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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Intense heat continues into the weekend across the Tennessee Valley**

Paul Dorian

Very strong upper-level high pressure ridging continues to be centered over the central states and the impact here is a continuing intense heat wave that has been accompanied by uncomfortably high humidity levels. This system will slowly retrograde westward in coming days likely re-positioning over the Four Corners region by the middle of next week. As such, the intense heat around here will begin to back off later this weekend and the improvement will continue early next week.

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1:20 PM | ***Active weather in the ”ring of fire”…TS Franklin may reach "major" hurricane status…”Harold’s” moisture hits the Four Corner states…intense heat wave with very high humidity levels***

Paul Dorian

A lot is going on in the world of weather highlighted by multiple tropical systems, an intense heat wave with very high humidity levels anchored by very strong upper-level high pressure ridging, and very active weather in the “ring of fire” around the outer perimeter of that same high pressure system. On the tropical scene, Tropical Storm Franklin is pounding away today at Haiti and the Dominican Republic and once it bypasses this high-terrain Caribbean island of Hispaniola into the open waters of the Southwest Atlantic, it will intensify into a hurricane with a decent chance of attaining “major” categorization of 3 or higher. Meanwhile, the moisture associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Harold which pounded southern Texas earlier this week will douse the Four Corner states during the next couple of days. Finally, there is the chance that a tropical systems forms this weekend in Caribbean Sea and it could move north next week and impact portions of the Southeast US.

Elsewhere, very strong ridging of high pressure over the nation’s midsection is anchoring an intense heat wave from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf coast. This heat wave is made worse by very high humidity levels that have featured dew points as high as 80 degrees in some spots.  On the outer perimeter of this very strong high pressure ridge is a region that I like to refer to as the “ring of fire”, there is some very active weather that is bringing heavy showers and strong thunderstorms to the eastern Great Lakes. This “ring of fire” activity will spread to the south and east bringing heavy showers and strong thunderstorms to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US during the next couple of days.

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7:00 AM | ***Intense heat and high humidity remain through the week***

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme this week continues to be one of hot and rain-free conditions in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures will peak in the upper 90’s during the next few days with plenty of daily sunshine as strong high pressure ridging sits over the central states. This heat wave extends all the way from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf Coast and is accompanied by uncomfortably high humidity levels making heat indices as high as 115 degrees in some spots.

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7:00 AM | **Heat wave continues through the week with the century mark on the table in a few spots for afternoon highs*

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme this week with be one of hot and rain-free conditions in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures should peak each day this week well up in the 90’s – perhaps even a few spots reaching the 100 degree mark - as strong high pressure ridging sets up in the central states. This heat wave will, in fact, extend all the ay from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf Coast.

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7:00 AM | ***The last full week of August will be a hot one in the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme this week with be one of hot and generally rain-free conditions in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures should peak each day this week well up in the 90’s - and a few spots can touch 100 degrees - as strong high pressure ridging sets up in the Tennessee Valley. This week’s heat wave will extend all the way from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf Coast region.

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1:45 PM | ***Significant tropical moisture a growing threat for SoCal and other parts of the SW US…building heat across central US…nice overall weather pattern continues for NE US***

Paul Dorian

We have entered the second half of August and this is typically when tropical activity ramps up in the Atlantic Basin. Indeed, there are a couple of impressive waves to watch in the far eastern Atlantic Ocean and there may be a threat to deal with in the eastern US/Gulf of Mexico by the last week of August; however, of more immediate concern is the current activity in the eastern Pacific Ocean. There is a growing chance that significant moisture from a tropical system makes its way into the Southwest US by later this weekend and early next week - and this includes a very real threat for excessive rainfall across southern California. In addition, winds may become quite high depending on the ultimate storm track that this developing tropical system undertakes.

Elsewhere, a building ridge of high pressure in the upper part of the atmosphere will result in an intensifying heat wave by this weekend across the central states and it is likely to expand to the Great Lakes and Midwest. While the heat may ultimately expand all the way into the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US, this would be just a one or two day affair and the overall weather pattern for the northeastern states remains quite favorable for very comfortable air masses to reach this area from central Canada.

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7:00 AM | *Comfortable conditions at mid-week across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

In the wake of a cool frontal passage, conditions will remain quite comfortable here at mid-week across the northern part of Alabama. Temperatures will be generally confined to the 80’s for highs during the remainder of the work. It does look like hotter weather will return later this weekend and early next week with highs likely back up to the lower or middle 90’s.

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7:00 AM | *Noticeably cooler today following the passage of a strong cool front*

Paul Dorian

A strong cool front passed through the region in the overnight hours and the heat of yesterday will be replaced by a much more comfortable air mass here on Tuesday. High temperatures on Monday were well up in the 90’s across northern Alabama, but are likely to be confined to the lower 80’s this afternoon. High pressure will build into the region today in the wake of the frontal passage and the second half of the week will feature warm and dry conditions in the Tennessee Valley.

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