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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

2:00 PM (Friday) | **Next week’s cold blast will be a record-breaker**

Paul Dorian

The first seven days of November have averaged more than 2.6ºC colder-than-normal across the nation and there is another very impressive cold air outbreak on the way for the eastern two-thirds.  The first blast of much colder-than-normal air arrived in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US in the overnight hours and tonight will be the coldest so far this season.  The next shot of Arctic air is already building up in Canada and it will reach the Northern Plains/Upper Midwest later in the weekend, cross the Great Lakes on Monday, and then into the Mid-Atlantic/NE US on Tuesday.  This blast of Arctic air will not only spread out across a larger portion of the country compared to the initial shot, but it will be even colder.  In fact, numerous daily low temperature records are likely to be set next week across the eastern two-thirds of the nation and there will likely be many sites recording their lowest temperatures ever for so early in the season. 

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7:00 AM | *Much colder air mass has arrived in the Tennessee Valley...even colder air coming next week*

Paul Dorian

An Arctic cold frontal system crossed the region yesterday and ushered in much cooler-than-normal air for the Tennessee Valley which is well below-normal for this time of year. Temperatures late tonight could bottom out in the upper 20’s which would be the coldest so far this season. Another cold blast will push into the central and eastern US early next week and this promises to be even colder than the current air mass.

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7:00 AM | *Next cold shot arrives tomorrow night and another coming for the early and middle parts of next week*

Paul Dorian

An Arctic cold frontal system will cross the Plains today and help to generate showers in the local region and maybe an embedded thunderstorms. Showers can continue into the evening hours, but then clearing should take place, winds will pick up noticeably and it’ll turn much colder. The winds will continue on Friday and it’ll remain quite cold for this time of year with highs generally confined to the 40’s. Another cold blast will push into the central and eastern Us during the early part of next week.

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12:50 PM (Wednesday) | **Cold pattern continues for the eastern two-thirds of the nation**

Paul Dorian

The first five days of November have been colder-than-normal across a large part of the nation and there won’t be any let up for the eastern two-thirds of the nation through at least the middle part of the month. The next blast of cold air will reach the eastern states in the Thursday night/Friday morning time frame and then another shot comes by the early-to-middle parts of next week.  Rain will accompany the arrival of the first cold frontal system later tomorrow into tomorrow night and it can even end as some snowflakes in parts of the I-95 corridor.  Accumulating snow is likely late tomorrow night in far interior regions of the NE US from southwestern NY to northern Maine with the influx of the cold air. The Arctic frontal system arriving early-to-middle next week could feature the development of low pressure along its boundary zone and that puts rain-changing-to-snow on the table for the I-95 corridor. 

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7:00 AM | *Another chilly air mass on the way for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

November has started off much colder-than-normal across the nation and there won’t be any let up for the eastern 2/3rds of the nation into at least the middle part of the month. The cold start to the month follows a colder-than-normal October across the CONUS with more than twelve-hundred sites experiencing the lowest temperature ever in the month of October and, even-more impressive, many locations set their monthly record for the month as a whole. Multiple cold air outbreaks will ride along the polar jet stream during the next couple of weeks from the northern part of Canada to the eastern US with the first one arriving here in the Thursday night/Friday time frame and another next Monday.

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12:20 PM | **Cold pattern continues for much of the US with the next impressive Arctic blast arriving late in the week in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US and another one early next week**

Paul Dorian

November has started off much colder-than-normal across the nation and there won’t be any let up for the eastern 2/3rds of the nation into at least the middle part of the month. The cold start to the month follows a colder-than-normal October across the CONUS with more than twelve-hundred sites experiencing the lowest temperature ever in the month of October and, even-more impressive, many locations set their monthly record for the month as a whole.  Multiple cold air outbreaks will ride along the polar jet stream during the next couple of weeks from the northern part of Canada to the Mid-Atlantic/NE US with the first one arriving in the Thursday night/Friday time frame and another next Monday.  The late week cold blast will also feature rain-changing-to-snow in parts of the interior Mid-Atlantic and NE US and several inches can accumulate from western New York State to upstate Maine. 

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7:00 AM | **Next impressive cold shot arrives at the end of the week**

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will feature generally mild conditions for the Tennessee Valley, but another cold shot is on the way for the end of the work week as a chilly weather pattern likely continues for the next couple of weeks. A polar jet stream will continue to allow for the transport of cold air masses from central Canada into the central and eastern US and the next significant blast will arrive here by Friday. After highs well up in the 60’s over the next couple of days, a strong cold front will arrive later Thursday, and highs on Friday will likely be confined to the 40’s across northern Alabama.

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12:40 PM | ***Winter-like pattern next couple of weeks with very impressive cold air outbreaks and snow is on the table***

Paul Dorian

November has started off colder for the nation as a whole than all but two years (1991, 2002) going back to the late 1970’s and there won’t be much let up for the eastern 2/3rds through at least the middle part of the month. The powerful frontal passage late last week in the eastern US was part of an overall pattern change and the warmth of October has transitioned to the cold of November.  There will likely be multiple cold air outbreaks over the next couple of weeks that ride along in the polar jet stream from central Canada to the Mid-Atlantic/NE US.  After a bit of a warm up on Tuesday, it’ll turn cooler again at mid-week, but it is the late week when another impressive cold air blast will arrive.  This next shot of cold air will drop southeastward from Canada and arrive in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US in the Thursday night/Friday time period.  Another cold air outbreak is destined to reach the central and eastern US early next week.  Both of these cold air outbreaks may present some snow possibilities for the Great Lakes and interior NE US and even to parts of the Mid-Atlantic region. 

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7:00 AM | *Moderation in temperatures next few days...chilly air returns for the late week*

Paul Dorian

The overall upper atmosphere pattern this week will feature a broad trough over the eastern US and high pressure ridging over the west coast. Flow over the northern part of Alabama will be rather zonal (i.e., west-to-east) and temperatures will begin to moderate through mid-week. A minor disturbance can result in some shower activity later in the week, but no significant rain event is in the offing. It’ll turn quite a bit cooler as well at week’s end following the passage of a cold front.

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7:00 AM | *What a difference a frontal passage can make!*

Paul Dorian

Yesterday’s frontal passage ushered in much cooler air and temperatures today will be confined to the lower 50’s for highs this afternoon. Under clear skies tonight, temperatures will again drop to near the freezing mark in many locations and frost is likely. A secondary cold front will usher in another cool air mass on Sunday delaying any warm up into early next week.

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