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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Relatively quiet weather next few days*

Paul Dorian

A strong low pressure system is now pulling away from the NE US and into the Canadian Maritimes at the same time high pressure builds across the nation’s midsection. This high will have an impact here with generally quiet weather over the next few days and a gradual warming trend. By week’s end, another cold front will cross the region and temperatures will take a step downward in the Tennessee Valley as we begin the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 60's by midweek*

Paul Dorian

The new week will start off on the chilly side with highs today confined to the middle 50’s across northern Alabama. High pressure ridging will edge into the region at mid-week and this will bring us mainly sunny conditions and higher temperatures. By later in the week, temperatures should climb to the middle 60’s and there will be an increasing chance of showers as low pressure approaches from the west.

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7:00 AM | *Back to 50 degrees today for afternoon highs*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a rather decent day in northern Alabama with highs right around the 50 degree mark to end the work week. A gradual warming trend will begin this weekend and we’ll climb towards the 60 degree mark for highs during the early part of next week. Strong low pressure will form over the western Atlantic Ocean this weekend, but it appears its impact will be east of here first over the Florida Peninsula and then up along the coastlines of the Southeast US and Mid-Atlantic.

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2:00 PM (Thursday) | **Colder-than-normal pattern likely to continue through November across much of the nation**

Paul Dorian

Hundreds of daily low temperature records were set this week in the eastern two-thirds of the nation and, at several sites, the all-time low temperature for the month of November was recorded.  Monthly records that have been set for November are quite impressive indeed as they’ll typically take place in the last week or so of a given month during this time of year.   Computer forecast models have been somewhat mixed recently in their temperature anomaly predictions for the US during the remainder of November, but it appears to me that the colder-than-normal pattern will continue right to the end of November for much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *Some moderation next couple of days, but still below-normal*

Paul Dorian

After an unseasonably cold day on Wednesday, temperatures will moderate some today, but remain well below-normal for the middle of November. Temperatures yesterday were generally confined to the lower 40’s for highs after an incredibly cold start to the day and they’ll likely make it to the upper 40’s later today. Strong low pressure will form over the western Atlantic Ocean over the weekend, but it appears its impact will be east of here first over the Florida Peninsula and then up along the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic coastlines.

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11:00 AM (Wednesday) | **Numerous daily low temperature records in the eastern third of the nation and a few monthly records…colder-than-normal pattern likely to continue for much of November**

Paul Dorian

Dozens and dozens of daily low temperature records were set this morning in the eastern third of the nation and, in some cases, the all-time low temperature for the month of November was recorded.  Monthly low temperature records are quite impressive since we haven’t even reached mid-month and most of these type of records would typically take place in the last week or so of the given month.  In some spots, today’s record low isn’t the only one to take place in this cold pattern.  For example, Central Park’s record low for today followed a record low set before midnight for yesterday and they broke a record on last Friday – the 3rd record low set in just the past several days.

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7:00 AM | *Not quite as harsh this afternoon after a very cold start to the day*

Paul Dorian

After an unseasonably cold day on Tuesday, temperatures will moderate some later today after a very cold start, but will remain well below-normal for the middle of November. Temperatures yesterday were generally confined to the low and middle 30’s, but should be able to climb to the mid-to-upper 40’s later this afternoon. Low pressure will form over the Gulf of Mexico at the end of the week, but it appears its impact will be east of here over the Florida Peninsula and then up along the east coast.

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10:45 AM (Tuesday) | ***Arctic blast has arrived in the eastern US…numerous record low temperatures by early for a brief changeover to snow in many spots***

Paul Dorian

The strong cold front representing the leading edge of a widespread Arctic air mass passed through the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor early this morning and temperatures have fallen into the 30’s from early day highs.  Precipitation is being enhanced in the cold air behind the front as a strong jet streak aloft generates upward motion in the I-95 corridor.  As a result, a changeover to snow is likely during the mid-day and early afternoon hours in the immediate DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and this changeover to snow is likely all the way to coastal New Jersey and Delmarva.  Some spots could receive small snow accumulations and as temperatures drop to near freezing later in the day, watch for the possibility of “black ice” on some roadways.  Precipitation winds down later today and the cold will become the main story with record low temperatures in numerous Mid-Atlantic/NE US locations by early tomorrow. Widespread records were set earlier today from Texas to the Great Lakes with some stations recording their lowest temperature ever for the month of November and we are not even at the halfway point.

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7:00 AM | *Much colder-than-normal across eastern two-thirds of the nation*

Paul Dorian

The passage of an Arctic cold frontal system has ushered in an unusually cold air mass for this time of year and temperatures by early tomorrow should be near the 20 degree mark in the region. Skies will clear today, but the winds will become quite strong and temperatures will be confined to the middle 30’s for afternoon highs. The unusual chill will stick around at mid-week, but some moderation is coming later in the week.

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7:00 AM | **Major cold blast arrives late tonight./Tuesday**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic cold frontal system will usher in another unusually cold air mass for this time of year and temperatures by early Wednesday should be near the 20 degree mark in general – way below normal for mid-November – and perhaps even in the upper teens in some locations. Rain showers should precede the arrival of the strong cold front and there is a chance that some flakes mix in as the colder air filters into the area. The unusual chill will stick around at mid-week, but some moderation is coming later in the week.

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