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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | **Occasional rain today and tonight...early morning lingering showers on Saturday, but not a washout...very windy later Saturday through Sunday**

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is strengthening off the east coast today and it will push to the north and reach a peak intensity over New England during the weekend. As a result, we will experience occasional rain today and tonight, maybe an isolated thunderstorm or two, and then showers can linger into early Saturday morning, but it will not turn out to be a total washout. Winds will increase during the day on Saturday as the low pressure system intensifies over New England and gusts past 40 mph are possible on Saturday night and Sunday to go along with quite cool conditions throughout the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | **Occasional rain on Friday/Friday night...not a washout on Saturday with AM showers possible...becoming very windy later Saturday through Sunday**

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level trough of low pressure will push into the eastern states on Friday and lead to the development of low pressure near the east coast. This system will ride up along the coast and reach its peak intensity to the northeast of here later in the weekend. As a result, occasional rain will take place here on Friday and Friday night and lingering showers are possible on Saturday morning - not a total washout. The winds will become strong later Saturday through Sunday with gusts past 40 mph on the table as strong low pressure pushes across northern New England.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure builds into the region and controls the weather through much of the day on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure builds into the region today and it’ll control the weather around here through the day on Thursday. After that, a storm will begin to take shape in the eastern states and reach its peak intensity to the northeast of here later this weekend. Showers are likely here on Friday and Saturday and the second half of the weekend will feature some strong winds on the backside of an intense storm system that will be located over northern New England.

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7:00 AM | *Cool, unsettled again today...dry at mid-week...showers possible Friday and Saturday and then quite cool with strong winds on Sunday*

Paul Dorian

It remains on the cool and unsettled side today in the Mid-Atlantic region with an upper-level trough of low pressure hanging near the eastern seaboard. High pressure builds in at mid-week and controls the weather through the day on Thursday. After that, it looks like a storm will begin to take shape in the eastern states at the end of the week and ultimately, this system should become quite strong as it reaches the New England area. As a result, showers will be possible here on Friday and Saturday and then the second half of the weekend will likely feature very gusty winds on the backside of the low and quite cool conditions.

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7:00 AM | *Cool weather to start the new work week*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low pressure trough hangs along the eastern seaboard for the next couple of days keeping it cool and somewhat unsettled around with the threat of isolated showers. High pressure builds in at mid-week and pushes off the coast later in the week.  Another storm system looks to take a run at the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US late in the week and into the weekend which would continue a recent trend that has featured rain and cool conditions for at least part of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Here we go again...another wet and unseasonably cool Saturday in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

Another wet and cool weekend is on the way to the Mid-Atlantic region which continues a recent trend. Low pressure will push to the Ohio Valley by early tomorrow and then it will give way to a secondary storm system that is to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. As a result, occasional rain is likely here on Saturday and Saturday night and it will become unseasonably cool as well with a persistent onshore flow of air (E-NE winds)…a similar pattern to some prior weekends. The weather may not get much better on Sunday as the parent upper-level low will be a very slow mover. Consequently, showers will remain a threat early and temperatures should stay well below-normal on Sunday for the middle of October. In fact, it looks like the first half of next week will remain quite cool and unsettled with the continuing threat of showers underneath the very slow moving upper-level trough.

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7:00 AM | *Nice weather today and Friday...a cool and wet weekend is on the way*

Paul Dorian

Our terrific fall weather will continue around here for the next couple of days, but, unfortunately, it turns wet and chilly this weekend which continues a recent trend in the Mid-Atlantic region. Low pressure will push to the Ohio Valley by the early part of the weekend and then a secondary system will form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. As a result, rain is likely here on Saturday and it’ll be quite cool as well with an onshore (NE winds) flow of air. The weather does not get much better on Sunday as the upper-level low will be a slow mover. Consequently, showers will remain a threat here on Sunday and temperatures should stay well below-normal for the middle of October. Looking ahead, the slow-moving upper-level trough system in the eastern states will likely result in more cooler-than-normal and unsettled weather on Monday and Tuesday with a continuing chance of showers.

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7:00 AM | *Nice fall weather next few days...more weekend rain on the way and quite cool*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will push across the central states over the next few days and help to spawn an Ohio Valley surface low by the end of the week. This initial or primary low will then give way to an intensifying secondary low early this weekend somewhere near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. As a result, it looks like yet another weekend rain event for the Mid-Atlantic region that will feature a persistent onshore flow of air (NE winds) and quite cool conditions. The inclement weather is likely to spill over into Sunday with the expected very slow movement of the upper-level trough of low pressure over the eastern US.

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9:30 AM | **Pacific Ocean-to-Gulf of Mexico "tropical hand-off"…yet another weekend rain event Mid-Atlantic region**

Paul Dorian

Two big weather stories over the next several days will include a Pacific Ocean-to-Gulf of Mexico “tropical hand-off” and yet another weekend rain event is in the cards for the Mid-Atlantic region. Hurricane Lidia will head into western Mexico later today and some of its tropical moisture will make it across Mexico at mid-week giving a boost to a tropical wave sitting over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico. Surface low pressure with a Pacific Ocean-to-Gulf of Mexico tropical connection will form by later tomorrow over the western Gulf and then spread some heavy rainfall across the northern Gulf/Southeast US as it takes a path to the east-to-northeast.

Meanwhile, a deepening upper-level low pressure system will cross the nation from west-to-east in coming days and set off the development of surface low pressure over the Ohio valley by week’s end. This primary or initial low will then give way to a secondary low pressure system likely to form early this weekend along the Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result will continue a recent trend in the Mid-Atlantic region with some weekend rain and very cool conditions featuring a persistent onshore flow of air.

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