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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

10:15 AM | *Tropics have come alive…multiple systems to monitor in coming days*

Paul Dorian

The tropics have come alive and there are multiple systems to monitor in coming days across the Atlantic Basin. This significant uptick in tropical activity follows a very quiet stretch during July and much of August, but the overall pattern is now more favorable for development and intensification as we get ready to cross into the month of September. The climatological peak of the tropical season in the Atlantic Basin is around the 10th of September at which time sea surface temperatures tend to reach their annual peaks.

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7:00 AM | *Rain chances continue next couple of days...drier air comes for the mid and late week*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure will continue to push quite warm and humid air into the region for the next couple of days with a continuing shot at showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms can be strong and some of the rain can be heavy. A frontal system is likely to pass through the area at mid-week and the chance for rain will become significantly diminished. Elsewhere, the tropics have come alive and there will be several systems to monitor in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *Still in the 80's today for highs, but back to 90 degrees this weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain somewhat unsettled through the weekend with the daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. While a shower or storm can pop up at just about any time, the highest chances will come during the PM hours and much of the time will be rain-free. In terms of temperatures, excessive heat is not on the table for the next several days; however, highs will move back to near the 90 degree mark this weekend and early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Remains quite warm and unsettled next several days*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain somewhat unsettled through the remainder of the weekend with the daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Any shower or storm in this type of pattern can produce some heavy rainfall at times. In terms of temperatures, excessive heat is not on the table for the next several days; however, highs will move back to near the 90 degree mark this weekend and early next week.

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7:00 AM | **Unsettled weather pattern continues for the southern states**

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain somewhat unsettled through the remainder of the week with the daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Any shower or storm in this type of pattern can produce some heavy rainfall at times. In terms of temperatures, excessive heat is not on the table for the week. Highs will generally be confined to the mid or upper 80’s for the next few days with 90 degrees an outside shot in some locations.

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7:00 AM | *Remainder of the week to feature high temperatures generally in the mid or upper 80's*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain somewhat unsettled through the remainder of the week with the daily chance of showers and thunderstorms. Any shower or storm in this type of pattern can produce some heavy rainfall at times. In terms of temperatures, excessive heat is not on the table for the week. Highs will generally be confined to the mid or upper 80’s for the next few days with 90 degrees an outside shot in some locations.

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7:00 AM | **An unsettled and wet week with temperatures generally holding in the 80's for highs**

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure will build over the northeastern states during the next couple of days and this system will help to suppress temperatures in our area. In fact, temperatures should generally hold in the mid-to-upper 80’s for afternoon highs for much of the week. In terms of precipitation, it will be unsettled through the week with periodic showers and thunderstorms. Some of the rain will be heavy and some of the storms can be strong.

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7:00 AM | **A moist and unstable air mass will result in scattered-to-numerous showers and thunderstorms next few days...some of the rain can be heavy and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe**

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain unsettled over the next few days with the continuing chance of some heavy rainfall and strong thunderstorm activity. A moist and unstable air mass will push into the region and likely result in numerous showers and thunderstorms across the Tennessee Valley from later today through the early part of next week. Any shower or storm that falls can produce heavy rainfall and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels. The coverage of the shower and thunderstorm activity should diminish some by Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Mid 80's today and the chance for PM showers and storms*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain somewhat unsettled in the region today as an upper-level trough moves overhead and it stays moderately warm with afternoon highs in the mid 80’s. The unsettled conditions remain here on Friday and also into the weekend with the threat of showers and storms and temperatures will climb a bit on Saturday and Sunday reaching the upper 80’s in most areas.

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10:30 AM | *The lid is about to come off…a change from very quiet to very active is on the table with respect to tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin*

Paul Dorian

We have now passed the mid-point of the month of August and, so far, tropical activity has been considerably below-normal in the Atlantic Basin. In fact, activity across the northern hemisphere as a whole has been below-normal as measured by a metric known as the “accumulated cyclone energy” or ACE. There are signs, however, that the lid is about to come off in the Atlantic Basin where a big-time increase in activity is increasingly likely over the next few weeks and beginning as early as this weekend over the Gulf of Mexico.

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