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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *An unsettled pattern next few days*

Paul Dorian

Clouds and possible showers this morning will be followed by some clearing in the afternoon and winds will be quite noticeable with afternoon gusts possible to 30 mph or so. The drier weather later today will be rather short-lived as the chance of showers and thunderstorms tends to increase later tonight and it’ll stay high during the next couple of days. In fact, it’ll take until Sunday to get some true clearing and the early part of next week looks quite pleasant.

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7:00 AM | *The chance of showers and thunderstorms increases late in the day*

Paul Dorian

Southerly flow ahead of a frontal system will push warm air into the region today and high temperatures this afternoon are likely to reach the 80 degree mark. This flow of air will also allow for moisture to increase around here and this will give us a chance of showers and thunderstorms from late in the day to tonight. The threat for rain will continue on Thursday and Friday as well and even intensify on Saturday when there will be the approach of another frontal system and this can lead to severe thunderstorm activity across the southern states.

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7:00 AM | *A pleasant day to start the week*

Paul Dorian

A warming trend began this past weekend across the Tennessee Valley and the first half of the week will remain rather mild. In fact, temperatures are likely to climb to near 80 degrees by mid-week as high pressure stays in control. The overall pattern will remain on the dry side for the next couple of day, but the second half of the week will feature an increased chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *A frosty end to the work week, but a warming trend gets underway this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A much colder-than-normal air mass moved into the Tennessee Valley on Thursday and today will remain on the chilly side for the early stages of April. Despite plenty of sunshine today, temperatures will be limited to the low or middle 50’s for afternoon highs and then will drop back to the upper 30’s in the overnight. Frost is quite likely to form late tonight and Saturday gets off to a cold start, but a warming trend will get underway. In fact, temperatures should climb into the lower 60’s on Saturday afternoon and then likely be able to reach the upper 60’s on Easter Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Cold air mass has arrived in the region...frost possible next couple of early mornings*

Paul Dorian

A much colder air mass pushed into the region in the overnight hours and the next couple of days will feature well below-normal temperatures for the very beginning of the month of April. Widespread frost is pretty likely across the region late tonight and again late tomorrow night during this abnormal early April cold air outbreak. The late week chill will ease noticeably this weekend with plenty of sunshine expected on both Saturday and Sunday.

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12:20 PM (Wed) | *Soaking rain later today into early Thursday with cold blast to follow…temperatures to drop to or just below the freezing mark…some snowflakes in the mix as well*

Paul Dorian

Soaking rain is headed to the Mid-Atlantic region for later today, tonight and early Thursday and it will be followed by an impressive cold blast for the beginning of the month of April. Temperatures will drop sharply late tonight/early tomorrow following the passage of a strong cold front and winds will become increasingly strong from a northwesterly direction. This cold air outbreak will result in accumulating snow on Thursday across interior sections of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from West Virginia to northern New England and some snow can actually fall all the way down into the immediate I-95 corridor. Temperatures late tomorrow night and again late Friday night are likely to fall to or just below the freezing mark in many spots, but the unusual chill will ease during the upcoming Easter weekend. One final note, tomorrow is Opening Day for Major League Baseball in many Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US locations…if attending one of these games, better bring a winter coat.

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7:00 AM | **Much colder air moves in tonight...temperatures drop to near freezing by early Thursday**

Paul Dorian

The big weather news across the eastern part of the nation for the next few days will be the arrival of a much colder-than-normal air mass for the beginning of the month of April. Today will be the transition day around here with much colder air to push in by the overnight hours and temperatures by early Thursday won’t be far from the freezing mark. Showers and thunderstorms are possible today as the strong cold front pushes in this direction with low pressure forming along the frontal boundary zone. Widespread frost is likely across the region late Thursday night and again late Friday night during this abnormal early April cold air outbreak. The unusual late week chill will ease noticeably as we progress through the upcoming Easter weekend.

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12:20 PM (Tues) | *Soaking rain later tomorrow/tomorrow night then a cold blast follows for Thursday/Friday…temperatures likely to drop to below freezing late at night - even in the I-95 corridor*

Paul Dorian

Another soaking rain event is headed to the region extending from the Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic and it will be followed by an impressive cold blast for the beginning of April. The soaking rain will push northeastward on Wednesday from the Tennessee Valley into the Mid-Atlantic; primarily, for the afternoon and nighttime hours. All of this activity will take place just ahead of a strong cold front which will usher in much colder air for Thursday and Friday and there can even be some accumulating snow when it arrives; primarily, across interior sections of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | *Much colder air mass arrives here as soon as we transition from March-to-April*

Paul Dorian

The big weather news for the second half of the week will be the arrival on late Wednesday night of much colder-than-normal air for the beginning of the month of April. Temperatures following a strong cold frontal passage are likely to drop to near the freezing mark early Thursday and widespread frost is possible late Thursday night and again late Friday night. The unusual late week chill will ease as we progress through the upcoming Easter weekend.

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