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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *An unsettled week in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The new work week will start off on the unsettled side with another system bringing us the chance of showers and thunderstorms and that threat continues into mid-week. Temperatures should reach the lower 70’s this afternoon and then an increasingly strong southerly flow should boost temperatures to near 80 degrees for highs on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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7:00 AM | ***Severe weather outbreak later tonight in the Mississippi Valley region...northern Alabama can be impacted as well***

Paul Dorian

A severe weather outbreak is likely later tonight centered in the central and northern Mississippi Valley region; however, even northern Alabama can be impacted. A strong cold front will sweep through the region later tonight and it will feature a line of thunderstorms - some of which can be strong-to-severe.  The potential exists for damaging wind gusts around here with this frontal system and isolated tornadoes and hail are on the table. 

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9:30 AM | ****Severe weather/tornado outbreak on Friday night in the Mississippi Valley…damaging winds gusts Ohio Valley/eastern US later Friday and Saturday associated with strong cold front****

Paul Dorian

Tornadoes are running at above-normal levels across the nation so far this season and there is the likelihood for another outbreak on Friday night centered on the Mississippi Valley region. In much the same manner as at the end of the last week, the atmosphere will become very unstable by Friday night in the Mississippi Valley region with a multitude of ingredients coming together including vigorous upper-level support, an intrusion of warm, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico ahead of a strong surface cold front, and an influx of cold, dry air from the north and west behind it. A similar weather pattern late last week resulted in an outbreak of tornadoes across Mississippi and Alabama that tragically resulted in the death of at least 26 people. The powerful cold front that will play a major role in the severe weather outbreak on Friday night will plow eastward through the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys and into the eastern states possibly resulting in damaging wind gusts of 50-60 mph in those sections of the country.

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7:00 AM | ***Severe weather outbreak on the table on Friday night with a focus on the Mississippi Valley***

Paul Dorian

There is a severe weather threat later Friday night likely centered in the central and northern Mississippi Valley region; however, northern Alabama can be impacted as well.  A strong cold front will sweep through the region on Friday night and it will feature a line of thunderstorms - some of which can be strong-to-severe.  The potential exists for damaging wind gusts with this frontal system and tornadoes and hail are on the table. 

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9:30 AM | **Potential exists for a severe weather outbreak on Friday night in the Mississippi Valley…powerful cold front reaches the eastern US on Saturday with possible damaging wind gusts**

Paul Dorian

Tornadoes are running at above-normal levels across the nation so far this season and there is the potential for another severe weather outbreak at the end of this week.  In much the same manner as at the end of the last week, the atmosphere will become very unstable by Friday night in the Mississippi Valley region with a multitude of ingredients coming together including vigorous upper-level support, an intrusion of warm, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico, and an influx of cold, dry air from the north and west. A similar weather pattern late last week resulted in an outbreak of tornadoes across Mississippi and Alabama that tragically resulted in the death of at least 26 people. The powerful cold front that will play a major role in the late week severe weather threat in the Mississippi Valley will plow through the Ohio Valley and into the eastern states on Saturday possibly resulting in damaging wind gusts of 50-60 mph in those sections of the country.

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7:00 AM | **Potential for another severe weather outbreak southern states/MS Valley at the end of the week**

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region on Monday and temperatures today will be some 5-10 degrees lower than yesterday resulting in afternoon highs in the middle 60’s. High pressure will take control of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday and then attention will turn to another volatile setup for the end of the week.  A strong cold front will approach the region by week’s end and we could end up with another severe weather outbreak in the southern states with showers and the potential for strong-to-severe thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers and storms as the next cold front approaches the region*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will slide across the region later today bringing with it the chance of showers and thunderstorms.   Temperatures today will reach the middle 70’s, but then get knocked off by about ten degrees for tomorrow following the passage of the frontal system. Later in the week, it’ll turn warmer and more humid ahead of the next approaching system and this will raise chances once again for showers and thunderstorms in the region.

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7:00 AM | *Strong-to-severe thunderstorm threat tonight across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

As strong upper-level troughing reaches the middle of the country on Friday, it’ll help to intensify surface low pressure and draw moist air from the Gulf into the Tennessee Valley. As a result, the chance of shower and thunderstorm activity will increase here tonight and some of the storms that form can reach strong-to-severe levels.  A frontal system will clear the area on Saturday, but it’ll remain quite windy and there can be some residual shower activity early.  Nice weather is likely for Sunday and Monday with plenty of sunshine each day and high temperatures in the 70’s.

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11:30 AM | ****Active pattern continues…severe weather outbreak…flooding rains...weekend snow threats Upper Midwest/interior NE US…possible storms near both coasts by next mid-week****

Paul Dorian

We are now a few days into spring season and the active weather pattern that lasted through much of the winter across the nation looks like it can continue well into the month of April. California was pounded by yet another storm on Wednesday that the state brought heavy rain, significant snow, and even a rare tornado to the Los Angeles metro region. Some severe weather is possible later Thursday across Texas and Oklahoma, but it is even more likely from later Friday into Friday night across the Lower Mississippi Valley.  Meanwhile, in the colder climate of the northern US, there can be accumulating snow this weekend in the Upper Midwest and then upstate New York/northern New England.  And finally, while still in the speculation phase, this active weather pattern may result in strong new storms near both coasts by the middle of next week.

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