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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | **Unsettled into tomorrow with the chance of showers and PM thunderstorms are possible...Idalia now a hurricane is headed for an early Wednesday landfall along Florida's Gulf coast**

Paul Dorian

A stalled-out frontal system will keep it unsettled around here with some drizzle possible this morning and the chance of showers during the afternoon. Thunderstorms can mix into the picture later today and tonight and some of the rain that falls can be heavy at times. Temperatures will remain in the comfortable zone for the latter part of August with highs later today in the upper 70’s. High pressure will then likely take control of the weather for the second half of the week as it looks like the remnants of Hurricane Idalia will stay to our southeast. Hurricane Idalia is likely to reach “major” hurricane status before making landfall early tomorrow along Florida’s Gulf coast.

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2:30 PM | ***”Idalia” likely to reach “major” hurricane status before landfall at mid-week along Florida’s Gulf coast…”Franklin” now a category 4 hurricane to head out to the North Atlantic***

Paul Dorian

Franklin has climbed to category 4 “major” hurricane status and will fortunately spend its time in the foreseeable future over the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. While it does bring tropical storm conditions to Bermuda early Wednesday, a deep trough moving off the NE US coastline will help to steer it northeastward and out to the open waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Meanwhile, “Idalia” has reached strong tropical storm status today and is knocking on the doorstep of being declared a full-fledged hurricane. Tropical Storm Idalia will spill out over the eastern Gulf of Mexico by early Tuesday, begin an intensification process, and likely reach the Gulf coast region of Florida early Wednesday to the north of the Tampa Bay region.

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7:00 AM | **Comfortable temperatures and unsettled in Mid-Atlantic next couple of days...watching TS Idalia which hits western Florida by mid-week potentially as a "major" hurricane**

Paul Dorian

The week begins with high pressure to our north and a frontal system to our south that will soon begin a movement to the north. This front stalls nearby later tonight and Tuesday and then a cool front approaches on Tuesday night. As a result, showers cannot be rule out later tonight and are likely by later tomorrow and tomorrow night and thunderstorms can mix into the picture. High pressure will try to take control of the weather later this week, but we’ll have to watch the northward advancement of Tropical Storm Idalia. TS Idalia is likely to strengthen to “major” hurricane status before hitting the west side of Florida around late Tuesday night and then push northeastward to the Carolinas. Given this track, winds could become an issue by Thursday across places like southeastern Virginia and the Delmarva Peninsula…a system to closely monitor in coming days.

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6:30 AM | *Occasional showers and thunderstorms to end the work week*

Paul Dorian

The weather remains unsettled in the NYC metro region as we end the work week with occasional showers and thunderstorms…some of the rain will be heavy at times. It turns warmer today compared to Thursday following the passage of a warm frontal system. The weekend should feature better overall conditions with moderate temperatures and generally rain-free conditions although a shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out from time-to-time.

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7:00 AM | **Unsettled weather pattern brings occasional showers and storms to the Mid-Atlantic region**

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging continues to be centered over the central states and active weather has developed in northwest flow across its outer perimeter region. As a result, there will be occasional showers here and scattered thunderstorms are likely as well…some of the rain that falls in this unsettled period can be heavy at times. Temperatures today are likely to be held in the low-to-mid 70’s for afternoon highs, but should climb back to near 80 degrees on Friday following the passage of a warm front and ahead of the next cool front.

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1:20 PM | ***Active weather in the ”ring of fire”…TS Franklin may reach "major" hurricane status…”Harold’s” moisture hits the Four Corner states…intense heat wave with very high humidity levels***

Paul Dorian

A lot is going on in the world of weather highlighted by multiple tropical systems, an intense heat wave with very high humidity levels anchored by very strong upper-level high pressure ridging, and very active weather in the “ring of fire” around the outer perimeter of that same high pressure system. On the tropical scene, Tropical Storm Franklin is pounding away today at Haiti and the Dominican Republic and once it bypasses this high-terrain Caribbean island of Hispaniola into the open waters of the Southwest Atlantic, it will intensify into a hurricane with a decent chance of attaining “major” categorization of 3 or higher. Meanwhile, the moisture associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Harold which pounded southern Texas earlier this week will douse the Four Corner states during the next couple of days. Finally, there is the chance that a tropical systems forms this weekend in Caribbean Sea and it could move north next week and impact portions of the Southeast US.

Elsewhere, very strong ridging of high pressure over the nation’s midsection is anchoring an intense heat wave from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf coast. This heat wave is made worse by very high humidity levels that have featured dew points as high as 80 degrees in some spots.  On the outer perimeter of this very strong high pressure ridge is a region that I like to refer to as the “ring of fire”, there is some very active weather that is bringing heavy showers and strong thunderstorms to the eastern Great Lakes. This “ring of fire” activity will spread to the south and east bringing heavy showers and strong thunderstorms to the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US during the next couple of days.

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7:00 AM | *Another comfortable day in the Mid-Atlantic region with high pressure in control, but unsettled weather about to make a return*

Paul Dorian

High pressure that originated in Canada will move overhead today generating another nice day in the Mid-Atlantic region with comfortable temperatures and low humidity levels. While the pleasant weather pattern continues here in the Mid-Atlantic region, strong upper-level ridging in the middle of the country is resulting in a blistering heat wave from the Upper Midwest to the Gulf coast. The weather here turns much more unsettled again by late tonight and tomorrow as we’ll have to deal with first a warm frontal system and then a cold front. The end result will be the threat of showers and thunderstorms from late tonight into Saturday - and some of the rain can be heavy at times.

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7:00 AM | *Some ten degrees cooler today following the passage of a cool front*

Paul Dorian

A cool front passed through the region early this morning and temperatures will average some ten degrees cooler this afternoon as compared with Monday.  High pressure that originated in Canada will control the weather for the next couple of days and a developing upper-level trough later in the week will bring a return to somewhat unsettled weather in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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6:45 AM | *The passage of a cool front leads to a comfortably cool Friday night and a pleasant Saturday...warmer on Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

A cool front will clear the coast this morning and usher in a comfortable air mass for the Mid-Atlantic region. Humidity will lower today as a westerly breeze picks up and temperatures late tonight will drop to cooler levels seen around here in quite awhile. It stays pleasant on Saturday with plenty of sunshine expected and turns warmer on Sunday and Monday. Peak temperatures on Saturday afternoon should be near the 80 degree mark and then closer to 90 degrees by Monday afternoon just ahead of the next cool front.

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