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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *A chilly rain arrives later today with low pressure pushing to our northwest*

Paul Dorian

A cold front pushed through the region late yesterday and today will turn out to be chilly with mainly cloudy skies. Rain is likely by later in the day as low pressure pushes to our northwest and there is an outside chance that sleet mixes in at the onset.  On Thursday, temperatures should climb to the 50’s and there can be a couple of additional showers in the region. Another cold front passes through tomorrow night ushering in colder and windy conditions for Thursday night and Friday. Low pressure could produce some snow shower activity around here on Saturday, but the moisture content for this system appears to be rather limited. 

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers today...cold rain late tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will track northwest of the region today producing some shower activity around here and then it’ll turn colder late tonight on the heels of a frontal passage.  On Wednesday, it’ll be a colder day and there will be the chance of rain late as a warm front approaches…sleet can mix in at times at the onset. A reinforcing shot of cold air will push into the area by week’s end and then low pressure could produce some rain and/or snow shower activity around sometime this weekend.

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2:00 PM | *Battle brewing in next couple weeks between persistent Southeast US high pressure ridge and developing high-latitude blocking over Greenland/Northeast Canada*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern across the eastern US has been active in recent weeks and there is reason to believe it’ll remain quite energetic over the next couple of weeks.  In fact, the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US can become quite a “battle zone” region with the development in coming days of high-latitude blocking across Greenland/Northeastern Canada at the same time high pressure ridging persists over the Southeast US.  There will be times when the SE US ridge shows its strength with warm air surging northward into the Mid-Atlantic region and other times in which the high-latitude blocking flexes its muscle resulting in cold air dropping southward from Canada into the northeastern part of the US.  

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7:00 AM | *A mild start to the week in the NYC metro, but it turns colder by mid-week with the chance of rain, sleet and/or snow*

Paul Dorian

The week will start off on the mild side in the NYC metro area, but it turns colder by the mid-week. There can be a shower later today, but any rain is more likely to develop later in the evening. Low pressure at mid-week can bring us some rain, sleet and/or snow and -after a milder day on Thursday - it’ll turn colder again by week’s end.

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7:00 AM | *Rain this morning with strong cold front and some can be heavy...noticeably colder tonight and Saturday, but then temperatures rebound on Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will pass through the region this morning ushering in a cold air mass for tonight and Saturday. Winds ahead of the front this morning will be from the southwest and then will shift to a northwesterly direction in the afternoon and temperatures will fall into the 40’s.  Temperatures late tonight will bottom out in the mid-to-upper 20’s and be confined to the mid 40’s for highs on Saturday afternoon. Temperatures will rebound on Sunday and Monday as high pressure shifts to a position off the east coast allowing for the formation of a low-level southwesterly (and milder) flow of air.

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7:00 AM | *Another unseasonably mild day with PM showers lasting into Friday AM...turns quite cold for Friday night and Saturday*

Paul Dorian

A warm front will result in some PM shower activity around here and temperatures will again reach unseasonably mild levels in the low-to-mid 60’s for afternoon highs.  A cold front will head this way later tonight bringing with it additional showers that will last right into the morning hours on Friday. It’ll turn much colder on Friday night and Saturday, but this cold snap will be rather short-lived as temperatures should rebound noticeably for Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | **Unseasonably mild next couple days with 60+ degrees for afternoon highs...brief cold shot for Friday night and Saturday**

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be unseasonably mild in the Mid-Atlantic region with low-to-mid 60’s on the table in the NYC metro region for afternoon highs.  As a front approaches on Thursday, the chance for showers will be on the increase and winds will pick up in intensity as well.  After the frontal passage on Friday, it’ll turn much colder for Friday night and Saturday, but - as has been the case with most recent cold snaps - this one will be rather short-lived.  Temperatures will begin a noticeable rebound on Sunday and the milder pattern will continue early next week. 

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7:00 AM | *60+ degrees on the table for Wednesday and Thursday, but with an increasing chance of showers*

Paul Dorian

A weak cool front passed through the region last night and high pressure will now resume control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region.  After a mild day on Tuesday, it’ll turn even warmer tomorrow and it stays relatively warm on Thursday as well.  Showers are likely later in the week as the next cold front approaches the eastern states from the Ohio Valley. Following the passage of this next cold front, it’ll turn colder to begin the weekend, but - as has been the case in recent weeks - the cold snap will be rather short-lived.  

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7:00 AM | *Turns quite mild again for the mid/late week...colder this weekend*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pulls away from the coast today and the next system of interest here will be a cool front that passes through later tonight.  High pressure resumes control by mid-week and it’ll be quite mild and then another cold front approaches late in the week likely with shower activity.  Chilly high pressure will follow the late week frontal passage for the upcoming weekend.  

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7:00 AM | **Mild today...colder on Saturday...coastal storm can bring some rain, wind here on Sunday/Sunday night**

Paul Dorian

High pressure pushes into the Mid-Atlantic region today and will control the weather into the weekend.  After a very mild end to the work week (and in record-territory in some spots), it does turn colder this weekend on the back side of today’s cold frontal passage. Strong low pressure will form along the east coast by Saturday night and it can move this far to the north and bring some rain to the local region on Sunday and Sunday night.  There is an outside chance that some sleet or snow can mix in at times during this event across some of the northern and western suburbs. 

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