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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

11:50 AM (Sat.) | ***Big-time changes coming to the Mid-Atlantic with much more comfortable conditions from Sunday through Wednesday…transition to bring another round of heavy showers/severe storms***

Paul Dorian

A big-time change is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region with much more comfortable conditions for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The transition from the brief stint of high heat and humidity to the cooler temperatures and lower humidity will come with another round of heavy showers and strong thunderstorms. A cool front drops southeast today across the eastern Great Lakes and passes through the Mid-Atlantic in the overnight hours paving the way for those big-time changes.

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6:45 AM | **Hot again today with highs well up in the 90's...showers/storms later tomorrow...big-time relief for Sunday through Wednesday**

Paul Dorian

Today is likely to turn out to be the worst day in this brief stretch of high heat and humidity with afternoon highs well up in the 90’s and dew points at 70+ degrees.  It remains hot going into the weekend, but big changes are on the way. A cool front will approach the region later tomorrow likely accompanied by showers and thunderstorms.  Some of the storms on Saturday can be strong and some of the rain can be heavy. Following the passage of the front on Saturday night, big-time relief will push into the Mid-Atlantic region for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Temperatures on those days will be below-normal for late July and humidity will be noticeably lower than on Thursday or today.

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7:00 AM | ***High heat and humidity next two pattern continues with threat of heavy showers/strong storms later today and again on Saturday...big-time relief by Sunday***

Paul Dorian

The next two days will feature high heat and humidity in the NYC metro region with high temperatures up in the 90’s and dew points in the 70’s. The active weather pattern of late will continue as well over the next few days with the threat of heavy showers and strong thunderstorms later today and again on Saturday. The culprit today will be yet another wave of energy dropping southeast across the Great Lakes and the Saturday threat comes ahead of an incoming strong cool front. The passage of the cool front on Saturday night will bring us significant relief in the heat and humidity for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | **Hottest weather so far comes on Thursday and Friday with highs well up in the 90's...another threat of showers and storms later tomorrow...relief in the heat arrives this weekend**

Paul Dorian

After another pounding late yesterday in terms of strong thunderstorms and torrential rainfall, today should feature rain-free and very warm conditions as high pressure pushes off the east coast. The repositioning of the high pressure to the east of here will allow for the advance to the north and east of a hotter air mass that will impact us tomorrow and Friday. In fact, the next two days are likely to feature high temperatures well up in the 90’s - the hottest weather so far this summer season. There is a chance that tomorrow and Friday indeed turn out to be the hottest days of the year…we’ll know more about that in coming days and weeks.

In addition to the heat on Thursday, there will be yet another wave of energy dropping to the south and east across the Great Lakes and, yes, this system will again enhance the chance for strong thunderstorms and heavy rainfall in the I-95 corridor…most probable during the late afternoon/evening hours. Looking ahead, its stays hot on Saturday ahead of an incoming cool front and the passage of the front will usher in much more comfortable air to the Mid-Atlantic region for Sunday and Monday.

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10:30 AM | ***Heavy showers and severe thunderstorms on the table for today and again late Thursday as the active weather pattern continues in the Mid-Atlantic region***

Paul Dorian

The main weather story getting attention this week in the Mid-Atlantic region is the heat that is coming for much of the second half. However, perhaps even more important is the threat of more heavy downpours and possible severe thunderstorms both today and likely again later Thursday. The overall active weather pattern is continuing in this part of the nation as waves of energy continue to rotate through the base of a large-scale upper-level trough.

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7:00 AM | **Heavy showers/strong-to-severe storms a threat weather most intense on Thursday and Friday...relief arrives this weekend**

Paul Dorian

Yet another wave of energy will rotate through the base of a large-scale upper-level trough of low pressure later today and this will enhance the chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic region. Some of the rain later today can be heavy and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels with powerful wind gusts and hail. High pressure will then push off the coast at mid-week allowing for a hot air mass from the middle of the country to expand to the north and east. As a result, temperatures should reach 90 degrees here on Wednesday and then likely well up in the 90’s on Thursday and Friday - these two days may turn out to be the hottest of the year.  A cool front will approach the area on Saturday – possibly accompanied by heavy showers and strong thunderstorms – and much more comfortable air is destined to reach us on Sunday following the passage of the frontal system.

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10:00 AM | *Hottest weather so far this summer expands to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday…transition day likely on Saturday as cooler air should return by Sunday*

Paul Dorian

The hottest weather of the summer season so far is headed to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US for the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday time period. The hot weather can extend into Saturday, but it looks like a cool front will approach the region and a transition back to cooler conditions takes place for the second half of the upcoming weekend.  The hottest day in this upcoming stretch could turn out to be on Friday when temperatures climb well up into the 90’s along much of the I-95 corridor and the DC metro can even have a flirtation with the 100 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | **Showers and thunderstorms are possible today...hottest weather so far this summer coming on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday**

Paul Dorian

The atmosphere is already quite unsettled this morning in the Mid-Atlantic region as another disturbance pushes through and there can be a shower or thunderstorm at just about any time and some of the rain today can be heavy at times. After a comfortable weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region, temperatures will remain at moderately warm levels today, but then likely soar well up into the 90’s during the second half of the week…indeed, the hottest weather so far this summer in the Wednesday through Friday time period. High pressure will shift off the coast by mid-week opening the door for hotter air to push east from the center of the nation.

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6:30 AM | *Showers and thunderstorms linger today as a frontal system works its way through the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

Showers and thunderstorms remain a threat in the area today as a cold front slowly works its way through the area from northwest-to-southeast. Any storm can be on the strong side and some of the rain can be heavy at times. Following the passage of the front, skies will clear later tonight, and the weekend can actually feature back-to-back rain-free days for a change - something not seen here much this summer season. Temperatures will be moderately warm today and during the weekend with highs confined to 80’s.

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10:15 AM (Thursday) | ***Threat of heavy downpours/strong storms late tonight/early Friday in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor***

Paul Dorian

There is a threat for scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and early evening in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and more numerous showers and thunderstorms are likely late tonight and early Friday. Any of the showers and thunderstorms from later today into Friday morning can result in heavy downpours and localized flash flooding. A combination of ingredients will come together to destabilize the atmosphere and the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase in the overnight hours. Any storm that forms for the late night/early Friday hours can be strong and heavy downpours are on the table.  The frontal system involved will push through the area later tomorrow likely setting the stage for back-to-back rain-free days this weekend featuring moderately warm conditions.

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