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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

12:00 PM (Tues) | ***Severe weather threat today Lower MS/TN Valleys…50 mph wind gusts later Wed./Wed. night Mid-Atl./NE US…numerous signs continue to point to a cold December pattern***

Paul Dorian

A potent cold front will wreak havoc across the eastern half of the nation from today into Thursday with a severe weather threat later today into tonight across the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys - to include the possibility of isolated tornadoes - and potential damaging wind gusts from later tomorrow into tomorrow night in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. An intensifying low pressure system will help to strengthen a low-level jet on Tuesday afternoon and evening and this wind field will translate into the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US later tomorrow/tomorrow night and 50+ mph wind gusts will be on the table.

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7:00 AM | ***Severe weather threat later today into tonight for the Tennessee and Lower Mississippi Valleys***

Paul Dorian

A potent cold front will cross the Mississippi and Tennessee valleys later today and tonight increasing the chance for severe weather to include the possibility of damaging winds, hail and even isolated tornadoes. A low-level jet will strengthen today as associated surface low pressure intensifies significantly. The front will slide east of here at mid-week and temperatures will drop noticeably with highs likely confined to the upper 40’s on Thursday.

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10:15 AM | **A potent cold front to produce severe weather threat on Tuesday/Tuesday night in MS/TN Valleys…gusts up to 50 mph in Mid-Atlantic Wednesday/Thursday surrounding the frontal passage**

Paul Dorian

A potent cold front will wreak havoc across the eastern half of the nation from tomorrow into Thursday with potential damaging wind gusts and even isolated tornadoes. An intensifying low pressure system will help to strengthen a low-level jet on Tuesday afternoon and evening as a strong cold front pushes into the Mississippi and Tennessee Valley regions. The result will be a high likelihood of damaging wind gusts and even isolated tornadoes. This same powerful low-level jet will translate to the Mid-Atlantic region on Wednesday and strong wind gusts of up to 50 mph will be a threat on Wednesday ahead of the front and also on Thursday following its passage.

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7:00 AM | *Strong cold front heads our way for later in the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control of the weather today providing us with partial sunshine, but then the weather gets unsettled again during the next couple of days. A strong cold front will bring us the chance of showers and thunderstorms from Tuesday into Wednesday and then it’ll turn noticeably cooler and windy on Thursday following the passage of the front.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather pattern sets up by early tonight and continues into the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain close enough in proximity today to provide us with a dry Turkey Day although clouds will be on the increase. Showers will become quite likely this evening and the threat will remain on Friday and Friday night as well. A follow-up disturbance can renew the threat for showers around here on Saturday afternoon and then clearing, cooler conditions are likely to return on Sunday.

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***A look ahead to the month of December…numerous signs point to the re-establishment of a colder-than-normal weather pattern***

Paul Dorian

After a very mild start to the month of November in much of the eastern half of the nation, the weather has been primarily colder-than-normal during the last ten days or so. In fact, numerous low temperature records were set last week and earlier this week in what was an unusually widespread and severe cold air outbreak across much of the nation. Looking ahead, it looks like it’ll be seasonal or even warmer-than-normal in the central and eastern in coming days as we close out the month of November. Numerous signs, however, point to the return of a colder-than-normal weather pattern during the month of December. probably with sustained cold reaching the eastern US after the 7th or 8th.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures climb back into the 60's at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

The week started off very cold for this time of year, but moderation begins today and temperatures should climb back into the 60’s at mid-week. A trough of low pressure will try to organized later in the week in the eastern US and this could result in some shower activity around here on Thursday, Turkey Day, and Friday as it turns cooler.

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