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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:00 PM | **An update on the newest tropical system...very impressive upcoming cold shots for the central/eastern states**

Paul Dorian

It is not all that unusual for the “last hurrah” of an Atlantic Basin tropical season to be followed by an influx of winter-like cold into the central and eastern US and, in some cases, it is a “pattern-changing” type of event. One such example of this kind of scenario unfolded with Hurricane Sandy at the end of October during 2012 which was then followed by a colder-than-normal November in most areas east of the Mississippi. (In fact, cold air actually wrapped into Hurricane Sandy with as much as 3 feet of snow in West Virginia during that event). It appears a tropical system now forming over the Caribbean Sea may cross the Yucatan Peninsula by early next week and it then can take a turn to the northeast. Hopefully, this tropical system will weaken during its encounter with the Yucatan Peninsula and before a possible northeast turn towards the state of Florida. At the same time, cold air will be charging southeastward from Canada into the central states and other very impressive-looking cold shots are destined to work their way into the central and eastern states later in the month.

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7:00 AM | *The next frontal system brings us a chance of showers and thunderstorms from later tomorrow into Thursday*

Paul Dorian

Mainly sunny skies today following the passage of a frontal system on Monday and afternoon temperatures will be quite comfortable near the 70-degree mark. Another frontal system will arrive at mid-week bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms from later tomorrow into Thursday. Nice weather returns for the late week and weekend with high pressure returning to the region.

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7:00 AM | **Warm and unsettled around here next several days with multiple chances of showers and storms**

Paul Dorian

The overall pattern remains quite warm and unsettled around here with high temperatures during the next several days near 80 degrees and the occasional shot at showers and thunderstorms. Strong upper-level troughing will push east across the nation’s mid-section during the next few days and it’ll push some warm, humid and unstable air into northern Alabama which will lead to the threat of showers and thunderstorms from time-to-time.

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10:45 AM | ***A wild week of weather across the nation...severe weather outbreak to include tornadoes...significant snowfall in the Rockies...tropical activity***

Paul Dorian

The calendar has flipped to November and the first full week of the new month will feature some wild weather across the nation. First, a severe weather outbreak is likely later today into late tonight across the nation’s mid-section and this includes the threat of tornadoes from Texas to Missouri. Second, accumulating snow is likely across the Rocky Mountain States, and it can be significant during the latter part of the week across Colorado and New Mexico. Finally, a surge of tropical activity has begun in parts of the Atlantic Basin and a tropical system now intensifying over the Caribbean Sea is likely to become a hurricane by later in the week as it heads towards the Gulf of Mexico.

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7:00 AM | *Overall warm weather pattern continues here this weekend and for at least the first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will slowly push across the region today possibly resulting in more shower activity, maybe even an isolated PM thunderstorm. It’ll be a bit cooler today compared to Thursday given the abundance of clouds in the region associated with the frontal system. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely with some sunshine likely on both days and high temperatures not far from the 80-degree mark. One other note, it is time once again to turn the clocks back an hour as of 2AM Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers later today/tonight, maybe a thunderstorm, as cold front moves into the region*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will push into the region later today possibly resulting in some shower activity during the PM hours, maybe even an isolated thunderstorm. It’ll turn cooler on Friday with the front working its way through the region and there still can be a shower or thunderstorm in some spots. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely with some sunshine likely on both days and high temperatures not far from the 80-degree mark. On another note, it is time once again to turn the clocks back an hour as of 2AM Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another day with afternoon high temperatures near the 80-degree mark*

Paul Dorian

High pressure remains in control of the weather for another day that will feature plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. A cold front will arrive on Thursday leading to the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms and the threat of rain will likely continue into Friday as well though it’ll turn cooler. The weekend is shaping up quite nicely with some sunshine likely on both days and high temperatures not far from the 80-degree mark.

One final note, it is time once again to turn the clocks back an hour as of 2AM Sunday...a sure sign that winter is on the way.

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7:00 AM | *Quite warm for the next couple of days with highs near 80 degrees*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will continue to be in control around here for the next couple of days that should feature plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. A cold front arrives later in the week bringing with it the chance of showers and thunderstorms from later Halloween Day (Thursday) into the day on Friday. High pressure should follow the frontal passage resulting in nice weather around here for the first weekend of November.

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