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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Watch for late night snow showers and possible slick spots**

Paul Dorian

Colder air has filtered into the region and a nearby frontal boundary zone will continue to create unsettled conditions across northern Alabama. There can be rain showers today and early tonight with this latest low pressure system and then after midnight, enough cold air move in to result in some snow shower activity and potentially slick spots on the roadways.  It stays quite chilly to end the work week, but temperatures will moderate noticeably this weekend and early next week. In fact, temperatures can get back to the 60 degree mark by the time we get to the beginning of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Freezing rain is a threat late tonight as temperatures drop well down in the 30's**

Paul Dorian

Colder air filtered into the region on Tuesday and a nearby frontal boundary zone will act as a pathway for low pressure that can impact the region through tonight.  As temperatures continue to fall, the possibility exists for icing to take place later tonight so watch for icy spots.  More rain is likely to fall on Thursday, but temperatures should climb to well above-freezing levels.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled week with a stalled-out frontal system nearby*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will stall-out in the eastern US stretching southwest-to-northeast from the south-central states to the Mid-Atlantic region. This frontal boundary zone will separate cold, dry air to the north and west and milder air to its south and east.  A couple of low pressure systems will ride along this boundary over the next few days bringing us multiple chances for showers. 

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7:00 AM | *Chilly conditions today with gusty winds*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will intensify over the northeastern states today and contribute towards windy, chilly conditions around here.  Winds can gust to 25 mph or so and temperatures will be confined to the 40’s for highs for this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon.  The next threat of showers will come during the latter part of the upcoming weekend and early part of next week. 

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7:00 AM | *Colder air pushes in for next couple days following frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pulls out of the southern states today and moves northeast to the Great Lakes with a secondary system likely to develop near the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. This system will drag a cold front through the area and showers/storms are possible early in the day.  Colder air will follow the frontal passage and highs will be confined to the 40’s on Thursday and Friday.

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10:50 AM | ***Some snow is possible at the onset on Wednesday north of PA/MD border, but it turns into a rain event...some of the rain can get heavy...some amazing cold in China, Russia***

Paul Dorian

A significant winter storm is developing today over Texas and this moisture-laden system will push northeastward over the next 24 hours bringing significant snowfall all the way from Texas to the Midwest.  In the Mid-Atlantic region, snow is likely to break out on Wednesday morning in areas to the north of the PA/MD border and there can be some minor accumulations before a changeover to rain later today as milder air surges northward along the coast.

Looking ahead, widespread colder-than-normal air is going to push into the northern and western US early next week and it’ll likely spread into the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US by late next week.  Whether or not this change to colder-than-normal conditions is sustained in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US after next week will largely depend on the stubborn high pressure ridge aloft over the southwestern Atlantic/Southeast US. Elsewhere, there has been some amazing cold on the other side of the North Pole with the lowest temperature ever recorded in China on Monday and this follows some tremendous cold last week in Russia (Siberia). This frigid air is now spreading to the Korean Peninsula and on the way to Japan where there can also be some all-time low temperatures.

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10:45 AM | ***Active pattern brings next storm to the Mid-Atlantic region at mid-week…accumulating snow at the onset in parts of the area***

Paul Dorian

As one storm continues to impact the Mid-Atlantic region with lingering rain and snow, the seeds for the next system are rolling through the southwestern states in the form of a vigorous upper-level low. This feature will drift into Texas on Tuesday and help generate surface low pressure and abundant moisture will feed into the system from the Gulf of Mexico.  On Wednesday, this surface low pressure system will push northeastward with its large moisture field advancing to the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Another key player in the upcoming mid-week event will be strong high pressure that forms over southeastern Canada. This system will anchor an air mass that will be cold enough for widespread accumulating snow across the Midwest, interior Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. There is likely to even be some accumulating snow at the onset in portions of the I-95 corridor of the Mid-Atlantic on Wednesday before the precipitation ultimately changes to plain rain.  

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