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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Warm and unsettled for today...colder for the second half of the week with a chance of rain and/or snow shower activity*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has shifted to the Mid-Atlantic region as we begin the new work week and this will result in warmer conditions across the Tennessee Valley. In addition to the warm up, it has turned more humid as Gulf of Mexico moisture pushed northward on the back side of the high pressure system and this will increase our chances for showers and thunderstorms. A cold front will drive through the region by later tonight bringing colder air into the region for the second half of the week. A lot of moisture will be hanging around the Gulf States and SE US later this week and this could result in some rain and/or snow activity around here.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled next few days*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will shift to the Mid-Atlantic region as we begin the new work week and this will result in warmer conditions in the Tennessee Valley. In addition to the warm up, it’ll turn more humid as Gulf of Mexico moisture pushes northward on the back side of the high pressure system. By tonight and Tuesday, we’ll come under the influence of a cold frontal system that will be dropping southeastward from the Northern Plains. The chance of showers will increase around here tonight and continue on Tuesday before colder, drier air moves in at mid-week.

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11:50 AM | **Short-lived, but dramatic Arctic blast headed from the Northern Plains to the eastern seaboard**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic front has pushed through the Northern Plains and into the Upper Midwest at mid-day and temperatures have plunged to below zero in many locations. In addition, winds are quite strong in these same areas resulting in dangerous wind chill values as low as 30 degrees below zero. This Arctic air outbreak will continue to push to the south and east over the next 24 hours and will bring some of the coldest readings yet this season to the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US by the early part of the weekend. As has been the case for much of the winter, the cold air will be rather short-lived and temperatures will ease noticeably by Sunday afternoon in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US.

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7:00 AM | *All the way down into the middle 20's later tonight following the passage of a cold front*

Paul Dorian

A cold frontal system has cleared the region in the overnight hours and temperatures will turn out much cooler today compared to yesterday as clouds thin out. Favorable conditions for radiational cooling will take place tonight (i.e., clear skies, light winds) and overnight lows will likely be in the middle 20’s. It’ll stay dry into the weekend with high pressure taking control and a warming trend will bring us back to 60+ degrees by early next week.

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7:00 AM | ***Threat of strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity later today/early tonight along with the potential of flash flooding***

Paul Dorian

A frontal system that stalled to our south yesterday will turn around and advance northward as a warm front today and it’ll result in windy, warmer and more humid conditions across northern Alabama after a chilly start. A strong disturbance will swing east at the same time the warmer and more humid air arrives and this combination will raise the chances for strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity late today and early tonight. Given the already well saturated grounds, any heavy rainfall later today and tonight can result in localized flash flooding conditions across northern Alabama. The shower threat will diminish on Thursday and it'll turn noticeably colder around here to end the work week.

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7:00 AM | **More rain today and then a chance of strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity on Wednesday**

Paul Dorian

A frontal system has stalled in the nearby vicinity and will keep it unsettled around here with the chance for additional showers and perhaps a thunderstorm or two. The front will try to push farther to the south of here later today, but will then turn around on Wednesday and advance to the north as a warm front. As a result, Wednesday may turn out to be an active day in the Tennessee Valley with a renewed chance of showers and thunderstorms and some of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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7:00 AM | ***Rain to start the new week and some of it will be heavy at for flash flooding***

Paul Dorian

This week looks quite active and unsettled with multiple disturbances coming our way from the central and western states. For today, a cold front will drop down into the area from the Ohio Valley raising the chances for showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain will be heavy at times…watch for localized flash flooding conditions. The front will stall out somewhere near central Alabama and this will keep us quite unsettled on Tuesday with additional rainfall likely. Another disturbance arrives at mid-week and this can generate showers and thunderstorms in much of the Tennessee Valley with the threat of severe weather and flash flooding.

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11:40 AM (Thursday) | ***Major storm to have wide ranging impact on the eastern US next 24 hours including severe weather, heavy rain/flooding and significant snow***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is now intensifying over the Tennessee Valley and it has tremendous support in the upper part of the atmosphere with a vigorous wave of energy and a powerful jet streak.  This developing storm will have a wide ranging impact in the eastern US over the next 24 hours or so with severe weather in the southeastern states, heavy rain/strong thunderstorms and potential flooding in the Mid-Atlantic region, and significant snow across interior sections of the Northeast US. 

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