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11:20 AM (Sunday) | *”Clipper” system to produce snow showers later tonight north of PA/MD border…Tuesday system could produce PM snow in the I-95 corridor...turns warm and wet again next weekend*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

11:20 AM (Sunday) | *”Clipper” system to produce snow showers later tonight north of PA/MD border…Tuesday system could produce PM snow in the I-95 corridor...turns warm and wet again next weekend*

Paul Dorian


A “clipper” system will throw some snow shower activity into the northern Mid-Atlantic region late tonight and there is the chance for some additional snow later Tuesday in the I-95 corridor region from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC.  On Tuesday, low pressure will pull out of the Tennessee Valley and head towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline.  Temperatures will be borderline in the I-95 corridor region in terms of snow versus rain on Tuesday, but odds favor mainly snow in the immediate I-95 corridor and to points north and west of there.  The low will push off the Delmarva Peninsula coastline by later Tuesday night and another cold air outbreak will make it into the Mid-Atlantic region at mid-week.  Much like most recent cold air outbreaks, however, this chilly air mass will give way to much milder conditions by the upcoming weekend.


A “clipper” system is dropping southeastward today from the southern part of Canada to the Great Lakes.  This system does not have significant moisture associated with it, but it can produce some snow showers late tonight in parts of the interior Mid-Atlantic to the north of the PA/MD border. This system moves away by early tomorrow morning leaving moderately cold air in its wake to start the new work week.

Another low pressure system is likely to develop over the Tennessee Valley early Tuesday as two waves of energy aloft try to phase together – one moving along in the northern stream and the other and main one sliding along in the southern stream. This low pressure area will push towards the Delmarva Peninsula coastline later Tuesday and it could produce some snow of a coating to up to a couple of inches in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor - mainly during the PM hours.  Temperatures will be borderline in terms of snow versus rain in the I-95 corridor with precipitation more likely to be mainly in the form of snow along and to the northwest of Route I-95 and rain can mix in at times to its southeast. 

Another cold air mass will follow the low pressure system for the Mid-Atlantic region during the middle portion of the week with strong NW winds, but, once again, it does not look like it will last too long. It looks like it’ll turn milder again at the end of the week – just ahead of another storm system which could result in more rain around here this coming weekend.

Stay tuned…a slight shift for Tuesday’s system can result in an important shift in its precipitation shield.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.