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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

10:30 AM | **Much warmer weather pattern begins early next week across the eastern half of the nation coinciding pretty closely with the transition from April to May**

Paul Dorian

There have been occasional cold air outbreaks from Canada into the Northeast US and Mid-Atlantic region during the month of April and this week will be no exception. In fact, low temperatures this morning were in the 30’s across many suburban locations along the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor with scattered frost in some areas. Another chilly air mass will push into the northeastern states at mid-week following the passage of a strong cold front and early Thursday morning is likely to feature more low temperatures in the 30’s with patchy frost again on the table.

Next week, however, will feature a big-time warmup across the eastern half of the nation coinciding pretty well with the transition from April into May. Temperatures can climb well up into the 70’s by Sunday afternoon in places like DC, Philly, and New York City and 80+ degrees is possible for highs on Monday and the upcoming pattern change will result in far less frequent outbreaks of chilly air from Canada into the US.

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7:00 AM | *A cool week in the Mid-Atlantic region featuring overnight lows in the 30's and some patchy frost*

Paul Dorian

This will be a rather chilly week in the Mid-Atlantic region with multiple nights featuring overnight lows in the 30’s in suburban locations and some patchy frost . The week starts off with high pressure in control and temperatures on the cool side and a strong cold front will pass through late Wednesday. The mid-week frontal passage will usher in a reinforcing chilly air mass to the Mid-Atlantic region that’ll stick around into the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *A nice day today, but somewhat unsettled for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure builds into the region today following the passage of a cool front late in the day on Monday. A series of fronts and weak low pressure systems will impact the region during the second half of the week with the threat of showers from time-to-time and perhaps a couple of thunderstorms mixed into the picture. High pressure will return to the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A warm day to start off the new work week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure builds into the region later today following the passage of a cool front which will be close enough that it can still spark an isolated shower or two. A series of frontal systems and low pressure areas will impact the region during the second half of the week with the threat of showers from time-to-time.

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6:45 AM | **Still the threat of showers around here today and there can be a thunderstorm mixed in...any thunderstorm can generate small hail**

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will slide through the region this morning and then a second one late today/early tonight. As a result, the threat of showers will continue around here right into the evening hours and there can be a thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture...any thunderstorm today can generate some small hail. It’ll turn noticeably cooler later tonight following the passage of the second front and the weekend will start off on the cool, windy side as high pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region. It turns milder on Sunday, but remains unsettled with the threat of late day and nighttime showers as low pressure heads to our north.

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7:00 AM | **Cold front approaches later today with numerous PM showers, maybe a thunderstorm...rain/thunderstorm threat continues on Friday...some of the rain will be heavy**

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will head in this direction later today and it is going to generate numerous showers around here and maybe a thunderstorm or two. The threat of rain and thunderstorms will continue on Friday, some of the rain will be heavy at times during the next 36 hours, and any thunderstorm can generate small hail. It’ll turn noticeably cooler later tomorrow night following the passage of the cold front and the weekend will start off on the cool, windy side as high pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region. It turns warmer early next week with 70 degrees possible for highs by Monday afternoon.

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7:00 AM | *The threat of showers returns to the NYC metro region for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

Yesterday turned out to be a very warm day in the Mid-Atlantic region with many areas flirting with the 80 degree mark for afternoon highs. Today will be cooler in the NYC metro region as a southeasterly low-level flow develops and afternoon temperatures are likely to peak near the 60 degree mark. A strong cold front heads this way later Thursday and this system is likely to generate numerous showers around here, maybe a thunderstorm, and some of the rain can heavy at times into the day on Friday. High pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region for the upcoming weekend.

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