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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Chilly to start the week with early morning temperatures in the 20's...close to 60 degrees by Tuesday afternoon*

Paul Dorian

Impressive cold for this time of year in the NYC metro region with back-to-back nights featuring lows in the middle 20’s. High pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region on Monday and then will shift offshore by mid-week.  As a result, temperatures will climb towards the 60 degree mark on Tuesday and Wednesday for afternoon highs and it’ll turn even milder later in the week. The second half of the week will likely carry an off-and-on shower threat as a couple of frontal systems will impact the region.

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7:00 AM | *Cold frontal passage later tonight ushers in a chilly air mass for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will close in on the area today bringing with it breezy conditions and a threat of showers.  Following the frontal passage, colder air will push into the Mid-Atlantic region for the upcoming weekend with Canadian high pressure taking control. Temperatures on Saturday will be confined to near 50 degrees for highs and may do no better than the lower 40’s on Sunday despite plenty of sunshine.

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7:00 AM | *Milder today with sunshine and less wind as high pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

High pressure edges into the area today generating some sunshine, much less wind than recent days, and noticeably milder conditions.  A cold front will approach the area on Friday bringing with it a threat of showers as we close out the work week.  Following the frontal passage, colder air will push into the Mid-Atlantic region for the upcoming weekend with Canadian high pressure taking control.

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7:00 AM | **Powerful storm shifts out-to-sea today, but the strong winds remain in the local region**

Paul Dorian

The major storm that pounded the interior Northeast US with snowfall on Tuesday and the entire northeastern quadrant of the nation with powerful winds will slowly drift out to sea today.  Despite its gradual departure, winds will remain quite strong in the region today gusting up to 40 mph or so. High pressure builds into the region on Thursday and it’ll turn milder with much less wind. A cold front is likely to bring us some shower activity later Friday and colder air will follow for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | ***Rain/snow bands today and winds become increasingly strong on back side of major storm over the western Atlantic***

Paul Dorian

It’ll be very windy today, tonight and Wednesday on the back side of a major storm system now over the western Atlantic Ocean. Winds can gust to 50 mph or so through tomorrow and isolated power outages are certainly on the table. In addition to the wind, this major storm system will produce occasional rain/snow in the area through tonight as precipitation bands wrap around from northeast-to-southwest. Snow accumulations will be difficult to attain; however, a coating to an inch or two is possible with the best chances just to the northwest of the metro area. High pressure will take over later in the week and there will be milder conditions for Thursday and Friday.

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12:00 PM | ***Low pressure to intensify rapidly next 24 hours…snow showers on Tuesday to rotate all the way down into SE PA/southern NJ…winds to become a major factor***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure near the Outer Banks of North Carolina this morning will intensify rapidly during the next 24 hours and reach near the southern New England coastline by early Tuesday.  An inverted trough will extend to the northwest of the low pressure center on Tuesday morning and this feature will rotate from northeast-to-southwest during the day. As a result, snow showers will tend to drop from northeast-to-southwest on Tuesday and are likely to reach all the way into southeastern PA and southern NJ.  The heaviest snowfall from this storm is likely to end up extending from NE PA/NW NJ to the Hudson Valley region of NY State, central/western sections of Massachusetts/Connecticut and ultimately, up across northern New England. In addition to the snow, winds will become a major factor during this storm not only in the Northeast US, but also throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Gusts of 50 mph are likely from late Monday night through Wednesday and can reach as high as 70 mph along coastal New England during the height of the storm…power outages are on the table.

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7:00 AM | ***Low pressure intensifies off the Mid-Atlantic coastline today on its way to near southern New England by early Tuesday...accumulating snow, very windy here on Tuesday***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will intensify off the Mid-Atlantic coastline today and push to the northeast reaching near southern New England by early Tuesday as a major storm system. The NYC metro region will be impacted with occasional rain today and tonight and the precipitation can change to all snow later on Tuesday.  Small accumulations are possible by tomorrow night in NYC and several inches are on the table not too far to the northwest of the metro region. Winds will also pick up in intensity during the next 24 hours and will be remain quite strong on the back side of the storm from later tomorrow through Wednesday. High pressure will edge into the region at mid-week generating some sunshine on Wednesday and then milder conditions for the late week. 

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4:15 PM | ****Low pressure to intensify on Monday off the Mid-Atlantic coastline reaching near Long Island by mid-day Tuesday…snow on Tuesday can swing all the way down into SE PA and southern NJ****

Paul Dorian

It was thirty years ago that the so-called “Storm of the Century” pounded the eastern US all the way from Florida to Maine after what was a relatively quiet winter season of 1992-1993.  In much the same manner, this winter season has been relatively quiet as well in much of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US in terms of cold and snow. However, as was the case thirty years ago, it looks like there will be a late winter March storm that years from now could make this relatively mild winter much more of a memorable season…at least for many of those in the Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | ***Precipitation likely arrive late afternoon...rain/snow combo to change to all snow later for possible snow burst early Saturday***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain quite active across the nation during the next couple of weeks with most sections experiencing colder-than-normal conditions. In the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US, there may be as many as three storms during the next week or so presenting chances of rain and snow. Precipitation is likely to arrive here with the first system by late afternoon in the form of rain or perhaps a mix of rain and snow. As low pressure intensifies off the Mid-Atlantic coastline later tonight, an influx of colder air will likely change the precipitation to all snow. There can even be a burst of heavier snow early Saturday with an inverted trough extending from the ocean low back to the Mid-Atlantic coastline at the same time there is rapid intensification. Accumulations of a coating to an inch or two are on the table by mid-morning Saturday. Another system threatens with rain and/or snow from late Sunday into Tuesday. This system could turn into a monster storm for the Northeast US early next week and it wouldn’t take much to have a significant impact on the northern Mid-Atlantic…stay tuned and so much for an early spring.

One final note, clocks turn ahead an hour this weekend.

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12:45 PM | ****Active, colder pattern with multiple storm threats… possible burst of snow early Saturday eastern PA/NJ with inverted trough...second system can become a monster storm for NE US****

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain quite active across the nation during the next couple of weeks with most sections experiencing colder-than-normal conditions. In the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US, there may be as many as three storms during the next week or so presenting chances of rain and snow. The first threat of rain and snow will come from Friday into Saturday, the second system from late Sunday into Tuesday and this could turn into a monster storm for the NE US, and the potential exists for a third storm around the end of next week.  In all cases, the most favored areas for accumulating snow will be the usual interior, higher elevation locations, but even the I-95 corridor can get some accumulating snow; especially, to the north and west of the big cities.  One interesting aspect about the first storm, it will likely feature an inverted trough extending from the low pressure center over the western Atlantic to the Mid-Atlantic coastline early Saturday and will undergo rapid intensification…both of which can lead to a last minute burst of heavier snow in such places as eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

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