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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Another cool day, but a milder trend begins shortly*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will shift to the east of here today and this will result in a noticeable warming trend across the Tennessee Valley. Low-level winds should veer to the southwest which will push milder air into the region and it stays relatively mild on Thursday and Friday as well. A strong cold front will cross the region by the early part of the weekend and its passage will set off a cooling trend that will likely result in high temperatures being confined to the 40’s once again by the time we get to the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Modification in temperatures begins at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

A low pressure system pushed off the Carolina coastline on Monday and it strengthened out over the open waters of the western Atlantic Ocean. In its wake, a cold air mass pushed southward into the Tennessee Valley and it’ll stay quite cold for one more day. The chilly air mass will modify at mid-week and we should reach the 60’s for afternoon highs on Thursday and Friday.

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7:00 AM | *A cold start to the week on the backside of low pressure over the Carolina coastline*

Paul Dorian

A low pressure system is pushing off the Carolina coastline today and it will strengthen rapidly out over the open waters of the western Atlantic. In its wake, a cold air mass has pushed southward into the Tennessee Valley and it’ll stay quite cold for the next couple of days. The chilly air mass should modify by later in the week and we could be back to the 60’s again for afternoon highs by week’s end.

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7:00 AM | *Cool, dry weekend coming to the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will pull out of the southern states today and intensify as it heads to a position just off the Mid-Atlantic coastline by early tomorrow. Showers are likely around here as this system pushes to the north and east, but it’ll turn drier behind it for the upcoming weekend. In fact, it looks like cool, dry weather will dominate from the weekend into the middle part of next week with temperatures likely not reaching seasonal levels until Wednesday.

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12:00 PM | *Significant storm to form just off the Mid-Atlantic coastline…heavy rain for I-95, coast…inland snows with interior New England the likely bulls eye region for heaviest snow*

Paul Dorian

The major storm system that began the week in the Northeast US was the opening salvo in a colder and stormy weather pattern for much of the eastern half of the nation and another significant storm is in the offing for the early part of the weekend. Low pressure will pull out of the southern states on Friday and intensify as pushes to a position just off the Mid-Atlantic coastline by early Saturday. Rain is in the cards from this storm in the cities along the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and in areas to the coast; however, it will become cold enough for accumulating snow in higher elevation, interior locations of the Northeast US with the heaviest snowfall amounts likely coming to interior New England. There is an outside chance that it gets cold enough on Saturday in the I-95 corridor and coastal sections for the rain to briefly mix with or change to sleet and/or snow during the back end of the storm.

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7:00 AM | *Next storm pushes east today from the nation's midsection*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure is sliding through the middle of the nation and will eventually help to generate quite a storm for the Northeast US this weekend. Moisture will increase around here today just ahead of this disturbance and showers are possible by the end of the day or early part of tonight. The threat of rain will continue on Thursday and even increase for Thursday night and early Friday. Another cool front is likely to push through on Friday night paving the way for a cool weekend in the Tennessee Valley.

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10:30 AM (Wednesday) | *Big storm potential for the early part of the weekend in this colder, stormy weather pattern*

Paul Dorian

The major storm system that began the week was the opening salvo in a colder and stormy weather pattern for the central and eastern US and another significant storm is in the offing for the early part of the weekend. Low pressure will likely pull out of the southern states at the end of the week and intensify as it arrives in the northeastern quadrant of the nation. Significant rain is in the cards from this potential storm in areas along the coast and back to the I-95 corridor; however, it may become cold enough for accumulating snow during the second half of the storm in higher elevation, interior locations of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US and inland sections of New England may end up with a major snowfall. In fact, there is an outside chance that it gets cold enough this weekend in portions of the immediate I-95 corridor for the rain to mix with or change to sleet and/or snow during the back end of the storm.

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7:00 AM | *Still brisk today, but not quite as chilly as yesterday*

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system has finally pushed far enough away from the region to allow for plenty of sunshine today, but it’ll remain on the brisk and chilly side. Temperatures today will get a little higher than yesterday reaching the lower 50’s for afternoon highs, and will settled back down to near freezing late tonight. It’ll remain chilly for the remainder of the week and there will be another storm that forms across the middle of the nation late in the week which could have an impact here.

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7:00 AM | *Middle 20's in the offing for late tonight for the overnight lows*

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system has pushed into the eastern Great Lakes and a colder air mass has moved into the Tennessee Valley region in its wake. As a result, temperatures today will be confined to the middle 40’s for highs and overnight lows late tonight could bottom out in the middle 20’s in much of the area. It’ll remain chilly for much of the remainder of the week and there will be another storm that forms across the middle of the nation which could have an impact here by late in the week.

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10:45 AM (Monday) | *Powerful storm system impacts the eastern third of the nation…significant snow in portions of the Ohio Valley…colder pattern emerges post-storm in the central/eastern US*

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system is churning northward today through the Appalachian Mountains and is having an important impact on a large part of the eastern third of the nation. The DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor has had steady and heavy rainfall this morning and the afternoon will present the possibility of some severe thunderstorm activity. Meanwhile, it is cold enough in the Midwest for snow to fall at mid-day and portions of the Ohio Valley will receive significant snowfall during the next 24 hours or so. An especially hard hit region may be northeastern Ohio where more than a foot of snow is possible in localized areas later tonight and Tuesday. This storm system is coming at the front end of an overall pattern change that will bring persistent colder conditions to the central and eastern US as we transition from the month of November to December.

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