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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Another great day with dry, warm conditions and plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

Today will be another great weather day in the Mid-Atlantic region with plenty of sunshine, dry and warm conditions, and afternoon high temperatures around here in the low-to-mid 70’s. It stays very mild on Friday, but there will be the chance of showers and maybe even an afternoon or evening thunderstorm as a cool front pushes through the region. Following the passage of the front, the weekend will turn slightly cooler, but still above normal for the middle of March. A colder-than-normal air mass pushes in for the first half of next week and high temperatures on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are likely to be confined to 40’s for the most part as compared with the 70+ degrees expected this afternoon.

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10:30 AM | ***A Denver snowstorm…severe weather threat Mississippi Valley…spring fever alert for the Mid-Atlantic region***

Paul Dorian

From a climatological point of view, March is a favorable time of year for accumulating snow in the Rocky Mountain States and it looks like “climatology” will come through this year. March is also quite an active month on average in terms of severe weather and indeed, an outbreak is possible later tomorrow and tomorrow night across the Mississippi Valley. Meanwhile, the Mid-Atlantic region will enjoy back-to-back-to-back unseasonably warm days featuring temperatures in the 70’s in many spots and spring fever may spread rapidly.

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7:00 AM | *Spring fever alert...back-to-back unseasonably warm days coming to the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure edged eastward on Tuesday afternoon, and it will slide off the coast today opening the door for unseasonably warm air to our west to move into the Mid-Atlantic region. Temperatures will surge today to near 70 degrees and likely into the lower 70’s on Thursday afternoon. It stays very mild at the end of the work week; however, the pattern becomes more unsettled with a chance of showers on Friday, maybe a thunderstorm. It cools down some this weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region, but still mild for this time of year, and then a colder-than-normal air mass reaches the area for the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Big warm up begins today in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

After a cold and windy day to start the week, there are big temperature changes on the way for the Mid-Atlantic region beginning today with afternoon highs around here likely in the middle 60’s. The surge in temperatures will continue during the next couple of days with 70 degree highs an outside chance for both Wednesday and and Thursday. It stays quite mild into the late week and weekend, but it'll become more unsettled with the threat of showers on a couple of occasions.

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7:00 AM | **Chilly and very windy today with gusts to 50 mph...big warm up coming for Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday**

Paul Dorian

The pressure difference between a very strong low pressure system over the Canadian Maritimes and an incoming high pressure remains high today and the result will be a continuation of powerful NW winds in the Mid-Atlantic region. Winds can gust up to 50 mph or so which will make the chilly air mass feel even colder as we begin the new work week.

Big temperature changes are on the way for the next few days. With high pressure pushing over the region on Tuesday, temperatures will surge to the 60’s and 70 degree highs are possible by the time we get to Thursday afternoon. In fact, it’ll remain unseasonably mild into the weekend, but a shower threat is likely to return by Friday and Saturday. 

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7:00 AM | ***More heavy rain for the first half of the weekend...very windy later Sunday into Monday...turn the clocks ahead***

Paul Dorian

After a dry day on Friday, the next in a series of low pressure systems will impact the region with more rain on Saturday afternoon and Saturday night. On the back side of the low, winds will pick up noticeably on Sunday from a northwesterly direction and colder-than-normal air will pour into the Mid-Atlantic region. Snow showers are on the table for the PM hours on Sunday. It’ll stay windy and chilly on Monday despite some sunshine, but a warm-up kicks in by the middle of next week.

One final note, this is the weekend in which we turn the clocks ahead as we switch back to Daylight Savings Time.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled pattern continues with more rain coming for later Saturday into Saturday night...turns colder and quite windy from later Sunday into Monday*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pushes away from the area this morning, but the unsettled weather pattern will continue through the upcoming weekend. After a dry day on Friday, the next in a series of low pressure systems will impact the region with more rain on Saturday afternoon and Saturday night. On the back side of the low, winds will pick up noticeably on Sunday from a northwesterly direction and colder-than-normal air will pour into the Mid-Atlantic region. It’ll stay windy and chilly on Monday despite some sunshine, but a warm-up kicks in by the middle of next week.

One final note, this is the weekend in which we turn the clocks ahead as we switch back to Daylight Savings Time.

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7:00 AM | *More rain on the way for later today, tonight and tomorrow morning*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues for the next several days with multiple low pressure systems to deal with in the Mid-Atlantic region. The next system to impact the area will pull out of the Southeast US today and produce more rain here from later today into tomorrow morning…some of the rain can be heavy at times. After a dry day on Friday, another system will push into the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend with more rain on Saturday afternoon and Saturday night, and it’ll be followed by colder and windy conditions from later Sunday into Monday.

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7:00 AM | **More rain today...another rain event comes later tomorrow into Thursday**

Paul Dorian

The remainder of week looks mild overall, but also quite unsettled with additional chances of rain in the NYC metro region. Low pressure is tracking along the coast this morning producing rain here today and some of it can be heavy at times. Another low pressure system will impact the region from later tomorrow into early Thursday with additional rainfall. The unsettled pattern will not end there as an additional threat for rain in the Mid-Atlantic region comes this weekend and it’ll turn somewhat colder as well.

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7:00 AM | *A parade of storms this week for the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

The upcoming week looks quite mild, but also very unsettled with multiple chances for rain and a parade of storm systems to deal with in the NYC metro region. Low pressure will track along the coast late tonight and Tuesday bringing with it a good chance of rain to the area. An even stronger low pressure system will impact the region from later Wednesday into early Thursday with additional rainfall. The unsettled pattern will not end there as an additional threat for rain comes this weekend and it’ll turn somewhat colder as well in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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