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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Some relief coming to northern Alabama for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures were somewhat subdued on Wednesday as a result of some cloud cover, but they should return to the mid or upper 90’s this afternoon and there will be another risk of showers and storms. Temperatures will begin a trend downward on Friday and they may actually hold in the 80’s for afternoon highs on both weekend days.

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7:00 AM | **Unsettled weather persists next couple of days with a continuing chance of showers and storms**

Paul Dorian

A batch of showers and embedded thunderstorms to our north this morning could push south into the are for the mid-day or afternoon hours as the overall unsettled weather pattern continues in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures will be somewhat reduced today by clouds, but it’ll likely turn hotter again on Thursday with highs back well up in the 90’s. Temperatures will trend downward by the weekend and they may actually hold in the 80’s for afternoon highs on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Hazy skies today and the chance for strong PM storms...stays hot next few days, but some relief likely for the weekend**

Paul Dorian

Today’s skies will be filled with haze as wildfire smoke to our north is penetrating into the Tennessee Valley. It’ll stay quite hot over the next few days with highs well up in the 90’s, but there is likely to be some relief by the time we get to the weekend. In terms of rainfall, showers and thunderstorms are possible later today, tonight and on Wednesday and any storm that forms can be on the strong side.

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12:15 PM | *Heavy rainfall amounts last 30-days in the eastern US…a concern as we head into the heart of the tropical season*

Paul Dorian

More than ten inches of rain has fallen during the past 30-days in virtually every state from Florida-to-Maine.  These excessive rainfall amounts are quite impressive considering the fact that tropical moisture has not really been involved in the overall weather pattern other than perhaps across Florida earlier in the tropical season. In fact, the heart of the Atlantic Basin tropical season lies ahead beginning typically during the month of August and continuing into October with the climatological peak right around the middle of September.  There is nothing yet on the horizon for the eastern US in terms of tropical activity; however, there is a concern that should a tropical system impact this region in coming weeks, the currently very well saturated grounds could set the stage for some flooding issues.

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7:00 AM | **Work week ends on an unsettled note with the chance of showers and storms**

Paul Dorian

High pressure has pushed to the east of here and that has opened the door for more humid air to flow into the Tennessee Valley from the Gulf of Mexico. With the increase in overall moisture and multiple short-waves of energy, there will be the chance of showers and storms on a daily basis right into the early part of next week. Any shower or storm that forms in this extended period of unsettled weather can result in heavy downpours across the northern part of Alabama.

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10:45 AM | ****Here we go again…active weather pattern to bring heavy downpours/flooding and strong-to-severe thunderstorms to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US****

Paul Dorian

Many parts of the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US were hit by downpours this past weekend and during the first part of this week and another extended period of unsettled weather is about to begin in these same areas.  Similar to this last stretch, this upcoming unsettled weather period will include the chance of heavy downpours, localized flooding and strong-to-severe thunderstorms...something not particularly welcomed in many parts of the northeastern quadrant of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *Another stretch of unsettled weather begins on Thursday with a daily threat of showers and storms through the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will push to the east of here today and that will open the door for more humid air to flow northeast from the Gulf of Mexico and into the Tennessee Valley. With the increase in overall moisture, there will be an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms beginning later tonight and continuing right through the upcoming weekend.

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