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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *February starts with mid-50's highs today and 60+ degrees on Friday and Saturday*

Paul Dorian

It turns a bit milder across the area today with light SW winds and afternoon highs back up in the middle 50’s. Even milder conditions are expected on Friday and Saturday with temperatures reaching the 60 degree mark on each day. It turns cooler for the second half of the weekend with the chance of showers and the shower threat likely continues into Monday as well.

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7:00 AM | *Relatively quiet next few days across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pushed away from the Mid-Atlantic coastline on Monday and the cooler conditions of yesterday will give way to milder weather today. The milder trend will continue through much of the remainder of the work week and then attention will turn to the south-central states where a strong storm system is likely arrive this weekend after pounding California.

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7:00 AM | **Another round of heavy rain coming here for tonight and Saturday...drier weather pattern begins on Sunday and continues early next week**

Paul Dorian

The on-going pattern of moisture flowing northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico into the eastern US is not quite over with us yet. It looks like we’ll get another round of showers and thunderstorms around here from tonight into Saturday and some of the rain will be heavy at times. Drier weather takes hold on Sunday and continues into early next week with cooler temperatures as well.

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7:00 AM | ***Heavy rain threat continues today, tonight and tomorrow in the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

This on-going pattern of moisture flowing northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico into the eastern US will result in additional heavy rainfall for northern Alabama during the next couple of days. In fact, several inches of rain are possible throughout much of the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valley regions – the same areas that experienced very dry conditions in recent weeks.

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1:00 PM | ***Dense fog, wet and mild in the Mid-Atlantic with a surge in temperatures on Friday…rain-to-snow scenario interior on Sunday night…wet MS/TN Valleys and west coast***

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be wet, foggy and mild in the Mid-Atlantic region and there will be a surge of temperatures on Friday in much of the I-95 corridor. Another storm system is then going to impact the Mid-Atlantic late in the weekend with one surface low pressure system (primary) heading into the Ohio Valley and a secondary likely to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source. This is likely to result in a changeover from rain-to-snow across much of the interior, higher elevation Mid-Atlantic region on Sunday night and there is a chance for a changeover to snow all the way down into the N/W suburbs of the big cities.

Elsewhere, the overall pattern for the next several days will bring copious amounts of rainfall to the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys - areas that have been quite dry in recent weeks - and to the US west coast from California-to-Washington which will be inundated by multiple storms during the next couple of weeks.

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7:00 AM | ***Very wet weather pattern continues here next few days with an on-going flow of moist air out of the Gulf of Mexico***

Paul Dorian

Copious amounts of moisture will stream out of the Gulf of Mexico during the next few days and generate heavy rainfall across the Tennessee Valley region. The past several weeks have been quite dry across the area, but those drought conditions will be wiped away quickly with this onslaught of moisture. Temperatures will remain on the mild side with highs up in the 60’s right into the weekend and then it’ll turn colder early next week.

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11:15 AM | **Milder pattern sets up across the Mid-Atlantic/NE US, but it doesn’t come without wintry threats…a very wet stretch in the Miss. Valley...a stormy couple of weeks for the west coast**

Paul Dorian

The 7-day period from 14 January to 20 January was very cold across most of the nation with the mean temperature anomaly of -11°F in the Lower 48. The next 7-days will be quite a different story as a milder weather pattern develops for much of the country. This warm-up, however, will not come without wintry threats in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US. The change in the overall pattern will bring copious amounts of rainfall for the Lower Mississippi Valley region in the near-term and plenty of moisture-filled storm systems for the US west coast during the next couple of weeks.

In the near term, there is likely to be some freezing rain from later Tuesday night into early Wednesday across much of Pennsylvania and northern New Jersey and maybe all the way into the nearby N/W suburbs of Philly and NYC and the far N/W suburbs of DC. It does turn wet and milder in the Mid-Atlantic region during the second half of the week with the warmest day likely to be on Friday when temperatures will surge. Another storm system is then likely to impact the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US late in the upcoming weekend with one surface low pressure system (primary) heading into the Ohio Valley and a secondary likely to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source…possibly resulting in a changeover from rain-to-snow across interior sections of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. Looking ahead, there are signs that an overall colder weather pattern may re-develop in the central and eastern states as we progress through the early part of February and towards the middle of next month.

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