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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | ***Another influx of bitter cold air to bring late night lows to the single digits***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will intensify off the Carolina coastline today and Arctic air will plunge into the eastern part of the nation. Temperatures here today will struggle to climb above the freezing mark and then likely to drop to the upper single digits for lows not only early Saturday, but early Sunday as well.  It turns milder during the early part of next week and rain showers will return to the forecast.

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7:00 AM | ***More intense cold on the way with single digit lows on the table for the weekend***

Paul Dorian

Temperatures should reach 40 degrees today which will be quite an improvement from the past couple of days; however, more intense cold is on the way. Low pressure will slide to the Carolina coastline by early Friday and an Arctic air mass will plunge into the eastern states on its backside. As a result, we’ll turn noticeable colder and windier here to end the work week and early morning low temperatures on both Saturday and Sunday are quite likely to be in single digits. A warming trend begins early next week and we’ll likely be back up in the 50’s for highs by Tuesday afternoon.

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7:00 AM | ***Moderation in temperatures next couple of days, but more bitter cold air arrives to begin the weekend***

Paul Dorian

While still quite cold, temperatures will moderate today compared to the bitter cold weather of Tuesday and afternoon highs are likely to reach the 30 degree mark. There will be additional moderation on Thursday, but the milder weather will come with the chance of rain and/or snow showers. The passage of another cold front will usher in much colder air once again as we head into the weekend with single digits lows possible by early Saturday.

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7:00 AM | ****Arctic air mass will result in overnight lows of near 0 degrees across northern Alabama****

Paul Dorian

In the wake of yesterday’s storm system, very cold air has inundated the southeastern US and temperatures today will struggle to push past the upper teens. By late tonight, the Arctic air mass is likely to result in low temperatures near the 0 degree mark across portions of northern Alabama. Another storm system can threaten the region with rain and snow showers by later Thursday and Thursday night.

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6:30 AM | ****Wintry precipitation through tonight followed by some intense cold by mid-week****

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues across the nation and it’ll bring us more wintry precipitation today and tonight that can result in 1-3 inches of snow and ice accumulation. In addition to the snow, very cold conditions will dominate the scene with temperatures likely falling from the low-to-mid 20’s into the teens later today and then down into the lower teens late tonight.

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6:30 AM | **Very windy conditions through tonight...colder air arrives later this weekend**

Paul Dorian

Another major storm system is headed towards the Great Lakes and it will impact the Tennessee Valley today and tonight with some heavy rainfall and winds that can gust to 50 mph. On the heels of this storm, much colder air will push south and east across the middle of the nation and reach us later this weekend and it removes quite cold through the early part of next week.

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12:15 PM | ****Intense cold…Midwest/Great Lakes blizzard…Mid-Atlantic/NE US heavy rain, strong winds…impact on playoff games…accumulating snow threat(s) next week I-95 corridor****

Paul Dorian

Arctic air is now sliding into the northern US from western Canada and this cold air outbreak will likely become big weather news in coming days as it spreads across the nation. Indeed, the Arctic air will push all the way south to the Lower Rio Grande Valley region of Texas over the next few days and much colder air will advance eastward to the east coast by the end of the upcoming weekend. Another big weather story will be the next powerful storm system that will generate a blizzard for much of the Midwest and Great Lakes region and more heavy rain and strong winds for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. The large storm and intense cold will indeed play a role in NFL playoff games this weekend with Kansas City likely near 0 degrees at game time on Saturday evening and Buffalo’s game on Sunday afternoon could feature heavy lake-effect snow bands and very high winds.

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7:00 AM | **More rain and high winds on the way...turns very cold by next week**

Paul Dorian

Another major storm system that is headed towards the Great Lakes will impact the Tennessee Valley from later tonight through tomorrow night. This system like the prior can bring powerful winds to the area as well as some heavy rainfall. It turns colder on Saturday following the passage of this system and then Arctic air will make inroads into the southeastern part of the country by early next week and we could see overnight lows in the single digits.

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1:00 PM | ***Midwest/Great Lakes blizzard…more heavy rain, strong winds for Mid-Atlantic/NE US…intense cold pushes south and east into the US…east coast threat early-to-mid next week***

Paul Dorian

As one powerful storm exits towards southeastern Canada, another system is gathering strength over the western US and it will become a powerhouse by Friday evening over the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes. This next strong storm will generate blizzard conditions over much of the Midwest and Great Lakes region from later Friday into Saturday and it’ll produce more heavy rain and strong winds for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. Meanwhile, there has been a buildup of intense cold air over western Canada in recent days and it is now slipping south and east and into the US. This late week/weekend major storm system will actually help in its advance to the south and east and much colder air will work its way all the way to the eastern seaboard by the second half of the weekend. As it turns out, there are signs that a storm may intensify early next week somewhere near the east coast and with the expected late weekend influx of much colder air, accumulating snow may be on the table this time for the big cities along the I-95 corridor.

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