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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *An unsettled weather pattern returns to northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

There is a chance of showers today across portions of the Tennessee Valley from the remnants of a mesoscale convective complex that developed overnight across SW Iowa/NW Missouri. The threat of rain will continue tonight and on Thursday as well as an unsettled pattern re-develops across the region. Temperatures will be in “very warm territory”, but extreme heat is not expected in the near-term with highs generally not far from the 90 degree mark into the weekend.

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9:15 AM | *Cooler-than-normal air masses to impact much of the nation as we progress through August…summer so far has featured nearly normal temperatures on a nationwide basis*

Paul Dorian

It looks like the month of August will feature multiple cooler-than-normal air masses dropping into the US from Canada which continues a trend that has encompassed much of the summer season so far and impacted large areas of the country. The one areal exception to this pattern has been the Southwest US where intense upper-level ridging has resulted in persistent excessive heat during the past several weeks. These intrusions of cooler-than-normal air this summer has balanced out the excessive heat in the Southwest US leaving the nation with nearly normal temperatures as we begin the month of August.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather pattern returns to the Tennessee Valley at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level ridge of high pressure to the west of here will likely keep us dry for another day, but then more unsettled weather will return to the Tennessee Valley at mid-week. As a result, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase on Wednesday and the threat of rain will continue later this week and into the weekend.  Temperatures will be in very warm territory, but no extreme heat is expected with highs generally not far from the 90 degree mark in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *More comfortable conditions as we begin the new work week*

Paul Dorian

After a cool frontal passage, temperatures and humidity levels will drop a bit across the Tennessee Valley as we begin a new week.  High pressure builds into the area today and low-level winds should be from a north-to-northwest direction ushering more comfortable air. The chance for rain over the next couple of days will be low, but then start to tick up again at mid-week.

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11:50 AM (Sat.) | ***Big-time changes coming to the Mid-Atlantic with much more comfortable conditions from Sunday through Wednesday…transition to bring another round of heavy showers/severe storms***

Paul Dorian

A big-time change is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region with much more comfortable conditions for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The transition from the brief stint of high heat and humidity to the cooler temperatures and lower humidity will come with another round of heavy showers and strong thunderstorms. A cool front drops southeast today across the eastern Great Lakes and passes through the Mid-Atlantic in the overnight hours paving the way for those big-time changes.

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7:00 AM | **Hot for the next several days with highs in the 90's*

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level ridging will be in control of the weather around here for the next several days. As a result, temperatures should consistently climb into the middle 90’s across northern Alabama for highs right into the early part of next week. In addition to the persistent heat, conditions will in general be rain-free in coming days with the high pressure in control.

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7:00 AM | **The dog days of, rain-free conditions dominate the scene next several days**

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level ridging that had been centered over the Four Corners region in recent days expanded to the east and north and it will be in control of the weather around here for the next several days. As a result, temperatures should consistently climb into the middle 90’s across northern Alabama for highs during the remainder of the week and likely right into the middle of next week. In addition to the persistent heat in coming days, rain-free conditions are likely around here right into next week.

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7:00 AM | *Hot and generally rain-free weather for the remainder of the week*

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level ridging that has been centered over the Four Corners region in recent days will expand to the north and east in coming days. This expansion of the high will allow for hotter air to push east into the Tennessee Valley for the middle and latter parts of the week and we’ll experience highs in the lower 90’s at mid-week and the middle 90’s by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Highs near 90 degrees next couple of days with plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

High pressure ridging aloft over the western states will expand to the north and east over the next couple of days. This expansion of the high will allow for hotter air to push east into the Tennessee Valley for the middle and latter parts of the week to go along with mainly rain-free conditions. After highs today and Tuesday near 90 degrees, temperatures should reach the lower-to-middle 90’s later in the week across the northern part of Alabama.

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