong high pressure centered over the eastern states.

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1:00 PM | *Atlantic Basin tropical activity may experience another surge during the first half of November*

Paul Dorian

Since the middle of last week, two separate tropical systems attained tropical storm status adding to the year’s total number of named storms to 15 in the Atlantic Basin. Neither one of these most recent tropical storms, Nadine and Oscar, are a threat to the US mainland as the first one has already dissipated and the second is destined to push out over the open waters of the western Atlantic Ocean. There are signs, however, that tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin may be very well get boosted again as we push into the first half of November.

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7:00 AM | *Warming trend begins today...temperatures get back to the upper 70's/lower 80's for highs early next week*

Paul Dorian

After a stretch of chilly weather, temperatures will begin to climb as we end the work week with today’s highs back up in the low-to-mid 70’s. By the latter part of the weekend and the early part of next week, we’ll see afternoon high temperatures near or even slightly above the 80 degree mark and there should be plenty of sunshine on a daily basis.

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