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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *An increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms during the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure to our west takes control of the weather today in the NYC metro region and it should result in rain-free conditions through mid-week. It will become quite warm, however, as temperatures climb well to 90 degrees today and into the lower 90’s on Wednesday, but overall humidity levels will remain fairly comfortable.  Later in the week, the humidity will climb to uncomfortable levels once again as a southerly low-level flow of air develops on the backside of high pressure which will shift to the east of here. With the rise in moisture, there will be an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic region both on Thursday and Friday and this renewed threat of rain will continue through the weekend as well.

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7:00 AM | *A less humid air mass on the heels of weekend downpours*

Paul Dorian

After a very wet weekend in the Mid-Atlantic, the weather will settle down over the next few days and a more comfortable air mass with lower humidity has pushed into the region from the northwest. There can still be isolated showers and thunderstorms later today; however, Tuesday and Wednesday should be rain-free and it’ll turn very warm. Humidity levels will build back up later this week and this will come with an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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9:30 AM (Sunday) | ***Torrential rain threat continues for another day in the Mid-Atlantic region after numerous downpours on Saturday…severe thunderstorms a possibility as well***

Paul Dorian

Many parts of the Mid-Atlantic region were hit by downpours on Saturday and the threat for more torrential rain continues today as we close out the weekend.  A vigorous system sliding east across the Ohio Valley will enhance upward motion in the region and low-level moisture remains high. As a result, any shower or thunderstorm that forms later today and tonight can produce significant rainfall amounts on top of what fell yesterday leading to flash flooding concerns. In addition, enough destabilization may occur in the atmosphere to help generate sever thunderstorm activity which could bring damaging wind gusts to many areas.

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6:45 AM | **Potent system brings chance of heavy rain/severe storms on Sunday**

Paul Dorian

The combination of high low-level moisture content and an incoming frontal system will keep the atmosphere somewhat unstable today in the NYC metro region. As a result, there can be some shower and thunderstorm activity with the highest chance to the north and west of the immediate metro area. After perhaps a little bit of a reduction in the chances for rain on Saturday, a potent system is likely to drop southeast on Sunday from the Great Lakes to the Mid-Atlantic region. This system is likely to bring heavy rain to the Mid-Atlantic region on Sunday and potentially some strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity.

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9:45 AM | ****Unsettled weather pattern and the threat of heavy rain continues in the Mid-Atlantic region…potent system on Sunday to extend chances for heavy rainfall****

Paul Dorian

The combination of high low-level moisture content and a couple of frontal systems will keep the atmosphere very unstable in the Mid-Atlantic region for the next few days. Any shower or thunderstorm that develops from later today into Saturday can produce heavy rainfall amounts given the high moisture levels and the expected slow movement due to an overall weak wind field and little steering flow. A potent system is likely to drop southeast on Sunday from the Great Lakes to the Mid-Atlantic region and this next system is likely to extend the chances for heavy rainfall and bring about a chance for severe thunderstorms as well.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather pattern (and threat of heavy rain) to continue into early next week*

Paul Dorian

High moisture content in the lower part of the atmosphere and a weak frontal system stationed nearby can help to generate scattered afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms in the NYC metro area. The unsettled weather pattern will continue on Friday as a cool front approaches the region from the west enhancing instability in the lower part of the atmosphere.  Any shower or thunderstorm that forms over the next couple of days can produce significant rainfall amounts given the high moisture content and the expected slow movement of rain cells in the area. This active weather pattern will continue this weekend and a potent system headed this way for Sunday can result in a more widespread, heavy rain event for the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *The holiday brings with it a continuing chance of PM showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

A front pushed into the region on Monday and has stalled-out nearby resulting in a continuation of unstable atmospheric conditions. As such, the chance for showers and thunderstorms will continue today with the highest chance during the afternoon and early evening hours. The front tends to dissipate by tomorrow and this may reduce chances for rain slightly on both Wednesday and Thursday. The unsettled weather pattern will return in full force, however, by the end of the week and for the weekend as well.

One final note, if you thought June was on the cool side of normal in the Mid-Atlantic region, you were correct. The month of June ended up 2.9 degrees below-normal in Philadelphia, 2.2 degrees below-normal in D.C., and 2.0 degrees cooler-than-normal in Central Park (NY). Temperatures reached the 90 degree mark for highs only once during the entire month in both Philadelphia and New York City and only four times in Washington, D.C. The month of May was also cooler-than-normal in all three Mid-Atlantic locations.

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1:10 PM (Monday) | ***Severe thunderstorms a threat again for later today/early tonight in the Mid-Atlantic region…a somewhat similar repeat performance expected on Tuesday, Independence Day***

Paul Dorian

The combination of an upper-level trough, high moisture content in the lower atmosphere, and a weak frontal boundary zone will be enough to result in very unstable atmospheric conditions in the Mid-Atlantic region from later today into early tonight enhancing the chance for severe thunderstorm activity. A somewhat similar setup will continue the chance of showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday, the 4th of July, with the greatest chance once again coming during the afternoon and early evening hours. Not all areas will get hit during this next 36 hours, but any thunderstorm that does form can contain torrential downpours, damaging wind gusts, hail and even an isolated tornado or two. The overall unsettled weather pattern that began in late June may relax a bit on Wednesday and Thursday; however, it should resume in full force by the end of the shortened work week and continue through the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Strong storm threat later today/early tonight and again for the 4th of July*

Paul Dorian

A front will approach the region later today and likely bring with it afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms.  Any thunderstorm later today and early tonight can be on the strong side with heavy rain and gusty winds. Unfortunately, the frontal system will hang nearby on Tuesday - the 4th of July - and the weather will be pretty much a repeat performance of today with the chance of PM showers and thunderstorms. The front will dissipate some by mid-week and the chance of showers and thunderstorms may become somewhat diminished on Wednesday and Thursday; however, the overall unsettled weather pattern lasts right into the upcoming weekend.

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