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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *A mild and windy day in the Tennessee Valley with gusts possible to 40 mph*

Paul Dorian

The dry weather pattern will end tonight with the return of some shower activity and the next couple of days will likely include additional shower and thunderstorm activity.  It stays quite mild through this unsettled period out ahead of the next cold front that will cross the middle of the nation at mid-week.  That next cold front will pass through the Tennessee Valley late in the day on Thursday and then it turns much colder to end the work week.  As has been the case in recent weeks, the next cold snap will be rather short-lived with rebounding temperatures over the weekend.   

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7:00 AM | *Quite mild in the Tennessee Valley next few days*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the western Gulf of Mexico will build eastward today bringing dry weather here through Tuesday.  The dry spell may end rather quickly on Tuesday night and Wednesday as it turns milder and more unsettled with an increasing chance of showers and even a thunderstorm or two. It stays quite warm and unsettled on Thursday ahead of the next cold front which will usher in colder air for the late week/early weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Colder this weekend with the chance for rain and/or snow showers*

Paul Dorian

The weather settles down some today across the region as high pressure over the Rockies builds into the southeastern states.  A strong upper-level low pressure system will dive into the Southeast US on Saturday and it will bring the chance of rain and/or snow showers from later tomorrow into early Sunday.  Temperatures trend downward for the weekend only to rebound again during the early part of next week.

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1:50 PM | **Weekend storm can bring rain, wind as far north as the southern Mid-Atlantic…accumulating snow in the higher elevations of the Appalachian Mountains**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues across the central and eastern US with one system producing accumulating snow today in the Upper Midwest and then a second system will produce rain, ice, and snow in parts of the eastern US this weekend.  One upper-level wave of energy heads to the Great Lakes region today and a second one will dive to the Deep South over the next couple of days. Low pressure is going to form near the Southeast US coastline later Saturday and it will then likely grind its way to the southern Mid-Atlantic coastline by later Sunday. While there will not be any kind of real cold air in place, the chance for significant accumulating snow this weekend is certainly there for the higher elevation locations of the Appalachian Mountains where over a foot can fall.

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10:45 AM | **Severe weather threat today…weekend storm system can have an impact in the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday…elevation and “dynamic cooling” important factors in any wintry precipitation threat**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues across the nation with severe weather a threat later today in the south-central US/Lower Mississippi Valley and accumulating snow on the table later tomorrow across the Upper Midwest.  Another system will dive to the southeast over the next few days and reach the southeastern states by early this weekend.  Low pressure is likely to form near the Southeast US coastline on Saturday and it can grind its way far enough to the north to impact the Mid-Atlantic region on Super Bowl Sunday.  While there will not be any kind of real cold air mass in place, the chance for snow or sleet is on the table in higher elevation locations of the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic region and potentially in other “dynamically cooled” regions.

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7:00 AM | *A warm week in the Tennessee valley that becomes increasingly unsettled as well*

Paul Dorian

The week will be mild in the Tennessee Valley, but it will also become increasingly unsettled with a threat of showers by late tonight and for Wednesday.  The threat for rain will continue on Thursday as well and there can be a thunderstorm mixed into the picture.  A cold front sweeps through the region at week’s end paving the way for some colder weather this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A relatively warm and increasingly unsettled week in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

It looks like a mild work week in the Tennessee Valley, but also increasingly unsettled. It stays dry today and likely during much of Tuesday, but showers will return tomorrow night and continue on Wednesday. The threat of showers will exist later this week as well and thunderstorms can move into the picture. A cold front sweeps through the region at week’s end paving the way for some colder weather this weekend.

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