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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: DEN

11:15 AM | *A “back and forth” temperature pattern likely to set the stage for multiple severe weather outbreaks during the month of March*

Paul Dorian

Today’s weather features above-normal temperatures across much of the nation and the remainder of the week will be generally on the mild side including in the Mid-Atlantic region where high temperatures of 60+ degrees will be commonplace. As nice as it may feel during the next few days, it appears likely that additional cold air outbreaks will make their way from Canada into the US during the next few weeks and this “back and forth” in temperatures could set the stage for multiple severe weather outbreaks during the month of March perhaps with a focus in the region from the Gulf coast to the Tennessee Valley. As the new month progresses, increasing strength of the sun will allow for warmer air masses to develop down across the southern states and any incoming cold air mass from Canada can produce “clash zones” with the prospects of severe weather. One such threat could take place next week somewhere in the middle of the nation with cold air from the north and west pushing towards warm, humid air to the south and east and there can be a repeat performance in the week to follow.

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7:00 AM | **Very windy conditions to start what looks to be quite a mild week**

Paul Dorian

It’ll be very windy today in the both the mountains and the foothills with gusts past 50 mph possible in some areas. Temperatures will be quite mild in the Denver metro to start the week with afternoon highs nearing the 70 degree mark. In fact, warmer than normal conditions should be the rule for much of the week with the one exception being on Wednesday following the passage of a cold front.

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7:00 AM | **Warming trend brings us back to the 60's during the first half of next week**

Paul Dorian

There can be some residual snow this morning across the foothills and adjacent plains, but the overall pattern will then change to warmer and less unsettled. Temperatures this afternoon will likely peak in the lower 40’s and then reach 50+ degrees on Friday. Looking ahead, 60+ degrees is on the table for high temperatures during the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | **A continuation of bitter cold conditions, but there is light at then end of the tunnel**

Paul Dorian

Very cold conditions will persist for a little while longer, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Temperatures will do no better today than 20 degrees for afternoon highs and should plunge later tonight to near 10 degrees for overnight lows. It stays cold on Thursday, but then the chill will fade way, and temperatures may climb to 60+ degrees for highs by the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | ***Very cold conditions continue next few days, but much milder by the late weekend***

Paul Dorian

Bitter cold conditions will stick around the region for another few days, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Temperatures will do no better today than the lower 20’s for afternoon highs and should plunge later tonight into the low-to-middle single digits for overnight lows. It stays quite cold into the late week, but then the chill will fade way, and temperatures may climb to 60 degrees for highs later in the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Lots of mountain snows between tonight and late Saturday night**

Paul Dorian

Mild across the metro region today and there will the threat for some rain during the afternoon hours. In the mountains to the west, prolonger snow starts tonight and likely continues right through tomorrow night with moderate to heavy accumulations expected. The overall active weather pattern continues into next week with the potential of another storm system to deal with in the Monday/Tuesday time frame.

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****Strong storm pounds western US...reaches northeastern states this weekend...very cold next week...mid-week east coast major storm threat****

Paul Dorian

A major storm system will pound the western states during the next couple of days and it will then trek across the nation and wreak havoc in the eastern states this weekend. In California, the rainfall in coming days will be heavy all along low-lying coastal sections from Oregon to the Mexican border, and snowfall will be measured by the foot in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. By the early part of the upcoming weekend, this same storm system will bring flooding rainfall to the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and then significant snow is likely on Sunday across interior New York State and New England.

In the Mid-Atlantic region, there will be plenty of rainfall this weekend; however, it is likely to be preceded on the front-end by snow and accumulations are possible; especially, to the north of the PA/MD border. Cold air will pour into the eastern states following this weekend storm system and next week is indeed looking very cold across the eastern two-thirds of the nation. Low pressure is likely to gather strength in the southern states by the middle of next week aided by an influx of Gulf moisture and it could become a major east coast storm system by later Wednesday or Thursday.

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11:30 AM | ***Active pattern continues...double-barrel weekend storm system with snow or ice possible on the front end...rain to follow...possibly heavy...east coast storm threat later next week***

Paul Dorian

One low pressure system is pulling away this morning and another one is following right on its heels and will end up over the eastern Great Lakes by early Thursday. There will be some snow shower activity in the Mid-Atlantic region during the next several hours and then (light) mixed precipitation late today/early tonight should change to plain rain by late tonight/early tomorrow. Another storm system will hit the Mid-Atlantic region during the weekend and it’ll have an impact on both Saturday and Saturday. At the front end, there can be a burst of snow and/or sleet later Saturday morning or mid-day...perhaps even some accumulations north of the PA/MD border...and then rain is likely on Saturday night and Sunday. In fact, some of the rain can be heavy at times which would raise some flooding concerns given the combination of the rain with melting snow. A strong cold front pushes through the Mid-Atlantic later Sunday ushering in much colder-than-normal air mass for the first half of next week. By the middle of next week, we’ll have to watch for the possibility of an east coast storm system that would have plenty of cold air to work with in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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