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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Warming trend gets underway later today after a cold start to the day*

Paul Dorian

After a cold start to the day, a warming trend will begin later today as high pressure builds into the region and afternoon temperatures should climb to the 50 degree mark. It should turn even milder on Thursday as high pressure shifts east of here, southerly flow develops, and temperatures climb to the mid and upper 50’s for highs. A strong cold front will arrive in the Tennessee Valley region on Friday and its passage will usher in colder air for the end of the week and weekend. In fact, this frontal passage will tend to usher in an overall colder weather pattern for much of the remainder of the month of January.

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7:00 AM | *Improvement today with the return of some sunshine and it'll turn milder*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will shift to the east of here today and we’ll have a return of sunshine and milder conditions. High temperatures will be near the 50 degree mark both today and tomorrow and then it’ll turn milder on Thursday with highs well up in the 50’s. A cold frontal passage late in the week will usher in a colder weather pattern for the weekend and next week.

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12:00 PM (Mon) | *Colder pattern continues to unfold for the northern US during the second half of January…severe cold, snow has pounded parts of Europe and Asia following stratospheric warming event*

Paul Dorian

A stratospheric warming event that began several weeks ago has set off a chain of events in the atmosphere to bring some severe cold and snow to portions of Europe and Asia in recent days. Meanwhile, much of the northern part of the US has experienced above-normal temperatures in the first ten days of January, but the overall pattern is undergoing some important changes that will likely result in much colder weather during the second half of the month. Specifically, the overall pattern aloft will evolve into one which features high-latitude blocking across Greenland/northeastern Canada and high pressure ridging across the west coasts of Canada and the US. This change will allow for the transport of very cold air masses from northern Canada into the central and eastern US as we progress through the latter half of January.

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7:00 AM | *Snow showers today can cause small for black ice late tonight as temperatures drop below freezing*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will shift to the east of here today, but we’ll have some residual rain and/or snow in the area this morning with temperatures later today not doing better than the 40 degree mark. It’ll remain mainly cloudy and cold tonight and there is the threat for some black ice as moisture remains on some surfaces and temperatures drop to below the freezing mark. There will be a slight warming trend for the next few days, but a cold frontal passage late in the week will usher in a colder weather pattern for the weekend and next week.

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12:30 PM (Thursday) | *Colder pattern continues to unfold for the second half of January with “cross-polar” flow…southern Appalachians snow on Friday...threat early next week in Mid-Atlantic/NE US*

Paul Dorian

Changes to the overall upper-level pattern across North America during the next week or so will result in much colder air for the second half of the month of January in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US. The upper part of the atmosphere will evolve into a pattern that features high-latitude blocking across Greenland/northeastern Canada, high pressure ridging across the west coasts of Canada and the US, and even “cross-polar” flow which could transport Siberian air to this side of the North Pole. In addition, numerous waves of energy aloft will ensure the recent active weather pattern continues with numerous storm threats in coming days for much of the nation. One storm system will bring accumulating snow on Friday to the southern Appalachians from northeastern Georgia to southwestern Virginia and another system next week could threaten the Mid-Atlantic/NE US with snow and/or rain.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled and chilly as frontal system impacts the region*

Paul Dorian

A strong frontal system will bring us the chance of showers today and it’ll stay on the chilly side with highs likely confined to the upper 40’s. It is possible that enough cold air mixes in over the next 24 hours or so for snow shower activity to form in the region. Drier and cool conditions will settle in across the region on Friday night and last through the upcoming weekend.

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1:55 PM (Wednesday) | *Increasingly cold pattern to set up for the second half of January in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US…active pattern to continue as well*

Paul Dorian

While there certainly has been some moderate cold in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US in the first part of the month, the overall weather pattern that is unfolding will likely result in much colder air relative-to-normal for the second half of the month of January. The upper part of the atmosphere will evolve into a pattern that features high-latitude blocking across Greenland/northeastern Canada and high pressure ridging across the west coasts of Canada and the US. This combination will allow for the transport of increasingly cold air masses into the Mid-Atlantic/NE US as we progress through January. In addition, numerous waves of energy aloft will ensure the active pattern continues as well with many storm threats to come in coming days for much of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *More unsettled and colder as the week progresses*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will continue to control the weather around here today, but then we’ll become influenced on Thursday by an increasing moist flow of air as low pressure approaches the region. As a result, the chance of showers will increase tomorrow and it’ll stay unsettled later in the week as it turns colder. With temperatures trending downward later in the week, snow showers could develop in the region – something to monitor as the week progresses.

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7:00 AM | *Another cool day despite plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will continue to control the weather around here for the next couple of days, but it’ll remain on the cool side despite some sunshine. A cold front will arrive in the area tomorrow night and it could feature some shower activity into Thursday and temperatures will be on the chilly side for much of the second half of the week.

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