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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***Windy, wet and mild today in the Tennessee Valley...big temperatures changes later tonight following the passage of a slow-moving Arctic cold front***

Paul Dorian

Today will be another mild, windy and wet day in the northern part of Alabama, but big changes will come in the temperature department later tonight following the passage of a slow-moving Arctic cold frontal system. The rain today can be heavy at times and a thunderstorm or two can be in the mix across the region. It’ll stay on the cold side on Friday and into the upcoming weekend with the full arrival of the Arctic air mass into the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | **Mild, wet into tomorrow night ahead of slow-moving Arctic front...much colder air arrives tomorrow night/Friday**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic front will press slowly to the south and east over the next few days across the nation’s heartland and this boundary zone will feature rain and mild conditions on the warm side and accumulating ice and/or snow on the cold side. In fact, accumulating ice and/or snow will likely impact a large area from Texas to the Northeast US before the week is done with some regions likely to experience some serious icing and significant snow accumulations. It’ll turn windy and milder today in the Tennessee Valley and rain is likely to develop. The rain ahead of the Arctic front will continue right into tomorrow night, some of it can be heavy and there can be a thunderstorm or two. Arctic air will begin to filter into the region on Thursday night and temperatures on Friday will be much colder with highs confined to the upper 30’s.

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7:00 AM | **Milder by mid-week with rain and some of it can get heavy at times**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic front will press slowly to the south and east over the next few days across the nation’s heartland and this boundary zone will feature rain and mild conditions on the warm side and accumulating ice and/or snow on the cold side. In fact, accumulating ice and/or snow will likely impact a large area from Texas to the Northeast US before the week is done with some regions likely to experience some serious icing and significant snow accumulations. It’ll turn milder in the Tennessee Valley by mid-week and rain is likely to fall around here…some of it can be heavy at times. However, as Arctic air filters into the region on Thursday night following the passage of the front, the rain can change to a period of ice and/or snow and it turns much colder at week’s end.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure shifts east of here and it turns milder...60 degrees for highs on Tuesday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control as we begin a new work week and it’ll drift to the east of here by mid-week. As a result, it’ll start off on the cool side, but turn milder on Tuesday. An influx of more Arctic air and its associated slow-moving cold front will have a big impact on a wide part of the nation this week and it’ll bring rain here at mid-week. Colder air will follow the frontal passage and we’ll see temperatures drop noticeably by the late week as Arctic air filters into the region.

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7:00 AM | **Up and down temperatures next few days**

Paul Dorian

A topsy-turvy temperature pattern continues in the northern Alabama region with milder conditions today and then colder conditions on Friday following the passage of a cold front. After a chilly start to the weekend, it turns milder again for Sunday and Monday with highs back to 50+ degrees.

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7:00 AM | *Up and down temperature pattern next several days*

Paul Dorian

Kind of a topsy-turvy temperature pattern this week with colder conditions today as cold, Canadian high pressure takes control and then milder conditions to return on Thursday. That warm up on Thursday will be short-lived, however, as another cold front swings through the Tennessee Valley and ushers in colder air for the late week and the start to the weekend. It turns milder again for the early part of next week with highs back to near the 50 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | **An up and down temperature pattern through the weekend in the Tennessee Valley**

Paul Dorian

Kind of a topsy-turvy temperature pattern this week with colder conditions today as cold, Canadian high pressure takes control and then milder conditions to return by Thursday. That warm up on Thursday will be short-lived, however, as another cold front swings through the Tennessee Valley and ushers in colder air for the late week and start to the weekend.

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11:30 AM | ***Potential is there for an intense ocean storm early this weekend...impact in the Mid-Atlantic will be dictated by the still to be fined-tuned storm track and intensification rate***

Paul Dorian

A cold and active weather pattern will continue this last full week of January across the eastern US and there is growing potential for an important ocean storm early this weekend. Any impact in the Mid-Atlantic region would likely be in the Friday night/Saturday time frame and it will largely depend on the ultimate track of the storm and its intensification rate. Many ingredients are going to come together at the end of the week that will allow for explosive intensification of surface low pressure including the following: jet streaks in the northern and southern branches of the jet stream, plenty of cold air to the north and west, and deepening low pressure aloft that takes on a “negative” tilt. At this time, it is just too early to tell if this ocean storm will track well off the coast, close in or perhaps even ends up taking a slightly inland track which is a scenario that is still on the table though not too likely. It certainly looks like it’ll be an interesting next few days as we track this growing threat.

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7:00 AM | *High temperatures back to near normal as we begin a new work week*

Paul Dorian

The week will start off milder (but close-to-normal) than recent days with high pressure over the northern Gulf of Mexico in control. As the high pushes to the east today, our low-level winds will become southerly pushing slightly milder air into the Tennessee Valley. Clouds will increase tonight as low pressure organizes near the northern Gulf and it can generate a couple of rain showers around here late tonight and on Tuesday. Sunshine should return on Wednesday as high pressure builds into the region from northwest of here, but it’ll turn colder with a low-level northerly wind flow.

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