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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

12:00 PM | **Not quite done yet with the cold air outbreaks and snow across the northern US...heavy rain possible this weekend in the eastern US with next strong cold front**

Paul Dorian

The Phillies are scheduled to play the White Sox tonight in Chicago, but the day has started there with snow, temperatures near freezing and wind chills in the teens.  In fact, snow is falling today across much of the Upper Midwest from Minnesota-to-Michigan on the north side to Illinois and Indiana to the south.  Unfortunately, for those waiting on spring, it appears there will be additional cold air outbreaks across the northern US during the next couple of weeks and this will continue the threat of accumulating snow in many sections from the Rocky Mountain States to the interior Northeast US. The next cold air outbreak will arrive in the nation’s midsection by the upcoming weekend and the cold front at its leading edge could generate heavy rainfall in the eastern US from late Saturday into Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Cold front works its way through the region today*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will push its way off the coast today and it turns cooler and breezy in the Mid-Atlantic region on the heels of the frontal passage. High pressure builds into the area and should generate generally dry conditions around here for the next few days. As the high pushes to our east later this week, temperatures will rebound noticeably likely to climb to near 80 degrees by week’s end. Another cold frontal system will impact the weather here this weekend with showers likely surrounding its passage through the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Our dry weather pattern of recent days comes to an end this weekend/early next week*

Paul Dorian

Our dry weather pattern of recent days will come to an end this weekend with two systems bringing us a chance of showers and thunderstorms.  On Saturday, moisture associated with a low pressure system that formed yesterday over the northern Gulf of Mexico will push northeastward into the Mid-Atlantic region. While not a total washout, showers can pop up at just about any time on Saturday and there can be a thunderstorm to along with somewhat cooler conditions.  The next system of note will be a cold front to our west that will push through the region from late Sunday into Monday and this too can bring us some shower and thunderstorm activity.  It turns cooler early next week following the passage of the cold front. 

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7:00 AM | *Dry weather through tomorrow, but rain threat returns here this weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure off the east coast continues to be the dominant player in the Mid-Atlantic region and it will produce dry weather here through Friday.  Meanwhile, low pressure has formed in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its moisture field will push northeastward through the southeastern states by the weekend. In fact, this system looks like it will increase chances here for showers by Saturday and then a cold front moving this way from our west will likely generate additional showers from Sunday night into Monday.  Cooler air will follow the cold frontal passage for the early part of next week. 

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7:00 AM | *Warmest weather so far this season for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure off the east coast continues to be the dominant player in the Mid-Atlantic region and it will provide more dry weather right through the end of the work week.  Temperatures will climb to 80 degrees today and then into the 80’s on Thursday and Friday. The weather becomes more unsettled this weekend with the possible return of shower activity and cooler air will likely move into the area early next week.

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7:00 AM | *The 80's are on the way for later in the week*

Paul Dorian

It continues to look like a quiet and dry week in the Mid-Atlantic region that will become increasingly warm.  High pressure has shifted to a position off the east coast and southwesterly winds on its back side will pump in warmer air to the eastern states. Temperatures this afternoon will reach the middle 70’s and then likely climb well up into the 80’s later this week.  A cold front will bring some unsettled weather to the area this weekend with the return of a chance for showers.

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7:00 AM | *An increasingly warm week with the 80's on the way*

Paul Dorian

It looks a relatively quiet and dry week in the Mid-Atlantic region that will become increasingly warm.  High pressure shifts to a position off the coast over the next day or so and southwesterly winds on its back side will pump in warmer air to the eastern states.  Temperatures this afternoon will reach the middle 60’s and are likely to climb to well up into the 80’s later in the week.

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7:00 AM | *Chilly air mass moves in for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn noticeably cooler today following the passage of the strong cold frontal system with quite a chilly air mass moving for the weekend. In fact, temperatures should bottom out in the 30’s during each of the next few nights. High pressure that originated in Canada will take control of the weather as we head into the weekend and there may be some clouds on Saturday, but more in the way of sunshine for Easter Sunday. Looking ahead, a pattern change will likely result in a warm air surge across the eastern states by the mid and latter parts of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Strong cold front arrives late today and there can be a strong-to-severe thunderstorms in some spots**

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain warm today ahead of an approaching cold front and the chance of showers will increase in the afternoon…maybe even a late day/early evening strong-to-severe thunderstorm. The best chance for a strong-to-severe thunderstorm will likely end up being just to the south of here in central and southern New Jersey. It’ll turn cooler on Friday following the passage of the cold frontal system with a chilly air mass moving into the northeastern states. High pressure with its origins in Canada will take control of the weather and there may be only limited sunshine on Saturday, but plenty on Sunday.

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10:45 AM (Wed) | ***Severe weather today extends from Texas to the Great Lakes…strong cold front reaches eastern seaboard later Thursday with a strong-to-severe thunderstorm threat***

Paul Dorian

A line of thunderstorms extends this morning all the way from Texas to the central Great Lakes and tornado watches as issued by the National Weather Service encompass this entire zone. This severe weather outbreak represents just the latest in a series of recent “clashes” in the atmosphere between cold, dry air to the west charging into warm, humid air to the east.  Strong surface low pressure over the northwestern Great Lakes is generating blizzard conditions across the Dakotas and a powerful surface cold front extends from the center all the way south into the northern Gulf region. This same cold front reaches the eastern seaboard later Thursday and while certainly not as widespread of a threat as today, there is the chance for some strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity near the coast. Following the passage of the cold front, a chilly Canadian-borne air mass will push into the Great Lakes/Northeast/Mid-Atlantic for the upcoming Easter weekend.

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