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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:00 PM | ***Tornadoes on Sunday across Oklahoma and enhanced threat of severe weather on Tuesday across portions of Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri as active pattern continues***

Paul Dorian

The number of tornadoes across the nation has surged in the last four weeks to overall levels that are now well above normal for the current time of year. One of the catalysts for these severe weather outbreaks has been the continuation of colder-than-normal air masses that have been dropping south and east from Canada into the US and this has set up “battle zone” regions when interacting with warm, humid air flowing northward from the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, there have been and will continue to be multiple waves of energy riding across the northern US enhancing upward motion in many of these severe weather cases. This active weather pattern will continue through the rest of May and Tuesday afternoon and evening may feature yet another severe weather outbreak including tornadoes across portions of Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.

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7:00 AM | *The warmest week so far setting up for the northern part of Alabama with 90 degrees on the table*

Paul Dorian

A warmer weather pattern begins today across northern Alabama as upper-level high pressure ridging starts to build in the area. With mainly sunny skies on Monday, temperatures are likely to reach at least the middle 80’s this afternoon and perhaps even the upper 80’s in a few spots. As the high aloft continues to strengthen, the warming trend here will intensify on Tuesday with afternoon temperatures likely to flirt with the 90 degree mark in some sections.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures to soar into the middle and upper 80's for highs during the Sunday/Monday/Tuesday time period*

Paul Dorian

The next disturbance in what has been an on-going series of disturbances will impact the region today with an increased chance of showers and thunderstorms and it’ll stay unsettled tonight and this weekend as well. Temperatures should climb to the middle or upper 70’s today and near 80 degrees on Saturday. After that, temperatures will likely soar to the middle or upper 80’s for afternoon highs on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *Plenty of sun today to boost temperatures into the middle 80's for afternoon highs*

Paul Dorian

Drier air has pushed into northern Alabama and it should inhibit shower activity and result in plenty of sunshine for the Huntsville metro area. Given the expected copious amounts of sunshine, temperatures should climb into the middle 80’s for afternoon highs. The next disturbance to impact the area will bring us a renewed chance of showers and thunderstorms on Friday and then temperatures should climb into the low-to-mid 80’s in its wake on Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Upper 70's for highs this afternoon with scattered showers/storms...middle 80's coming this weekend*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue today with slow-moving low pressure nearby keeping it rather moist in lower levels of the atmosphere and this will help to destabilize conditions later in the day. As a result, there can be scattered afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms with activity diminishing later this evening. It turns drier for the most part on Thursday and temperatures will likely climb back into the 80’s with some sunshine. More showers and storms will be possible at week’s end and into the weekend and temperatures should climb into the mid-80’s for highs on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers and thunderstorms later today and tonight...some of the storms can be strong*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue today in the Tennessee Valley with slow-moving low pressure to our west enhancing the chance for PM showers and thunderstorms. In fact, there is the chance that some of the thunderstorms reach strong-to-severe levels later today and rainfall can become locally heavy at times. It stays somewhat unsettled on Wednesday and then turns drier and warmer on Thursday. More showers and storms will be possible at week’s end and into the weekend and temperatures should climb into the low-to-mid 80’s for highs on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another unsettled week in the Tennessee Valley with multiple chances of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern will continue for much of the week across the Tennessee Valley. There will be a slow-moving low pressure system heading eastward from the Great Basin during the next few days and it will result in a chance of showers and storms on most days this week with locally heavy rain possible. High temperatures will range from the lower 70’s today to the low-to-mid 80’s by late in the week.

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7:00 AM | *A nice end to the work week and the weekend looks pretty decent across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Drier and more comfortable air has pushed into the Tennessee Valley on the heels of a late Thursday cool frontal passage. Today’s high temperatures should be some ten degrees lower than yesterday likely in the mid-to-upper 70’s with plenty of sunshine. It stays quite comfortable this weekend and quiet each day and the turns more unsettled and warmer early next week with the return of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | ***Powerful thunderstorms rolling through the for flash flooding, damaging wind gusts...isolated tornadoes on the table***

Paul Dorian

Showers and thunderstorms will pass through the region this morning and severe weather is on the table with these storms including the possibility of damaging wind gusts, flash flooding, and even isolated tornadoes all on the table. The weather will settled down later today and temperatures this afternoon will return to the middle 80’s with some sunshine. A cold front crosses the area later in the day and drier conditions are expected on Friday with rather comfortable temperatures and a decent weekend is in store for northern Alabama.

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10:45 AM | *Active weather pattern continues...severe weather threat focused today on the Middle Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys...shifts south and east on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern across the nation remains quite active as we push into the second week of May and this includes continuing threats of severe weather. Earlier this week, severe weather took place across Oklahoma and Texas with numerous tornadoes reported and the threat zone on Tuesday shifted to the Ohio Valley. Today’s greatest threat of severe weather will be focused on the Middle Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys and, once again, tornadoes will be on the table. The severe weather threat on Thursday will shift a bit to the east and south and likely extend all the way across the Gulf states from Texas-to-Georgia and up along the eastern seaboard to around the Delmarva Peninsula/southern New Jersey region.

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