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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Hurricane Dorian continues to pound away on the eastern part of Florida***

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Dorian continues to pound the eastern part of Florida and will begin a slow turn to the northwest today that will gradually take the storm up along the east coast of the state. Over the next couple of days, Dorian will slide up along the SE US coastline and will be in a position near the Outer Banks of North Carolina by early Friday. After that, Dorian will push to the northeast off the Mid-Atlantic and New England coastlines and there is likely to be some impact in coastal sections of the Delmarva Peninsula on Thursday night and Friday.

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10:35 AM (Friday) | ***Hurricane Dorian continues on a track towards the Bahamas and Florida…could reach category 4 status...a slow-down is likely…potential turn up the east coast next week***

Paul Dorian

A serious weather situation continues to unfold as Hurricane Dorian intensifies and continues on a path towards the Bahamas and Florida with possible landfall later Monday into Tuesday.  Hurricane Dorian has reached category 2 status as of early Friday morning and could reach “major” hurricane status (i.e., category 3) later in the day.  High pressure ridging in the upper part of the atmosphere is a key player in the intensification and movement of Hurricane Dorian and it should result in additional strengthening over the next couple of days – perhaps to category 4 status. 

As Hurricane Dorian nears the northwestern Bahamas later this weekend, the upper-level ridge will tend to weaken and this is likely to result in a slowing down of the system.  The weakening ridge may also allow for a turn to the northwest as Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida and then a turn to the north and northeast once near or just over land.  This could very well result in a slow trek up along the eastern seaboard later next week; in other words, we may still be talking about Hurricane Dorian a week from now. 

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7:00 AM | *Closely monitoring Hurricane Dorian*

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Dorian is churning NW over the warm waters of the southwestern Atlantic and it will encounter more favorable atmospheric and oceanic conditions in coming days that can result in intensification to “major” hurricane status. There will be a strong ridge of high pressure building over the western Atlantic over the next couple of days and this will likely result in a shift from northwest-to-west and set Dorian on a path right towards the Florida Peninsula. There are some signs that the ridging to the north will weaken late in the weekend and this could lead to a last minute turn by Dorian to the northwest or north and potentially a slowing down of the storm which would raise the possibility of serious flooding near the east coast. Stay tuned.

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12:15 PM | ***Hurricane Dorian continues on a track towards the Bahamas and Florida...likely to become a “major” hurricane…residents in Georgia and the Carolinas need to stay on guard as well***

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Dorian continues to move to the northwest and is still categorized as a category 1 storm with max sustained winds at 85 mph.  There have been intermittent signs of a small inner eye in satellite imagery during the past few hours.  As atmospheric and oceanic conditions become more favorable over the next few days, Dorian is likely to strengthen into “major” hurricane status as it begins a shift from northwest-to-west with intensifying upper-level ridging to the north.  On this track, Dorian would approach the east coast of Florida on Monday or Tuesday – likely as a “major” – but all residents from the Carolinas to Georgia have to stay on guard as a last minute turn to the northwest/north cannot be ruled out before it ever even reaches Florida.

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7:00 AM | **Closely monitoring Hurricane Dorian**

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Dorian has pushed past the Caribbean islands of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands and is now over the warm waters of the southwestern Atlantic. Oceanic and atmospheric conditions will become more favorable for additional strengthening over the next few days and attainment of “major” hurricane status for Dorian is on the table. There will be a strong ridge of high pressure building over the western Atlantic later in the week which could push the system westward towards the east-central coast of Florida. In fact, there is a chance that the westward flow of air could push the system all the way across Florida and into the Gulf of Mexico which would, of course, raise the possibility of a second hit on the US in the northern Gulf coastal region. There are some signs that the steering flow will weaken as Dorian nears landfall and this could cause a dramatic slow-down which could substantially increase chances for flooding. Stay tuned.

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11:35 AM | ***A more threatening situation for the Bahamas and perhaps Florida, but the rest of the Southeast US has to stay on guard as well..."major" hurricane on the table***

Paul Dorian

All residents from North Carolina to Florida should closely monitor Tropical Storm Dorian over the next few days as it can have a major impact by later this weekend or early next week in any part of this region.  Tropical Storm Dorian has strengthened over the past 12-18 hours and has effectively fought off dry air over the Caribbean Sea.  In addition, the current track will take the storm over Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the near term – largely avoiding the island of Hispaniola which could have resulted in substantial weakening given its rugged terrain.  Once TS Dorian makes it past the Caribbean islands and into the southwestern Atlantic, it’ll move over very warm waters and encounter more favorable environmental conditions (e.g., low wind shear) for intensification.  If TS Dorian doesn’t reach hurricane status in the next several hours, it is very likely to in the next day or two once out over the southwest Atlantic Ocean and “major” (category 3+) hurricane status is certainly on the table in a few days.

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7:00 AM | *Monitoring Tropical Storm Dorian now closing in on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Dorian has increased slightly in intensity over the past 24 hours and it is now headed towards Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The overall scituation is looking more ominous as the storm looks likely it'll avoid much interaction with Hispaniola and it has effectively battled the dry air over the Caribbean. Once it passes by the Caribbean islands, it'll move over very warm waters of the southwestern Atlantic and intensification to hurricane status is quite likely. By the weekend, we could very well be dealing with a cat 1 or 2 hurricane closing in on the east coast of Florida, but all residents from the Carolinas to Florida should stay on guard.

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7:00 AM | *High moisture content around active tropical scene*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough has set up shop to our west and this has resulted in plenty of moisture for our area and the chance for showers and thunderstorms will continue for another couple of days. On the tropical scene, a tropical system off the east coast will continue to push to the northeast over the next couple days and it could intensify into tropical storm status. Tropical Storm ‘Dorian’ has picked up slightly in intensity during the past 24 hours as it closes in on the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. It is likely to encounter some dry air over the next couple of days and could take a path near or over Puerto Rico and then the island of Hispaniola.

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1:25 PM | *Tropical Storm Dorian approaching the Windward Islands…could reach hurricane status in the near term over the eastern Caribbean, but will battle with dry air*

Paul Dorian

After a quiet start to the month in terms of Atlantic Basin tropical activity, the last week of August is beginning with one tropical system over the western Atlantic Ocean and a tropical storm nearing the Caribbean Sea.  Tropical Storm Dorian is fast approaching the Windward Islands and it could become a hurricane once over the warm waters of the eastern Caribbean.  There is currently some dry air over the Caribbean Sea out ahead of Tropical Storm Dorian which could limit its intensification prospects later in the week and its ultimate track will be quite crucial.  A track over the rugged terrain of Hispaniola Island, for example, would likely weaken the system, but that is not a certainty at this point. Finally, the eventual path and intensification of the initial tropical system over the western Atlantic could, in turn, have an impact on TS Dorian depending on its movement and development in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *Lots of moisture and some rain as we begin the last week of August*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough has set up shop just to our west and this has aided in pushing deep moisture into our area and the result is likely to be more in the way of light-to-moderate rain and possibly a thunderstorm or two. In fact, the chances for rain will remain for the next couple of days as we turn quite warm again in northern Alabama. On the tropical scene, a tropical system off the east coast will continue to push to the northeast over the next couple days and it could intensify into tropical storm status. Tropical Storm ‘Dorian’ has picked up slightly in intensity during the past 24 hours as it closes in on the Windward Islands and eastern Caribbean. Its maximum sustained winds are now up to 60 mph with movement to the west at 14 mph.

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