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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Dry to start the new work week...another system on the way for later tomorrow/Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

Dry weather is in store for the region today with high pressure moving in; however, it won’t stay dry for too long.  The next low pressure system begins to impact the region on Tuesday with an increasing chance of showers; especially, by the time we get to the nighttime hours.  Low pressure pulls out of the southern states and moves northeast at mid-week to the Great Lakes region with a secondary system likely to develop near the Mid-Atlantic coastline.

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1:30 PM | ***Stratospheric temperature update…upcoming storm threats for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US***

Paul Dorian

Stratospheric temperatures have risen noticeably during the past couple of weeks in parts of the polar region in the Northern Hemisphere and indications are there will be changes of location of the polar vortex 10-15 days out.  In addition, stratospheric warming looks like it could become centered right near or over the North Pole by the time we get into the early part of February. A stratospheric warming event such as this being forecasted could very well result in the displacement of cold air masses from the high latitudes into the middle latitudes sometime later in February.   

In the short term, two storm systems are on the way for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US in the early and middle parts of next week.  As has been the case in January, sufficient cold air for the generation of accumulating snow in the immediate I-95 corridor will be a struggle with both of these upcoming storms.  Having said that, it looks like a close call in terms of at least some snow and/or ice in the I-95 corridor during either of these storms and any small change in the overall pattern can make an important difference. Odds do favor accumulating snow in the interior, higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US during each of these storms next week.

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12:00 PM | ***Nationwide colder-than-normal conditions on the table by late next pattern to bring multiple rain/snow threats to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US***

Paul Dorian

While the western US may experience an extended quieter weather pattern beginning later this week, it’ll remain quite active across the central and eastern US.  The break in the action in the western US will be due to the development of an upper-level ridge of high pressure that will ultimately extend from the eastern Pacific Ocean northward into Alaska.  In response to this ridge, an upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the central US and Canada by later next week. The combination of the eastern Pacific-to-Alaska ridge and the trough over the central US/Canada will result in upper-level winds that can easily transport cold air masses from northern Canada into the US. In fact, signs point to widespread colder-than-normal conditions across most the nation by late next week. Nationwide colder-than-normal weather in late January is quite impressive considering this is when climatological averages are close to their lowest levels of the year.

Meanwhile, the southwestern Atlantic Ocean will feature a ridge of high pressure in coming days that will intensify at times and the corridor region between the upper-level low (cold) over the central states and the Atlantic Ocean ridge (warm) will become a “battle zone” region with multiple storms riding through it from southwest-to-northeast. Accumulating snow has been virtually non-existent so far this winter season in the immediate DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor, but this active pattern will at least be able to raise hope for snow lovers in that part of the country with a couple of storm systems next week.

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7:00M AM | *Warm, unsettled weather continues with highs well up in the 60's and showers are likely....maybe even a late day or nighttime thunderstorm*

Paul Dorian

Mild weather will continue today across the Tennessee Valley with highs generally in the upper 60’s later this afternoon.  There will be unsettled conditions as well with showers likely today and tonight and perhaps a thunderstorm or two mixed in as well. The passage of a frontal system later tomorrow will bring about a bit of a cool down for the latter part of the week. 

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1:15 PM | ***Active pattern to end shortly in California…active pattern to continue in the central and eastern US***

Paul Dorian

Another storm will impact California later Wednesday, but this system looks like it will be the last in a series of storms to roll off the Pacific Ocean and into the Golden State. An upper-level ridge of high pressure will build over the eastern Pacific Ocean in coming days and ultimately expand northward into Alaska.  This ridge will act as a “protective barrier” to oceanic storms resulting in welcome relief to the waterlogged state.

While the western US may experience a quieter overall weather pattern beginning later this week, it’ll remain quite active across the central and eastern US.  In a reaction to the developing ridge over the eastern Pacific Ocean, an upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the central US and Canada. In addition, a ridge of high pressure will intensify over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean in coming days. The corridor region between the upper-level low over the central states and the ridge over the SW Atlantic will become a “battle zone” region likely with multiple storms riding through it from southwest-to-northeast. Snow has been virtually non-existent so far this season in the immediate I-95 corridor region from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC; however, I do believe that the chances will likely increase markedly next week and beyond given the large-scale pattern change that is expected across North America.

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7:00 AM | *Mild and unsettled next few days*

Paul Dorian

Mild weather will continue in the Tennessee Valley for the next few days with highs generally in the 60’s around here.  There will be unsettled conditions as well with showers likely today and thunderstorms are possible at mid-week. The passage of a frontal system later in the week will bring about a bit of a cool down. 

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7:00 AM | *Colder air filters into the region today on backside of cold front*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region yesterday with showers and thunderstorms and it has ushered in colder air for the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures today will be limited to 40 degrees for highs, but will begin on an upward trend this weekend.  In fact, temperatures should reach the 60’s by the time we get to the first half of next week and with the warm up will come an increasing chance of showers.

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