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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Quite windy today with a shower threat as strong front passes through the calms down following frontal passage resulting in a nice day on Tuesday**

Paul Dorian

An unsettled start to the week in the Tennessee Valley as a deep upper-level trough will shift eastward from the Southern Plains to the Mississippi Valley before lifting northeastward to the Ohio Valley. This system will swing a cold front through northern Alabama and showers are a threat in addition to some strong wind gusts of over 40 mph. Tuesday is likely to be quite a pleasantly mild day with less wind in the Tennessee Valley following the passage of the frontal system.

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2:00 PM | ***Record-breaking warmth in the East…bitter cold in much of the western half of the nation…blizzard warnings in of all places southern California***

Paul Dorian

The country is sharply divided today in terms of temperatures with record-breaking warmth in the East and bitter cold in much of the western half of the nation.  In addition to the cold, accumulating snow is falling in a swath from the Upper Midwest to northern New England from a storm system that has impacted a large part of the nation in recent days. Snow is also falling across many western states and blizzard warnings have been posted in of all places the southern part of California. In fact, for the first time ever, blizzard warnings have been issued by the San Diego office of NOAA’s National Weather Service for the San Bernardino Mountains.

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7:00 Am | *Quite warm next few days with 80 degrees on the table for Thursday*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be quite mild around here for the next few days with highs this afternoon well up in the 60’s and then upper 70’s are likely on Wednesday and perhaps the lower 80’s on Thursday.  The pattern remains unsettled with a good chance of showers and thunderstorms each of the next few days.  Colder air will return to the Tennessee Valley region by week’s end.

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2:00 PM | *Battle brewing in next couple weeks between persistent Southeast US high pressure ridge and developing high-latitude blocking over Greenland/Northeast Canada*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern across the eastern US has been active in recent weeks and there is reason to believe it’ll remain quite energetic over the next couple of weeks.  In fact, the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US can become quite a “battle zone” region with the development in coming days of high-latitude blocking across Greenland/Northeastern Canada at the same time high pressure ridging persists over the Southeast US.  There will be times when the SE US ridge shows its strength with warm air surging northward into the Mid-Atlantic region and other times in which the high-latitude blocking flexes its muscle resulting in cold air dropping southward from Canada into the northeastern part of the US.  

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7:00 AM | *A much chillier air mass following the passage of a strong cold front...temperatures rebound noticeably by early next week*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front pushed through the Tennessee Valley on Thursday and its passage has ushered in much colder air and temperatures will be confined to the low-to-mid 40’s for afternoon highs.  As has been the case in recent weeks, this cold snap will be rather short-lived with rebounding temperatures over the weekend and the warm-up will intensify early next week.  By Sunday, highs may be close to the 60 degree mark and then 70 degrees is on the table by Tuesday afternoon.

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7:00 AM | ***Chance of strong-to-severe PM thunderstorms with approaching cold front...much colder on Friday***

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will pass through the Tennessee Valley later in the day and its arrival might feature strong-to-severe thunderstorms with very gusty winds.  It’ll turn sharply colder later tonight following the passage of the cold front with temperatures dropping way down in the 30’s and only rebounding on Friday to the lower or middle 40’s. As has been the case in recent weeks, this cold snap will be rather short-lived with rebounding temperatures over the weekend and highs by Sunday afternoon back to near the 60 degree mark.   

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7:00 AM | **Unseasonably mild next couple of days with 70 degree afternoon highs on the table**

Paul Dorian

The dry weather pattern will end today with the return of shower activity and the and maybe a thunderstorm as well.  The unsettled pattern will continue tonight and Thursday as well to go along with unseasonably mild conditions.  The next cold front will pass through the Tennessee Valley late in the day on Thursday and it turns much colder to end the work week.  As has been the case in recent weeks, the next cold snap will be rather short-lived with rebounding temperatures over the weekend.   

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